new movie stealing Combine idea?

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Hey everyone. I was just watching some TV and I saw an add for an upcomming sci-fi movie titled "Ultraviolet". The movie is about some super-soldiers in a world where they are being hunted because the military had turned on them, or something... That's not what caught my attention though.

the commercial stated that the government was creating super soldiers. When it shows the female lead fighting some of the soldiers, they look ALOT like combine.. I mean alot. they even have what appears to be stun batons/sticks.

I just thought it was sort of weird. In the commercial when the girl kicked one of them it made an incredibly similar noise to when you kill a combine with a crowbar.

if you want to watch the trailer you can see it here: only some of the soldiers look like the combine, though.
Whoa they do look like Combine, but this looks more like a rip-off of Aeon Flux (another crappy movie)
This movie looks really cheesy...and stealing the combine idea
Looks watchable, but the whole ripping-off-every-other-sci-fi-movie-out-there thing is pretty lame :(

"Are you mental?" <--stupidest line ever
Langolier said:
The Combine is just a rip-off of the Borg. :p
Nah, the Borg are just meant to be zombies for the star trek universe. The combine are really nothing like zombies.
...I don't know, they remove the brains from people, right? Sections of them? Who's to say they don't eat them?
Jintor said:
Who's to say they don't eat them?

Exactly, the temptation must be there:

*snip* Ahh, that's the last of the lobotomies, now I'll just leave that on the tray until my supervisor comes back.

*looks at watch* where the hell is he? Sure am hungry.....

*looks at tray*
Stealing technologies, super soldies etc. is old idea used by real governments and also sci-fi autors...
Ultraviolet looks stupid..
600 post, wow
Samon said:
Far from it, actually.

Ultraviolet looks crap.

The Borg assimilate alien races into their collective via their technology.

The Combine assimilates alien races into their collective via their technology.

You're right, they are totally different.
Yey, lets play the simplify game, how fun.

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ZOMG YOU'RE THE SAME PERSON!!!!!111!!!11!!!!!1!!

Wait, does this mean I'm Samon?
Oh yeah and the combine and borg are way different.
Jintor said:
...I don't know, they remove the brains from people, right? Sections of them? Who's to say they don't eat them?

Do they? The combine soldier's that I face have a tendancy to be very emotional about what I do to them. Especially when that involves maiming and or killing them. Sure, they take out your appendix, but they mainly put stuff in...not out.

Unless they deem you to be a stalker.
zomg the combine are the borg of the halflife universe :O, and breen will be turned into locutus of combine :O:O:O.
They also look very simular to the soldiers from Killzone/Killzone 2 PS3 trailer. Well, the helmets and gasmask/re-breathers do towards the end of the trailer.
1. Combine transhuman soldiers are extremely generic looking.

2. Ultraviolet (the chick) is extremely hot. I will watch and enjoy the movie solely for her jumping around and killing stuff.

3. Borg look and act nothing like the Combine. They use nanoprobes to do all their dirty work and retain all their human memories.
Those gas mask guys in what looks like S&M gear look more like the Replica forces in FEAR.
_Z_Ryuken said:
1. Combine transhuman soldiers are extremely generic looking.

They aren't the most original enemies out the book, but you'll actually find they look a darn sight better than most - no matter how generic their gas masks may be. Their actual armour contains more thought than 90% of most enemies thrown into games.
Yeah, the first thing I thought when I saw it was "DubbaYaTeeEff...What are those Combine doing?"
Then I saw the funky glasses the chick was wearing and realized it was yet another one of those silly scifi movies that apparantly nobody can get enough of.

But yeah that movie is ripping off the combine as well as ever other sci-fi movie in existince.
I'll just have to make due with the fact that if that woman in Ultraviolet were fighting the combine they'd just use the Pulse Rifle's secondary and waste her.
esplin said:

But yeah that movie is ripping off the combine as well as ever other sci-fi movie in existince.
I'll just have to make due with the fact that if that woman in Ultraviolet were fighting the combine they'd just use the Pulse Rifle's secondary and waste her.
Yeah, I used to think they would do the same thing with Gordon. Seriously, why doesn't that thing kill you?
can someone post a pic of these soldiers please?
InnerRayg said:
Yeah, I used to think they would do the same thing with Gordon. Seriously, why doesn't that thing kill you?
It's something to do with Gordon's HEV suit. I'm not sure on the specifics but something about it's design which allows your atoms and molecules not to be harmed by things. Like how gordon survived the Renosance Cascade and was so close.. I think :) I'm not much a HL expert as most of the folks at these boards.

ríomhaire said:
can someone post a pic of these soldiers please?





and I must agree, this movie looks incredibly bad. I also find the female lead very ugly, but that's just me...
IsolatioN said:
and I must agree, this movie looks incredibly bad. I also find the female lead very ugly, but that's just me...
Yes, we all know the UN has rules that all government assasins must be sexy /sarcasm

But seriously it does look bad
where does everyone seem "combine-like" guys? and what's combine-like about them
IsolatioN said:
It's something to do with Gordon's HEV suit. I'm not sure on the specifics but something about it's design which allows your atoms and molecules not to be harmed by things. Like how gordon survived the Renosance Cascade and was so close.. I think :) I'm not much a HL expert as most of the folks at these boards.





and I must agree, this movie looks incredibly bad. I also find the female lead very ugly, but that's just me...

they remind me the combines but not enought to say "ZOMG RIP OFF VALVE SUE THIS MOVIE!"
and they looks more similiar to a enemy of the game stalker that hav a similiar gasmask
I'm sure nobody will care in the end because, its gonna suck anyway.
It will be exactly like Aeon Flux(if you havn't seen that movie, don't.)

Aeon Flux is one of those Sci-Fi movies that uses all of it's good momments on few action scenes.
Samon said:
Yey, lets play the simplify game, how fun.

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See, fun!

Was that an admission of defeat? I think so. I'm not slamming the Half-Life2 story, but to say that it is completely original is laughable (or to even imply it). Half-Life2 took alot of old ideas that were already out there and re-used them very well.

The Combine is the same concept as the Borg, but they're also original in their presentation and look. Just because they aren't completely original doesn't mean they aren't cool or that they suck. Far from it.
Langolier said:
Was that an admission of defeat? I think so. I'm not slamming the Half-Life2 story, but to say that it is completely original is laughable (or to even imply it). Half-Life2 took alot of old ideas that were already out there and re-used them very well.

The Combine is the same concept as the Borg, but they're also original in their presentation and look. Just because they aren't completely original doesn't mean they aren't cool or that they suck. Far from it.

No, it wasn't an admission of defeat, actually. You merely simplified it, you could do the same with anything, and thats why the Combine aren't like the Borg. Yeah, all alien races (well, most) are intent on either destroying Earth or assimilating its populace. Does that mean they are all the same?

There is quite a few things that make the Combine different from the Borg. One way in which they are similar, is that they assimilate and augment other races into their own. But thats about it.
That film looks like Blade crossed with Equilibrium crossed with a steaming pile of dung. DUNGORAMA.
Well to be honest they look like a mix of combine and them killzone men.



Taken from clantemplates renders..