New Mod: Final Hope

Final Hope is a story of a young man who is living an ordinary life, when he is driving to work, after saying goodbye to his wife and daughter (for the last time, but he doesn't know this!), and begins to drive to work. Once at work, the life-changing "Resonance Cascade" occurs, and the rest of the world begins to feel its wrath. The player attempts to go back to his home, only to find it empty, quiet. From there, he searches for his wife and child, who he hunts down for the rest of the game. In the process, using his love for his family for fuel, he becomes a shining light for all others who have lost hope in the fight against the new, strange aliens.

This is just the beginning, and the main focus will be how Gordon Freeman's Resonance Cascade changed life for everyone on earth, and how the Combine came to be.

---For all those who cant be bothered visiting our forums here is the basis of the storyline
Sounds neat, I wish you luck on your mod. Side question: What will the timespan / range of monsters be? To clarify, will the player be fighting monsters from half-life 1 & half-life 2? And will the main character be fighting for the 10 years or so that combine reach their peak? If this is all well and sorted out, the mod sounds great!
regards, el ska boss
well i have read the new levels, and basically you go into the combine city to rescue your wife and kid. im not entirely sure, theres concept art being done on the vortignaut and a combine advisor.
MOD UPDATE: heres some pictures of the second level.




It can be me, but i think this story is a litle to like the story in the first Max Payne game.

Detective Payne gets home from work to find hes wife and child dead. He then tries to hunt down the murders of his wife, and revels a mutch bigger secret.

Good MOD though