new planet half like look

*Head particles suck back in, implode and create a hole in the mutha****ing universe*

Following on that, *dies*
Probably better than what they usually have anyway. Planet Half-life has: shit design, shit content and shit everything else.
Well I used to think it was good back in 2003 :|
I like it. I like pink.

If you think that's a bad pink skin, you haven't seen what I've seen.
Feath said:
I like it. I like pink.

If you think that's a bad pink skin, you haven't seen what I've seen.

I thought along similar lines. Compared to some of the other layouts out there, that pink seems tasteful.
PHL > from now on.

Unless... goes pink too!
Insano said:
PHL > from now on.

Unless... goes pink too!

I think went pink once before... for a few hours. :)
Awesome to the max.

Feath said:
I like it. I like pink.

If you think that's a bad pink skin, you haven't seen what I've seen.
I agree. The horror...the horror Fabulous!
Aside from the fact that anything is up for Planet Half-Life, I quite like their redesign :)
-.- why does everyone hate PHL? It seemed an alright website to me. I like their Monthly comment things like Walters world, and that other guy who ended up a Zombie.
Infact, Im going to go read it again *Leaves for lack of funny monthly articles*
Holy Sh*t. It's like they have created the first ever "Gay Mod" for HL2, and that is the homepage. Seriously.

It's not just the pink. It's the gay little sparkley stars on the HL logo, and all the other fairy bits and pieces.

Bloody hell.
Shasta said:
Holy Sh*t. It's like they have created the first ever "Gay Mod" for HL2, and that is the homepage. Seriously.

It's not just the pink. It's the gay little sparkley stars on the HL logo, and all the other fairy bits and pieces.

Bloody hell.

Llama said:
I like their Monthly comment things like Walters world, and that other guy who ended up a Zombie.
That was the Planet Half-Life of 5 years ago.
bliink said:
from the omg-i-heart-ponies-lol dept.
Our marketing department has done extensive research over the last 3 quarters and discovered that our audience is strangely disproportionately skewed towards males. Like, 98.3% males to be precise. To correct this oversight, we have decided to subtly tweak Slashdot's design and content to widen our appeal to these less active demographics. Don't worry! We'll still continue to serve our core audience, but we hope you'll work with us as we try to find a balance that will work for all.
The plight of the nerds... did you see that header?

4. How you should delete Windoze and install FC5. It's like totally easy to use.
everything is funny.
Samon said:
Probably better than what they usually have anyway. Planet Half-life has: shit design, shit content and shit everything else.
Really? Is that a fact?
Nice april skin :) was good - before 2 years it's useless...
I used to like PHL, but then I stopped going, this is the first time I've checked their site for over a year.

Walter's World, that used to be awesome.

And you'd think after year after year of April Fool's jokes, people would start to wise up?
This reminds me of the Letter's Skin.

Oh man that was awesome :p
planethalflife was good back then, when that rebul dude who wrote that conspiracy letter against Valve use to run it. Now, its crap, and with that dickhead of beagle running the forums.... But they uese to have some great april fools jokes.

That google romance stuff, is a joke right ? Those pics look of some poor google programers who got selected for the joke.

Edit : The requested URL was not found on this server. This means that you either:

Fell for our April Fool’s joke, in which case ha ha, wasn't that amusing and harmless and mostly in good taste and not all psychologically damaging under various and sundry aspects of contemporary tort law, please don't sue us; or

Are genuinely enjoying, or least momentarily tolerating, our April Fool’s joke and wanted to surf your way into its every last nook and cranny, in which case

...ha ha, wasn't that amusing and harmless and mostly in good taste and not all psychologically damaging under various and sundry aspects of contemporary tort law, please don't sue us; and/or

you might want to take a trip down our April Fool’s memory lane, here or here or here or here. Enjoy.
Dalamari said:
Oh god, the pinky skin still haunts me...Fabulous!

I just went back to it for nostalgia.

Dear God it hurts, forgot how awful it was. Although fabulous.
Slashdot is actually slightly more readable than it normally is.
I'm absolutely not keen at all on the new pink design (even though it is only an April Fools :p), however, my view, neither Samon's earlier, certainly doesn't reflect the views of as a whole. They're independent opinions, but as myself and Samon have discussed, calling things "shit" certainly isn't appropriate.

I think PHL have been doing great in terms of content recently. Certainly a lot more stuff to read a lot more often.
I'd never even heard of Planet half-life until today.

I think pink is cool but thats way too much... something like iGod silver pink is fine but it's a certain reserved color with too many associations. Girls always look more bomb in a pink sweater :stare:
I like it, it's nice. I wish they would keep it. Why the hell does everybody need to be a jerk. It's a shame it's only an aprilfools joke.