Nintendo Revolution Fully Unveiled!!!

Well, I'm off to bed. It's 2:30am. Hopefully I'll wake up to something good! Plus I have a day off tomorrow.
Reginald said:
Most liekly Nintendo. They get all the honky Japanese stuff. Which I can't complain about because I like that sort of thing. I reccomend grabbing a copy of Fire Embelem (GC) if you do because that is supposed to be the best RPG ever :/
I HATED fire emblem...
I'm beginning to think this whole conspiracy is BS...although there is a lot of stuff that can be related...

BTW: If this rumor is true, IGN should be posting the "real revolution" any moment.
I was a big believer that Nintendo was going to release something big today, but now I am almost positive all that Aries stuff is fake. It seemed too good to be true. Nintendo really got burned this E3. They needed to come through, and they didn't. I do find it really weird all this was coincidence (sp?). Oh well, it's 11:05 P.M. here meaning it's 8:05 P.M. therem still time for something to happen, but highly unlikely.