New HL2 Video(s) Discussion

hinson said:
Did anyone notice a list of weapon in the arsenal is shown at the heli fighting scene>

Yeah, and I notice that it carried over into other scenes. You can see it start to fade the first time you see the hele, then its there when he's in the water, and its still there when it cuts to the hele part. And the guns don't change or anything.
So all these niggles people have had with the rappy quality teaser shall have been ironed out and it will be looking top titty. I cannot wait.
The lighting where you get to see the first manhack was kinda terrible too. It looks weird when you get to see the first Combine too. And this is supposed to be the latest build or something?
Alec_85 said:
The lighting where you get to see the first manhack was kinda terrible too. It looks weird when you get to see the first Combine too. And this is supposed to be the latest build or something?

hmm, u could say that, but I REccommend that you wait till we see the big demo and with HI RES off course. :D
Fender357 said:
Yeah, and I notice that it carried over into other scenes. You can see it start to fade the first time you see the hele, then its there when he's in the water, and its still there when it cuts to the hele part. And the guns don't change or anything.

But has anyone noticed that it's NOT like last years vids? ie not at the top.
the sky is really cool...
in my opinion hl2 is really great. i hate the plastic grafics from d3...
looks to me like they have the hdr implemented:

Corridor scene (where guard knocks on door): check out overhead lights glare
Strider scene: Cobblestones

Edit: not so sure about the corridor scene - could be a sprite.
Awesome, pure 100% adrenaline rush. I want to make games like that!
any chance of a link to this vid ? i carnt see ne thing on the fourms about it :/
Wow, it's like a film :D

I love the animations, they are superb.

I can't wait to see this kind of stuff in bink format!
It's now obvious to me, that HL2 was inspired by "1984" by George Orwel (check those screens with the man)
The video was kind of boring, actually. I liked seeing how the characters flow realistically and such. But I didn't feel as involved as I did in the previous E3. It was just a short trailer that didn't have a lot of life to it.
Murray_H said:
Eli seems to have aged considerably since the annoucement of the game and E3 04 (check out the white hair!)
The delays and code theft have probably stressed him out.
Oh come on! The chopper part was extremely realistic, if you think the bullets are odd then you have no idea what WW2 looked like.
I think that the lags is a result of the video compression used.
Well, nice video. But I have to admit. The primary reason why I think it rocks is that music!!! :D

Seriously though, HL2 looks better than ever :)
Apos said:
But look at the train moving thing: what the heck is going on at the very end when it looks like a whole nother car just pops into existence?
At 00:19? Or when?
Looks like it moveing in to a shadow. (train)

But its sure is just a bug.
You guys can trip on bars not showing reflections in water when 99% of everything else is reflected (ROTFL).

All I can say is after watching that video I am looking forward to inflicting mass descrution on the Combine this year! While I am playing this game and having fun I will be blissfully ignorant that my shadow is off by 2 degrees or the game sucks because I can't dig my bullets out of the walls from my bullet holes or the Gmans teeth are too white. ROTFL
ferd said:
It's now obvious to me, that HL2 was inspired by "1984" by George Orwel (check those screens with the man)

I've already read that in the HL2 facts thread (Send/Recieve), and the answer was no. However you could always mail them yourself.
The new teaser kinda looked like it, 1984 that is.
ferd said:
It's now obvious to me, that HL2 was inspired by "1984" by George Orwel (check those screens with the man)

HL2's story could have been inspired by alot of things, the 1984 refrences are just part of it, the first half-life had suttle refrences to other litrature to, and nearly every magazine artcle refered to the opening sequence as "orwellian" so i dont think laidlaw is trying to hide the connection.
Jarman said:
At 00:19? Or when?

In reference to the train carriage appearing: i think it's the result of LOD scaling implemented in the game combined with lower shadow complexity on distant objects...and yes in this instance it's a bit glitchy. Pure speculation by the way $.02
Yeah, I thought it was a bit wierd to that the train "jumped". Someone should email Valve :p
On the video i watched the colour was way out. Othere than that it was pretty good, seemed very different to the other video's though. Obvously HL2 is going to have alot of variety.
The 'Jump' Looks like the player moved the view a little, its not just the train that jumps, its the whole scene.

Also, the shadow if off the light that the scanner is producing as it passes by.
The thing I noticed is just how smooth the framerates were. Everything seemed to be going a lot faster and more exciting than in last year's vids, especially the scene with the manhacks and the helicopter.
The train looks like it's using an inverted "Gourad Shading" (sp?) used in the very first games of the Ridge Racer series. You know, when things POP up in the background like big houses etc. But in most games, things pop up when the player moves closer... NOT when objects move away from the player :)

*Wonders how anyone could invent such a stupid shading... Now every games have to have it :)*
This site is getting sooooooooooo slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww