new quake4 site

Haven't seen any Quake 4 media yet...

looks like the D3 engine is finally being shown off properly..good stuff
Am I the only one that hears "The Mark has Been Made" by NIN in that trailer?
WOW!!! me loves it!!! :)
this is looking good every day.

KagePrototype said:
Am I the only one that hears "The Mark has Been Made" by NIN in that trailer?

i hear it too :D
so NiN is doing the music for Quake4????? :)
well they did the music for the first quake..didn't they? well at least Trent did..not sure how much the whole of NIN was involved

BTW is there anyway to save that trailer to my PC? I would like to show my non-internet having friend that trailer
looks great, hope it plays great, whats the release date for this?
T.H.C.138 said:
well they did the music for the first quake..didn't they? well at least Trent did..not sure how much the whole of NIN was involved

i know that...but i wasn't aware of Trent or NiN collectively doing any work for Quake4.. anyway this game is gonna kick some serious ass ;)
Dr. Freeman said:
i hear it too :D
so NiN is doing the music for Quake4????? :)

I doubt it, I haven't heard anything. They either got the rights to throw it in the trailer or just ripped it off. :p
Looks great! I've known about the website for a couple of weeks or so though.

BTW-I do not think NiN is doing the Soundtrack. Sonic Mayhem did the tracks for Q2 and some stuff from Q3A too, I am expecting them to make a return.
Damn, it is the same one from E3.

When I went to E3 a few weeks ago, I got to see a nice 15-20min demonstration of it in action. It was insanely cool. Unfortunately, no photography or video cameras were allowed. You guys haven't seen anything yet. :)
I really hope this game to be very good cuz now I feel that the fps are geting boring and repetive
but if you read all thet developers interviews you will see that they are making a dedicated job whit it,they ven say that get inspiration of anime so sure this game will hav a cool style
personally it looks like doom3 with robots and different story line lol. BUT HEY WTF DO I KNOW!? lol


Mike :naughty:
That trailer does look nice.

It seems like the graphics are even ramped up above and beyond Doom 3 levels.....interesting.
Meh, It looks like an average shooter to me...with nice graphics(wow that's new!)...
Low hopes.