New Half-Life2 character?


Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
0 has a new mystery banner -- Is this a new character from Half-Life2? :farmer:


  • main_NA.jpeg
    19.9 KB · Views: 458
Nope, it's ATi's new 'graphics chick' like the fairy woman for nVidia.
Nah, that could either be a technology demo or a different game...
I think there was already a thread about this. Someone mentioned that her hand's look like Alyx's. But now that I see the face I can definitely say it isn't Alyx. Looks a bit to cartoonish to be Hl2, but I guess it could be concept art.

Look at the pointy hair. Half life isn't going to have some Japanamation hairstyled character. Unless Valve has to get Cartoon Network and Sony to sponsor HL3.

lol cant believe he thought it was a new hl2 character! sorry hehehe
Abom said:
Nope, it's ATi's new 'graphics chick' like the fairy woman for nVidia.

Where can we find a full screenshot of her? Looks pretty neat. :smoking:

No I just use Mozilla.
I like her hair, I'm going to get mine done like that :)

But in the manliest possible way, of course ;)

Oh, and :LOL: at the thread :E
There were hacks to see the fairy woman naked. I'm deadly serious.
ComradeBadger said:
I like her hair, I'm going to get mine done like that :)

But in the manliest possible way, of course ;)

Oh, and :LOL: at the thread

I saw the pic that Redundant linked to. I was just testing you guys, since you are all so desperate to get any information relating to Half-Life2 :E
Rossell said:

No I just use Mozilla.

Those aren't hax, those are just uber skills due to lack of Lives...
Mr-Fusion said:
There were hacks to see the fairy woman naked. I'm deadly serious.

Actually, all you had to do was change fairy.exe to either quake3.exe or 3dmark03.exe and she'd be naked, this worked right out of the box (one enabled her antennae/wings, the other was her looking like a normal naked woman)
Shuzer said:
Actually, all you had to do was change fairy.exe to either quake3.exe or 3dmark03.exe and she'd be naked, this worked right out of the box (one enabled her antennae/wings, the other was her looking like a normal naked woman)
I wonder how you know...
Just kidding around, whatever tickles your pickle.
To be on topic, or on the current topic at least, ATI may generally beat nVidia in terms of their cards, but Ruby is not even close in poly count or overall detail to Nula.
TheSoupNazi said:
I wonder how you know...
Just kidding around, whatever tickles your pickle.
To be on topic, or on the current topic at least, ATI may generally beat nVidia in terms of their cards, but Ruby is not even close in poly count or overall detail to Nula.

I uh.. "heard" it from a friend ;)

lol, I kid.. I only knew because there was that opengl hack that allowed the Dawn demo to run on ATi cards.. naturally, there was a large topic detailing how to do all that kinda stuff to it, and I just had to test it.. ;)
shes 80,000 polys
nalu, nvidia's "chick", is 300,000.

i like nalu alot better but this doesnt reflect on the comparison of the x800 vs 6800ultra.
Shuzer said:
I uh.. "heard" it from a friend ;)

lol, I kid.. I only knew because there was that opengl hack that allowed the Dawn demo to run on ATi cards.. naturally, there was a large topic detailing how to do all that kinda stuff to it, and I just had to test it.. ;)
I can't say that I wouldn't.

And on ATI and nVidia, I have a Radeon 9700 Pro that I'm very happy with at the time. Maybe this summer I'll spring for something, but that's only if I make loads of cash.
this is just destined to turn into an ATi versus nVidia thread.
mortiz said:
this is just destined to turn into an ATi versus nVidia thread.

[RANT]I've got a 9800pro and I regret it. Their drivers suck, game companies seem to have a hard time making sure that the game will run on one properly (Battlefield : Vietnam anyone?) and the number of VPU errors I get is on the increase. It gets worse the newer the drivers are.

As soon as nVidia release the 6800 Ultra I'm going to buy one.[/RANT]

On topic though I didn't think that the banner was showing a new character, the art style is all wrong.