New Revolution news and Zelda screens!

Kschreck said:
Not many are happy for the new Zelda and it looks like Myamoto's attempt to bring the franchise and Nintendo back to life is going to fail. Anyways just my 2 and a half cents.

I think many more ppl are happy with the direction the new Zelda is heading than there are against it. The internet is home of the vocal minority (for every 10 ppl moaning about the new look there are 100's eagerly looking at screenshots and trying to hide a semi :))

So don't listen to the naysayers - the only reason they're bringing up LOTR is because it's such a high profile series. The ones who dislike the darker look are probably die hard fans - and would complain about any change.

Moaning for the sake of moaning and seeing what they want to see.
Lt. Drebin said:
Has anyone heard if the next Mario is GameCube or Revolution?? I'm assuming GameCube.

It's not confirmed yet :/ (personally i'm not sure which i'd prefer)

We'll hve to disagree about Sunshine tho - didn't like that at all.
Warbie said:
We'll hve to disagree about Sunshine tho - didn't like that at all.

Ahhhh...c'mon Warbie. It was so reminiscent of Super Mario 2. Just completely out of the blue and little to do with the normal series. Just caught me by surprise.

I have a hunch we'll be seeing Mario 128 on the GameCube....just a hunch, but I think Nintendo wants the GC to go out with a thunderous bang.
If the Nintendo Revolution has good hardware and graphics support then I would personally rather see Zelda and Mario on that system.
Kschreck said:
If the Nintendo Revolution has good hardware and graphics support then I would personally rather see Zelda and Mario on that system.

Well....Zelda is for sure on the GameCube. :D
Lt. Drebin said:
Ahhhh...c'mon Warbie. It was so reminiscent of Super Mario 2. Just completely out of the blue and little to do with the normal series. Just caught me by surprise.

I have a hunch we'll be seeing Mario 128 on the GameCube....just a hunch, but I think Nintendo wants the GC to go out with a thunderous bang.

It just didn't 'feel' like a Mario game to me (just as Sonic Adventures didn't feel like a Sonic game) Revisiting Mario 64 on the DS reminded me how vastly superior and wonderfully abstract Mario 64 was. Every inch of it was Mario. Plus the swimming was god awful and Yoshi sucked (thank god for the void levels - its saving grace :))

Mario 128 on the GC would be nice - simply cause we wouldn't have to wait so long. I'd rather it wasn't rushed in any way though (and definately don't want any 'real' world settings! no harbours, villages, or towns :/ I want floating platforms, clouds you can walk on, and enough mushrooms to make a massive omlette)
Lt. Drebin said:
Well....Zelda is for sure on the GameCube. :D

Untill the next one :) (which i'm already excited about \o/)
Warbie said:
Mario 128 on the GC would be nice - simply cause we wouldn't have to wait so long. I'd rather it wasn't rushed in any way though (and definately don't want any 'real' world settings! no harbours, villages, or towns :/ I want floating platforms, clouds you can walk on, and enough mushrooms to make a massive omlette)

Cheers to that!! :cheers:

Just looked at a few Animal Crossing online screenshots on the DS. It's a little off topic, but how do you think that'll work? Everyone will have their own village which they can invite you to visit?

I can only hope :) - being able to jump on a train and visit 1000's of other peoples villages, trade and sell items, and genrally mooche about, would just be too much.
SearanoX said:
I've already told him that the darker look doesn't mean a less magical or any worse game

Agreed,if anything this looks even more 'magical'

Must sleep now - it's 5 am :/
Warbie said:

Just looked at a few Animal Crossing online screenshots on the DS. It's a little off topic, but how do you think that'll work? Everyone will have their own village which they can invite you to visit?

I can only hope :) - being able to jump on a train and visit 1000's of other peoples villages, trade and sell items, and genrally mooche about, would just be too much.

In concept, Animal Crossing DS looks fantastic, but I think Nintendo has a challenge ahead of them in terms of getting it all to work. But, nonetheless, I'm looking forward to it anxiously.....looks great.
Oh man... I can honestly say that I have never loved any non-living thing like I have OoT. I've beaten it 15 or so times (with one save game with everything- that's right, EVERYTHING) completed. For a good year or 2, it was the only game I'd play. When it came out, I had a crush on princess Zelda (I was nine). I actually attempted writing fanfiction for it a loooong time ago, but the game absorbed me too much to keep it up. I wanted to be Link more than anything else in the world. Honest to god... I've been looking for a game that good, and I still haven't found it (although I've cooled off, because I definitely would not like to die a virgin).

Oh, and as to the new Zelda... it looks veeeeery promising. I'm really keeping my hopes up for this .
In a Reggie interview over at IGN, he said that Mario 128 will be at E3 probably in the form of a video. He wouldn't tell which system it would be on, but I think Nintendo might be planning it as a Revolution launch title. Nintendo is going to make sure that the Revolution has a strong launch and releasing Mario 128 would be a great start.
dlandis72 said:
In a Reggie interview over at IGN, he said that Mario 128 will be at E3 probably in the form of a video. He wouldn't tell which system it would be on, but I think Nintendo might be planning it as a Revolution launch title. Nintendo is going to make sure that the Revolution has a strong launch and releasing Mario 128 would be a great start.

That certainly would set the Revolution off with a bang. I'm cool with it either way.....

A bigger question is how is Nintendo planning on brining Mario 128 online?? That will truelly be sweet.
Backwards compatability has sold it for me. Unless Xbox 2 does that as well.
Ritz said:
Backwards compatability has sold it for me. Unless Xbox 2 does that as well.
Isn't that impossible? Since the Xbox uses an Nvidia video chipset, and the Xbox2 uses an ATI chipset, wouldn't developers have to re-release their games with rewritten rendering engines? Gamecube and Revolution, on the other hand, both use ATI, so it uses the same sort of rendering techniques in both systems. This hypothesis is, of course, supported on the assumption that I don't have some sort of massive lack of knowledge on the subject of video chipsets.
stigmata said:
Isn't that impossible? Since the Xbox uses an Nvidia video chipset, and the Xbox2 uses an ATI chipset, wouldn't developers have to re-release their games with rewritten rendering engines? Gamecube and Revolution, on the other hand, both use ATI, so it uses the same sort of rendering techniques in both systems. This hypothesis is, of course, supported on the assumption that I don't have some sort of massive lack of knowledge on the subject of video chipsets.

I suppose it probably wouldn't matter too much. I don't have much knowledge of console video chipsets either, but I know that PC games don't only work with one type of video card. They work with all video cards. Sometimes, one video card brand will run a game slightly better, but the game still runs with any brand.
dlandis72 said:
I suppose it probably wouldn't matter too much. I don't have much knowledge of console video chipsets either, but I know that PC games don't only work with one type of video card. They work with all video cards. Sometimes, one video card brand will run a game slightly better, but the game still runs with any brand.

I think the video card is irrelavant just as in a PC.
dlandis72 said:
I suppose it probably wouldn't matter too much. I don't have much knowledge of console video chipsets either, but I know that PC games don't only work with one type of video card. They work with all video cards. Sometimes, one video card brand will run a game slightly better, but the game still runs with any brand.
I think that PC games have different rendering pathways coded for each chipset, depending on what works between chips and what works on only one chip. Hence the generally poor performance of PC games (which have to work on any chipset) compared to console games (which only have to work on one chipset).

Either way, I heard Xbox2 isn't backwards-compatible.

Also, I refuse to call it anything other than Xbox2, because Xbox 360, Xbox Next and Xenon all sound like crap.