New maps? Likey or no-likey??


Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Hey all,
Just wondering what everyones opinions were on the new maps!?

Underpass: Definatley the best, but quite a large, complex map.. and i'm sure it wouldnt go well with a small amount of players, but it's the smoothest out of the three and has best placment for all the objects.

Resistance: Nice map, thats all i really have for that one.

Power house: This one, well, to be honest... Is quite poor, IMO, and i dunno how there wernt any better than it out of the whole comp!?

So, wat are your thoughts??
I haven't been able to play yet, don't get my new pc for a couple of weeks.

Are there any screenshots of these levels? :O
I quite like powerhouse. Resistance is a lot of fun. I still havn't played underpass...

...being kicked off the computer hurts...
Shimoneous said:
Hey all,
Just wondering what everyones opinions were on the new maps!?

Underpass: Definatley the best, but quite a large, complex map.. and i'm sure it wouldnt go well with a small amount of players, but it's the smoothest out of the three and has best placment for all the objects.

Resistance: Nice map, thats all i really have for that one.

Power house: This one, well, to be honest... Is quite poor, IMO, and i dunno how there wernt any better than it out of the whole comp!?

So, wat are your thoughts??
pretty much what i though too,i got stuck in resistance which was quite annoying when trying to jump through a window to get into a room
I think they're three solid maps, i'd rate them at least 7/10. Underpass the worst of the three for me though, but still good.

Funnily enough some of the ones fileplanet released the other day (which I'm guessing were in the DM competition but didn't win) were even better than the three new steam levels, like motel, clocks, district33, torque, depot, avalon etc.

Shame so many servers are just stuck on a rotation of the 6 default maps when there's other quality maps out there.
Anyone notice that the new levels run better than the original dm maps? Anyway Underpass is superb, i love teh way the map revolves around the railway line, its like an arena. There was a map after underpass but i didn't catch the name but it was like a warehouse with a serious of labs, really nice lighting and i liked it more that underpass but may be it was because i was winning lol, shame the server crashed and the grenades started to fall through the floors (as well as thrown objects) Look forward to the other level. All in all i love it.
Underpass is friggin GORGEOUS.

I like Briscoe's map (he didn't finish it in time for the comp I don't think but it would have won if he had). Don't remember what it's called but it should be easy to find.
I had a go on Resistance earlier. Was the best HL2DM experience I've had for a few weeks :D

Played on Underpass before and that's an absolute classic.

Still to play on Powerhouse yet.
i think underpass is the best "official map" out its just real professional
i havent played resistance much only a few minutes my opinion so far is its so-so
and powerhouse doesnt really tickle my fancy i dont think large multi-level open areas work well with deathmatch maps
Seeing the screens of Powerhouse, it looks like a map that belongs in Quake games.
Underpass rocks, has so much atmosphere, really seems to fit in with the rest of the HL2 universe. I really enjoyed all the details the mapper put into it, like the areas you couldn't reach and the surrounding city. Excellent work.
Resistence was BORING! It looks good but really there's no flow to it and none of the items seem to have a relevant placings. Not to mention the fact that there doesn't seem to be any real theme to it, just a random bunch of HL2 detail models stuck around a warehouse.
Powerhouse is ok, looks nice but reminds me of a brainless UT map for some reason: looks good and flows well but doesn't have a lot of strategy to it.
Underpass is a good map, a tad too rpg oriented but thats ok once in awhile

Resistance, havent played yet, looks nice and well done, but too much hallway for my taste.

As for Powerhouse, good mayhem map, unreal style of arena, old, but good receipe.

Avalon, no idea why it wasnt in update, is pretty good too, nice map, with interesting gameplay.

Since we are on maps, Island17 and Greenhouse are very good too, both have very fun gameplay.

Our server runs:


all maps well worth it, good job mappers :)
The 3rd place map was the most fun for me. They were all great tho.
fish99 said:
I think they're three solid maps, i'd rate them at least 7/10. Underpass the worst of the three for me though, but still good.

Funnily enough some of the ones fileplanet released the other day (which I'm guessing were in the DM competition but didn't win) were even better than the three new steam levels, like motel, clocks, district33, torque, depot, avalon etc.

Shame so many servers are just stuck on a rotation of the 6 default maps when there's other quality maps out there.
yeah motel,depot,distrct 33 are gr8,motel in particular
netrex said:
IMO it should have been dm_powerhouse, dm_underpass and dm_resistance of those three, but I would really put dm_avalon as the third though. dm_resistance has Magnum ammo, but no Magnum ;) great job! But it looks very nice at least.

I posted all the screenshots I made for the review *db*-N-i-x- and I made on the HL2CCL forum in my gallery if anyone's interested btw :)

dm_powerhouse is pleasingly old-skool :D
underpass is definitly the best map...

resistance blows...too much useless eye-candy and the game flow sucks...

I ahven't tried power-house online yet...but it looks like good fun
I didn't like them, I would much prefer if they just had Avalon as the single winner, instead of those 3. No coherance at all, just random rooms stuck together with eye candy thrown in at random.
gobblet said:
I didn't like them, I would much prefer if they just had Avalon as the single winner, instead of those 3. No coherance at all, just random rooms stuck together with eye candy thrown in at random.
Have you even played dm_powerhouse?
Powerhouse is very good, great DM style map, I am sure that one will be a classic in no time. Didn't liked resistance very mutch tho.
Er I ran Half Life 2 Deathmatch and steam didn't update the game, anyway to force it to update?
I just had a very fun game of dm_powerhouse.

At first I thought the map was just a sparse, UT-style set of rooms and corridors, with admittadly great atmosphere and eye candy. However, the platforming stuff you can do on the rafters makes it good fun to play.

Don't see the point of dm_resistance. Although again, it looks great.
PriNcE oF SpAcE said:
underpass is definitly the best map...

I ahven't tried power-house online yet...but it looks like good fun

sorry, just though that was funny :).

powerhouse>underpass>resistance, although resistance could possibly be a lot better with more items (all of them, health, armor, weapons).

Looks should never make up more than 10-15% of the total judgement when rating a map, and I have the slight suspicion that Valve didn't follow that rule.
jimbo118 said:
pretty much what i though too,i got stuck in resistance which was quite annoying when trying to jump through a window to get into a room

Yes, there are some funny effects and "unused parts" in that level that usually should be clipped away (rooms behind other rooms ; unused walls). Maybe there was a leak somewhere and the author just closed the whole building with nodraw brushes. I guess this steals some performance, too.

By nice anyway, the lighting is just great.

Powerhouse is nice too, the best brushwork i have ever seen in a map. But we will probably never play the map, just too big :)

Underpass seems to be right on the first place at all :)
Did they add any other maps besides the 3 contest winners? BTW I think the second place map was the best
resistance is worthless... basically 2 big rooms with no weapons. Why they chose that over all the other amazing maps out there, I'll never know. Might as well play killbox... :dozey:
Underpass is a great map if you take away the granade launcher on top of the level (leaving the other one in place, for those really dedicated to have one). I personally like underpass the best, although I miss an area where there grav gun should be the main weapon.
I like it where it is now. It demands teamplay to take that area if you want it. You can also just stay put below and make them come to you.
I -love- powerhouse. It reminds me so much of my days playing unreal.

And then there's standing on small beams and crossbowing people to walls. fun fun.
Resistance is great with a full 16 player server. Absolute chaos. Underpass is shite imo, not played it tdm, but dm it gets tedious after 5 minutes.

Powerhouse is the best of the three and should have blatently won, definately like that map the most. It flows the best, and wherever you run you are thown back into the action.
I like dm_underpass also. And it's not bad for 1on1 either =) But I do agree. dm_powerhouse should have won! And dm_avalon should have been second or third. Don't really see why the chose dm_resistance :/ dm_avalon is really growing on me. Fantastic map.
dm_resistance - Boring. Only good for games of total chaos.

dm_underpass - Depends. I've had games where I was continuously spawnkilled in the underground area and rocketwhored if I got anywhere near the train track. On the other hand I've also had games that, well, were pretty fun.

dm_powerhouse - Blows the other maps away. It's awesome.

They all look nice though.

As for dm_avalon, it's fun until the novelty wears off. Bonus points for style though.