New HL2 leak?

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I can't see why moderators would post it on well known torrent sites. Time don't really need to tell anymore. you never know it might actually speed up the release date for hl2. If Valve know that its been leaked surly they would push the date forward to make this content old. It could even boast there sales.
I founded it. Its at a torrent site.

2k in size. Leaked by Torrentspinia
IchI said:
I can't see why moderators would post it on well known torrent sites. Time don't really need to tell anymore. you never know it might actually speed up the release date for hl2. If Valve know that its been leaked surly they would push the date forward to make this content old. It could even boast there sales.
hmmm, i dont think if it works like that..
G0rgon said:
I founded it. Its at a torrent site.

***** in size. Leaked by Torrentspinia

YOU founded it!!??!?! :p


I seriously hope no-one from this site will download it, every person that downloads, helps it to spread too. Also if this is new, you'll most likely ruin the story for you. Just wait for the game to come out, it shouldn't be too long anymore.
G0rgon said:
I founded it. Its at a torrent site.

*****Mbyte in size. Leaked by Torrentspinia

edit: thats not the name.
and dont show the damn file-size

I edited, because I dont want to say anything that helps anyone/promotes rumors.
Please don't post the name of the torrent.
G0rgon said:

OMG who the fuk did they leak it ???????? :(

I guess that qualifies for one of them bans :P

Edit: oh you changed your mind eh?
Isnt there any legal action Valve can take against torrent sites who leak?
MaxiKana said:
Please don't post the name of the torrent.

OK sorry Man, I copied the link and I forgot to edit it but now its OK.
Latest news indicated it is just the old leak, people who have d/led it say it is just the same
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Latest news indicated it is just the old leak, people who have d/led it say it is just the same

From what I dled so far I can confirm its HL2 but i'm not sure if its new rls or the old one...
Well it has pretty much the same file size. Why everyone is so suprised i dunno. It pops up in places every now and then.
:naughty: I am speaking to one of my 'soruces' downlaoding it now, and he is experiencing major slowness.
EviLGuY said:
From what I dled so far I can confirm its HL2 but i'm not sure if its new rls or the old one...

Try the e3 tech demo levels and see if all the textures are there, etc.
EviLGuY said:
From what I dled so far I can confirm its HL2 but i'm not sure if its new rls or the old one...
SO, DOWNLOADING IT ARE WE??? lol, j/k, yes download it and tell us wtf it is
Nickzer_Teh_Pwn said:
Latest news indicated it is just the old leak, people who have d/led it say it is just the same

i HOP you are right.

But..............right this second there is over 15000 Downloader are getting the file.............does that mean its the new build ? No idea. :hmph:
Currently, rumor has it it's just a re-release.
PainLord said:
Well it has pretty much the same file size. Why everyone is so suprised i dunno. It pops up on BT every now and then.
didnt you just say were to get it?
It is probbally the original release with the various map fixes and shit that people made added to it, completely and utterly pointless.
Tarkus said:
didnt you just say were to get it?

No he diddn't, people have been saying that it's on bt all over this thread. Calm down.
owow I hope it's just one big trojan. You start it and Gabe comes into view "Muahaha gotcha evil leaker! Who's your daddy now!"
G0rgon said:
i HOP you are right.

But..............right this second there is over 15000 Downloader are getting the file.............does that mean its the new build ? No idea. :hmph:
why does everyone always found these kind of things faster than me?
Don't get it people................its not worth it.............Augest is not far.
if it`s more then 1g it will take about 2 hours to download with t1 connection.
MaxiKana said:
No he diddn't, people have been saying that it's on bt all over this thread. Calm down.
ok, sorry, i'm just really jumpy

EDIT- wow this thread died real quick..
<Nickzer> what is the latest word on the irc leak?
<Nickzer> i mean
<Nickzer> torrent leak
<[*****]parasite> on www.*****.cc
<Aenox> well it's real - thats for certain
<Aenox> on ^
<[*****]parasite> yeah its all real
<Nickzer> ****ing hackers should get a life
<[*****]parasite> huh?
<Nickzer> they can suck my cock
<CrazyHarij> I've torrented the new Half-Life 2 thingie on suprnova.. so far it's all the same, but there are some differences involved, id say it was different
<CrazyHarij> 3dstudio max plugins, etc
<Nickzer> they should be put in jail and be raped every day
<Aenox> stfu Nickzer
<Nickzer> why?
<[*****]parasite> Nickzer dont make the bunny mad - We are all hackers here
<CrazyHarij> Can't reach *****.cc
* estling has joined #*****
<estling> NEJ
<estling> :D
<CrazyHarij> :D
<[*****]parasite> what the ****
* Goony has joined #*****
<CrazyHarij> People from #halflife2 are invading you, just FYI
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