New moderator nominations

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Maybe there should be a more clearly posted set of rules that both users can read so they know what's in and out of line, and also the new mods can follow to the letter so that they don't go overboard.

We need new mods soon: things are getting a little out of hand.
I asked the second day the forums opened..i was ignored, bleh maybe i shouldnt have asked since i didnt even know the
I second Apos, we do need more mods, responsible ones who can be trusted (not saying the current crew arn't , but I've only ever seen Zerimski around on the forums, could be that the others are invisable, yet still Munro has done more to combat spam than most of the others, ah well

I would seriously like to be a moderator, but I'm not going to ask, neways most of you think I'm a pest :P
you mean there are other moderators than MUNRO and ZERIMSKI..:eek: .. oh I've never seen or heard anything from any of them ....

...this is where Stone gets banned for ignorance or something ;(
I feel your pain too, i started posting here when the board had about 200-300 posts, but nobody wants a patato for a moderation me thinks
I have the 8th highest posts too

How is # of posts related to mods?

Well, you see, if you spam lots and lots you will get a high post count, which er, means that you should be a moderator, I think?!
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
How is # of posts related to mods?
Hm. Not sure. I don't agree with it, but I guess he thinks that it shows he's online often, or something.

Generally, Most forums like thier moderators to be active members of the community that is relativly known tby the rest of the community. Hence usally people with highish post counts are known.

I don't think many of my post could be considered spam...
I'm usally answering questions or asking them.... i usally don't have post that are like "lol" and thats it....
post quantity isn't as important as quality... people shouldn't feel obligated to reply to every topic they read.
Hm...don't mean to generate useless posts (this is a nomination thread, after all), but I believe nominating yourself (or implying that you should be nominated) isn't exactly very...modest. Something I think a mod should have.

We need new mods soon: things are getting a little out of hand.

With this many people, I can't believe everyone is on topic, actually.
Originally posted by Vertigo
Hm...don't mean to generate useless posts (this is a nomination thread, after all), but I believe nominating yourself (or implying that you should be nominated) isn't exactly very...modest. Something I think a mod should have.


Neither should they make bad puns like this.

-Straylight :)
I saw we unban and then nominate THUGENSTEIN...

No really... I nominate Apos ;)
I'm glad to see there'll be some new moderators soon. A lot of threads have been flying off topic with useless spam lately.
[I was not paid to say this]

I nominate GOoch

[/I was not paid to say this]
I nominate Apos, PriNcE oF SpAcE and nietzsche
Although i have already voted, may i suggest that we select at least one woman for the position of a moderator? A woman would bring balance to the force.

I would suggest Min Rizor. If anybody knows of another female person on these forums, he/she should mention them here.
I'm with nietzsche. I think it would good to have a woman regulate around here.

Min Rizor has my vote.
Arg, why do people keep saying 'nominate'? You only nominate someone once, then you VOTE for them.
Originally posted by DuncanIdahoTPF
Arg, why do people keep saying 'nominate'? You only nominate someone once, then you VOTE for them.
Min is the only person I voted for :P
i vote nietzshe, and i agree w/ his idea of having a female mod.
No ones nominated me yet. ;( Come on Id make a great moderator. :E

- Posting from France
Is this thread actually going to result in a new moderator(s) being installed? Come on munro you started this, put some *lucky* (if that's how you feel) people out of their misery!
i'l nominate The mulinator. the baby avatar is soo cute. he can bring smiles on everybody's faces just by making an empty post and showing his av
You know, I'd photoshop a banner and have it say Mullinator for Mod, but you know what? I'm too lazy today. Maybe tomorrow :)

Awww people are voting me. How nice. To be honest i dont think i would be the best mod. Theres also the fact i dont really want to be a mod.

My Vote goes to MrBadger. He seems like a fair guy to me.

High post count doesnt mean they will be good but it does show that they are probably active. You can usaually see whether someone is a spammer and most of the high posters arent as far as a i can tell.
Munro u know this thread has been going on for a while who u gonna choose personly i think it should be up to u completely who to choose.
he already has a few people in mind.. he just wants to know what people the cummunity wants just to see if he makes the right choises?
I'd gotta say Evil or Apos.... Just because Apos made that official information thread, and I haven't seen evil do anything horribly obscene..... *scratches balls*


I choose to be a bad ass rebel and nominate myself

FIDDLE FOR MODERATOR *gives the patented nixon double deuce peace sign*

.... Don't do drugs kids... U'll turn out like me!
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