New HL2 Enemy??

I think it will light up when u pass its boundaries , alerting nearby combines of your position so they can kick ur HEV suit ASS!
I think I remember the rooler mines being "shiny" according to one of the reviews. My guess is that the roller mines are awfully similar to chrome spheres about the size of a basketball.
I think rollermines will be round balls with spikes on, well thats just my thought ne way
Maybe they are AI Spiders.

OR in other word AI MINES
Looks like a sort of mine that would activate itself when you get close, then run up to you and BAM! your dead.
Well, i take resposiblity, yes it's Roller Mine.
Actually, prototip of roller mines, react of human sense.Like Predator sense of termal.
David said:
Well, i take resposiblity, yes it's Roller Mine.
Actually, prototip of roller mines, react of human sense.Like Predator sense of termal.

No, it is not a rollermine. The rollermines are round and shiny and have spikes. What he posted in the pic is a mine that jumps in the air when you get close, and explodes.
beta spoilers removed

Theres at the very least, a variation of it.
I hav see that rollermines(in a web page)
but I will dont say anything more
jesus, it's a gunturret.. when you come close it will go up from the ground and start to shoot at you.. just as in hl1 but this one was on the roof...

end of discussion
Dougy said:
You know what?

im a beta punk and i have no f*cking clue what that is.
so maybe just maybe dont make assumptions next time.

IMO its a bouncing betty Combine style.

EDIT: after seeing this pic posted earlier

aint there force field things infront of the barriers? maybe they are shield generator things.

Carrrm Doooon wee man! I was saying those beta-punks who knew what it was and wanted to show off their 'awesome superior knowledge' because they've played the beta should shut up. If you've played the beta but dont know what it was and had no intention of ruining it for everyone, then why r u so uptight?!

Have a beer! :cheers:
obviously they are those electric zapper mines that climb onto your buggy, at least it would seem so!

edit: but it lacks spikes.... and rolling qualities :x
A picture of a rollermine exists as concept image hanging in the offices of VALVe. I think someone mentioned this before.
i tink they are a bit big for the jumping mine idea, maybe they are like the scanners that fly about the city but are designed for smaller spaces or different areas. Mayhaps they scuttle off to get combine help.
we are pretty sure they aren't because the mine thingies are spherical and have spikes...these could be anything, including dust on the lens.
That's actually VERY likely, DrEvil :).

famas_man, I'm going to send the idea to VALVe, see how they like the whole "Combine Cola" idea. I'd sure buy some!
famas_man said:
mmm Combine cola. where can I get my hands on some of that?
Well what do you think are in those yellow cans that fall out of the machine in the traptown vid? :)

Look closely at the car. Part of it is inside the sidewalk.

And above the ammo, the HUD is indicating that an NPC is following...

The Player is aiming at the joint of the Strider.

The Watch Tower from the Barricade Video is there.

Noclip is on if you look very very closely to the top-left corner, so this is obviously not a ground-level shot.
you are right on the car front, thats interesting because the other one nows where it is supposed to be, i hate these little bitty problems it's hard to figure out what they mean with regards quality.

Saying that it looks incredible enough for me never to want another game for as lkong as HL3 isn't released.
VALVe has definitely polished the HUD from the E3 2003 Build.
groovy said:
hey... "are they this are they that"

who cares!

WTF are you talking about... I don't get what you are saying
Definitely not rollermines... they were descrobed as being "Sputnik-like".

I'm going either with the bouncing-betty, or the shield generator idea.

New version of the laser tripmines?
Actually, they were 'Sputnik sized', which these things are.
No, I'm pretty sure it was "Pumpkin-sized" somewhere else. I distinctly read "Sputnik-like" in the one I'm thinking of.

Why would anyone liken something to Sputnik in terms of size? A little bit obscure for a dimensional comparison, no?
i guess its some kind of a trip mine, when u get into proximity it jumps towards you and barbecue