new mass effect vide, hot damn !


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
this video has content of what the press got to see @ e3 (so the content is from april).

it's on xblive in 720p, so get that if you have a 360 or get it here -

graphics are awesome, though there are a few graphical glitches but they say it's already looking much better.

i thought 'sci-fi version of oblivion, just way better.'

here's a post made by a bioware employee.

*sigh* Finally.

Ok lets clarify a few things:

1) Yes this was the "something" that you/we have been waiting for/hinting at. This is a video taken of the E3 demonstration. The descriptive voice over is Project Director Casey Hudson. The person "driving" the game was Lead QAer Scott Langevin. Everythign you see is ingame gameplay footage. Not cutscenes. Not prerender. Just actual gameplay.

2) It isn't on our pages yet as part of our agreement with the good folks at Xbox Live. But it will be shortly (depending on what time the web team wakes up).

3) Why was it late? Well, there were a few things, like compression issues and legal stuff that had to be taken care of. But it's all good now.

4) IMO, this is actually better than the Jade Demo (which I worked on). The Jade demo was ingame combat and dialog, but was a made up area with prestaged combat. What you see in the ME demo is actual gameplay as it stood.

5) We don't recommend skipping school, work or otehr family commitments to play any of our games, ever. No matter how uber-cool they are.

6) Ghost-Hack said: "anyone else notice that the conversations were... like mental suggestions?". This is one of my favorite things in Mass Effect. In so many RPGs you can just read the words accompanying the dialog at the bottom of the screen and when you're done, skip on to the next line without needing to listen to the VO. In ME, the text on the screen is only indicitive of the type of dialog you'll get. So if you choose and option like "Threaten dirtbag" you may actually say something like "Listen scum, you do as I say or I'll break all 6 of your kneecaps" or whatever (proof I am not a writer). You will need to listen to what the game says in order to understand what is going on.

7) Keep in mind the VO for the demo is not necessarily the final VO for the game. It may be, it may not. That you'll have to buy the game and find out.

8 ) Some have mentioned "a little rough" or "needs polish". Keep in mind this was a demo made back in April. Still a whole lot of time and effort still being placed in Mass Effect. The game already looks better than it did in teh E3 demo and it's still in the works. When it comes out, it's going to be absolutely stellar.

i want this, nwn 2 and the witcher so badly.

/going to go watch it again.
Blimey, that looks the nuts :)

I've been hanging around the Mass Effect official forums for a while and am liking everything that I hear. Being a long term Bioware fan (them jumping into bed with the 360 is the best reason to own one imo) I can't bloody wait for this.

One developer wrote how the combat started out similar to Resident Evil 4, but is now far more advanced :thumbs: - of course, there's still all the usual rpg stuff, plus some new, that Bioware do better than anyone else, and all of it wrapped up in a huge universe \o/

This has just pushed RE5 aside to become my most wanted game.

Oh, this is also the first part of 3 games in the series. We'll also be getting Jade Empire 2 and almost certainly KOTOR 3 - all on the 360 :)
Yeah... that was, in a word, spectacular. Shame it's about a year off.
Wow. Nice stuff. More proof that 2007 will be one of the most important years videogaming has ever seen. Man, MS (and Sony) have some really sweet bedfellows.:O
Tamer17 said:
Any other link other than Gamespot's?

Here you go:
EDIT - Warbie already posted the link! Great minds think alike huh? They do have the best videos for Xbox 360 hands down.

The game looks absolutely gorgeous. Traveling throughout the galaxy and investigating star systems for alien technology sounds like a blast. Kinda sounds like ES: Oblivion but in space. :bounce: In addtion, the character models and animation is excellent. BioWare's promise to have the most believeable characters is actually looking like they'll pull it off. My interest in this game just shot up immensely.

The Brick said:
Xbox 360 only :(

Then buy a 360. It's worth it. So many great franchises are making their way to the 360.
satch919 said:
Then buy a 360. It's worth it. So many great franchises are making their way to the 360.
Nahh I think I'll keep it to a Wii.
A 360 is the price of just a mid ranged gfx card at he moment (and should be even cheaper before long) - it's worth that price just for this game :)
Isnt Mass Effect a MMO? It made it sound like a SP game. Or is it both. Anyway that looks amazing.
Its just SP. Still, it sounds cool with the couple of other characters you can control and customize. Its also sounds cool that you can take your main character with you through the whole trilogy (if that makes it into the games like the project manager wants it to). Of course, that would be quite a balancing issue due to people building uber-characters waiting for the next installment to release. It'll be interesting to see how they handle this.
Wow, this really is one of the first games I've seen that capitalizes on the stuff these new systems are capable of. Going beyond great graphics to great atmosphere.
Been following this game for awhile, the game I'm most excitied for. BioWare never disappoints. Ever. I'm not buying a 360 until this comes out as a matter of fact. Price should be down by then.
Good Lord, if there's one game that would make me (PC devout) buy a console, let alone an X360, it'd be this.
Yeah by the time ME comes out there should be a price reduction of the 360, perfect! It is a wise investment for this game because it is already confirmed that it is to be the first part of a trilogy. Unless it sells badly, which I doubt.
Here's hoping for a PC port. So far all the Bioware X-BOX games got ported or are getting ported so things look pretty good.
360 lineup is getting better and better.

Starting to think about getting one in a month or so. Anybody know what the modding scene is like on the 360? Playing backups? Emulators? All that good stuff that was possible on the Xbox.
AmishSlayer said:
Anybody know what the modding scene is like on the 360? Playing backups? Emulators? All that good stuff that was possible on the Xbox.

The problem with modding your 360 is the risk of not being able to use Xbox Live - which is one of the best things about the 360 (much better than it was with the Xbox)

I know some people who have modded their 360 and play backups - recently they've been moaning about not being able to download demos and play online. They get zero sympathy from me.
Warbie said:
The problem with modding your 360 is the risk of not being able to use Xbox Live - which is one of the best things about the 360 (much better than it was with the Xbox)

I know some people who have modded their 360 and play backups - recently they've been moaning about not being able to download demos and play online. They get zero sympathy from me.

Ah. See the top reasons I want to mod a 360 is so I can play emulators and play backups - especially Spiderman 2. My friend was a genius and just placed the disc on the top of my Xbox as he carried it to my car. It fell off and rolled most of the way down the street rendering it completely useless in my now broken DVD drive :p
well Kotor eventually came out for pc I'll wait for that game (ok 2: dead rising) still doesnt make me want a 360 ...however Mass effect brings me that much closer to wanting one
Great vid. I want this game. Not sure about the 360 tho. I'll wait for a PC port ...
I would have been happy with KOTOR 1 using flashy graphics
From a developer on the Mass Effect forum:

'Nope, sorry no pettition since it won't matter. ME is an xbox 360 exclusive title. As we've said before (quite a few times) it is possible that sometime in the future a PC version may be made, but we have no plans to make one at the present time.'

I'd be suprised if ME never made it to the pc, but I also expect a looong wait.
PC Gamers have their own exclusive, Dragon Age, the spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series so they shouldn't feel too left out.
What? You guys don't know why you should want an Xbox 360?

Here are some reasons I want one. There are dozens more good reasons to get a 360, but I got tired of listing them.

(multi means multiplatfrom game, possibly Wii, PS3, or PC versions as well as the 360 version)

Soul Caliber 4

Silent hill 5 (multiplatform)

Resident Evil 5 (multiplatform)

Forza Motorsport 2

Alan Wake - multi

Alone in the Dark :Near Death Investigation - multi

APB (like Grand theft auto online)

Assassins Creed - multi

BF2: modern Combat -multi

Bioshock - multi

Call of Duty 3 - multi

Castle Wolfenstein 360


The Darkness -multi

DOA: xtreme volleyball 2

Dead or Alive: Code Cronus

Dead or Alive 4

Devil May Cry 4 - multi

Oblivion - Multi

Fable 2

FEAR - multi

FEAR 2 (working title)

Fight Night: Round 3 -multi

Gears of War

The Godfather: the game - multi

golden Axe - multi

Grand Theft Auto IV - multi

Half-Life 2 + ep 1 & ep 2 - multi

Halo 3

Heavy Rain - multi

Hitman:Blood money -multi

Huxley - multi

Untitled Indiana Jones game

Just Cause - multi


Killing Day - multi

RARE's Killer Instinct 360

King of Fighters: maximum impact 2 - multi

Like I said there are dozens of other promising games, like Spore, Mass Effect, and many more, but I'm tired of listing them. You should know that all of the good games, except Nintendo first party, Sony first party, and their exclusives should coming out for 360. But, those consoles won't get 360 exclusives and first party titles either. You can't have it all, not with one system anyway.

I mean, no matter what new console you are going to buy, there will be some games that won't come for other systems, and there will be MANY games that won't come to PC, and at the prices of the systems, and the fact that the 360 has been out since November 2005 means it has the most games, and probably is due for a price cut, and it is powerful as shit. It's always been my favorite system. I can give 100 reasons why this is the console to get, but I don't need to defend my decision anymore, I think Xbox speaks for itself. I do want a new PC though, because I like to mod the games, so I'm quite annoyed that I have to choose.

I also like Street Fighter as one of my favorite series ever, and Xbox live arcade got SF2: Hyper Fighting, which is my favorite out of all of the Street fighter games.

Link to summer 2006 Xbox Live games release movie. They expect about 1 new Xbox live game per week!

Check out Heavy Rain, coming for 360 and PS3. It sounds amazing:
DeusExMachina said:
PC Gamers have their own exclusive, Dragon Age, the spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series so they shouldn't feel too left out.

Yup, although it's likely we'll be waiting till sometime during 2008 for this. There's always NWN 2, which is out pretty soon.
It's good to see BioWare doing original IPs. Jade Empire was imaginative and original, so I'm hoping Mass Effect...has the same effect.

You're on fire tonight ;)

I like the way Mass Effect is going to be a trilogy. As with BG and NWN we'll be able to use the character/s we created in part one throughout the series. The whole things sounds epic :)

I also read that all three games are intended to be released on the 360. Assuming there's a year or two between releases, this sound a little optimistic to me. 10p says part three will be appearing on the Xbox 1080, or whatever MS end up calling it.
With the trilogy, I hope they really do go through with the loading character from last game feature, though will that mean harder enemies or what I don't know. Hopefully we'd get to keep all the sweet loot we got from the first one. Damn, I can't even imagine a trilogy for this game. There's so many planets and galaxies and if we assume each planet lasts at least the time it would take in KOTOR to've got a long ass game. An truly epic trilogy.

eeeee, I'm so excitied.
Warbie said:
Yup, although it's likely we'll be waiting till sometime during 2008 for this. There's always NWN 2, which is out pretty soon.
pc also has the witcher on the way which looks awesome, probably the rpg i want the most.

also, i had never heard about dragon age till this thread.. no idea how i missed it.

hah, you're leet deusex.

i was throroughly disapointed with jade empire. :(
destrukt said:
pc also has the witcher on the way which looks awesome, probably the rpg i want the most.

also, i had never heard about dragon age till this thread.. no idea how i missed it.
Yea, The Witcher could be great. Chalk another one for PC's.

I never heard of Dragon Age either... what is it?

(I looked it up)

sounds great.
DeusExMachina said:
BioWare's being pretty ho-hum about it, but its there.

I'm sure that right now, they don't want to be compared to WoW, since WoW is so polished at this point, while Dragon Age is still being carved out of a rough block. I look forward to finding out how they did some things better than WoW, which they have undoubtedly done.