^ In case you weren't following his progress in the YouTube community, his inspirations where Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
Why is it that whenever anything like this happens, everyone has to start feverishly looking for something to blame their actions on? Is it too hard to accept that a person can be naturally troubled? Maybe it's just too disturbing to believe that a person can be capable of such horrible acts against other human beings without some outside force influencing their actions.

I guess I just don't see the connection. I mean we've all seen the statistics, violence in television, movies, and music are all rising, and crime rates are falling. If you look through history at past tyrants, mass murderers, and serial killers, it's obvious that none of them were being heavily influenced by media because most forms of media were non existant. Hitler didn't play GTA folks. He and most people like him tend to have a combination of mental illness, some form of inferiority complex, and a terrible childhood. Can't we just accept that this is a tragic act by a man who was terribly confused, and stop pointing fingers?
Reminds me of the videos that came out of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold practicing in the woods...

yea before they deleted his vids he had some dedicated to them. I think showing them shooting and what not.
EDIT:foxdie, I agree **** them. He was just a ****in idiot and he himself says dont blame anyone else for his actions he wanted credit for it that was his whole point..
some form of inferiority complex, and a terrible childhood. Can't we just accept that this is a tragic act by a man who was terribly confused, and stop pointing fingers?

Yes, we can agree that a piss poor childhood shared with whatever external and internal suffering he went through is what caused him to retalliat -- uh, shoot.

His supposed profile.

Don't let Jack Thompson see it though. :O

I can't believe the stupid idiots in that image of 4chan urging him on. I mean for ****s sake, you should take that shit seriously. ****ing morons probably did and still would of urged him on though.
You really think it would have mattered what they said?
For some reason, this doesn't surprise me anymore.
Is Luxembourg in finland?
Otherwise, that kid's Xfire count can't be his.
Something I don't understand.. Hundreds of people in "third world" places like in Africa die from wars every single day, yet the entire world stops when a few people die in a "first world" place. In these other countries people are tortured for days, executed, they starve, etc. Yet no-one cares about those people, oh no, but when a kid brings a gun to school and kills 8 "first world" people, it's a HUGE deal. This kind of crap is starting to piss me off.. If anyone here was directly affected by this (you knew someone who got killed/injured, or know someone who knows someone who got killed/injured), then I feel for you, but otherwise, just shut the hell up..
Something I don't understand.. Hundreds of people in "third world" places like in Africa die from wars every single day, yet the entire world stops when a few people die in a "first world" place. In these other countries people are tortured for days, executed, they starve, etc. Yet no-one cares about those people, oh no, but when a kid brings a gun to school and kills 8 "first world" people, it's a HUGE deal. This kind of crap is starting to piss me off.. If anyone here was directly affected by this (you knew someone who got killed/injured, or know someone who knows someone who got killed/injured), then I feel for you, but otherwise, just shut the hell up..
It's because first world society doesn't fear war lords and genocide, seeing as we have none.

Now when it comes to fearing our children, well, we're expert at that.
We have war lords, we call them Prime Ministers/Presidents.. Think about it. They are no different, they just cause lots of deaths in a "sophisticated" manner, so we don't see them as war lords. In fact, some of us respect them for the shit they do like this.
I didnt expect this to hapen in FInland.Of all countryes.I heard of a lot of shootings in the US,but US is like a continent,and shootings tend to happen there (i blame the society a bit),but Finland?!
I think this was actually his primary motivation. being shit while everyone thinks you're great is very wrong; I'm not saying Finland is a shitty country, what I mean is that this guy thought his country is corrupted in some way, but felt he wouldn't be heared, since everyone thinks Finland is a great country.
Again, I'm not talking about Finland here, nor it being great or shitty, I'm talking about this guy's thoughts, in my opinion.
Are you kidding me? No, read his manifesto. This kid was talking about how he was filled with hate for humanity and felt he was above them, etc. It wasn't a political statement against Finland but against humanity, and a weak one at that.
Well, either way people are going to carry on an idea. He probably sparked that special nerve in society. Lets hope not.
Are you kidding me? No, read his manifesto. This kid was talking about how he was filled with hate for humanity and felt he was above them, etc. It wasn't a political statement against Finland but against humanity, and a weak one at that.
Back in my day these kinds of kids would grow up to be Hitler, or Stalin. Now they just off a few kids at school then suicide. Wasted potential of becoming evil earth emperors.
Back in my day these kinds of kids would grow up to be Hitler, or Stalin. Now they just off a few kids at school then suicide. Wasted potential of becoming evil earth emperors.

So it's a choice of shooting a few kids in school or genocide?
the best part is where he talks about natural selection and how he will make it come true, but ended up blowing his own brains out too. I'd say this was indeed natural selection at its finest.

****ing retarded teenager.
Natural selection isn't completely gone from humanity. Good genes still protect against certain diseases. (Really) bad genes kill infants at birth with an assortment of lethal conditions.

Still, I guess the guy *did* have a point.

An awful point. And wrong, too. But hey, you should always do in what you believe is right!
Natural selection isn't completely gone from humanity. Good genes still protect against certain diseases. (Really) bad genes kill infants at birth with an assortment of lethal conditions.

Still, I guess the guy *did* have a point.

An awful point. And wrong, too. But hey, you should always do in what you believe is right!

Evidence for Natural Selection in play today is the genetic disorder which is called something Sickle something. Haven't done Biology in a while. But studies show it occurs most commonly in South America, and other places where Malaria is common.

Not entirely surprising, but the disorder actually gives the host an advantage over Malaria. Hard to explain...
No, he didn't have a point. None of the "ideas" and "thoughts" he had weren't his own, he had grabbed them from the foot notes of his high school philosophy and history books and he had even understood them wrong.

His idea of natural selection fails, because even if he had survived the incident he would still have been locked away. You could argue that the Law System and Moral, etc. are part of Natures way to get rid of psychopaths, since they are not benefitical for the species.
No, he didn't have a point. None of the "ideas" and "thoughts" he had weren't his own, he had grabbed them from the foot notes of his high school philosophy and history books and he had even understood them wrong.

Wow, so he learned what natural selection was from a teacher and a textbook? Who would have thunk it. His point is was he decided it was time to kill a few people because he thought that he was doing his part to rid humanity of bad genes.

Which is stupid, because a species can't decide for itself that kind of thing. According to natural selection, anyone who is alive today has "good" genes as long as those same people pass their genes on.

His idea of natural selection fails, because even if he had survived the incident he would still have been locked away. You could argue that the Law System and Moral, etc. are part of Natures way to get rid of psychopaths, since they are not benefitical for the species.

Nature... or whatever, doesn't intend anything. There is no end game goal except survival and reproduction. Also, since we're arguing natural selection, you can't determine whether psychopaths are beneficial to the species or not.

Everything that happens just happens, the consequences are determined by just that, not by an external third party that judges the situation.

Point is, this guy was ****in' retarded. I'm glad he's not able to pass his genes on.
Shooting yourself in the head and not dying must be frustrating.

Not if he hit the cerebellum... But I'm not an expert on the brain, so...

By the way - The Xfire profile that was posted: Not his. The account is in Belgium and the text in the screenshots is Dutch/German(What's the difference? :P). Come on, that's sloppy research.
Too bad Darfur isn't a high school. Maybe then it would get the attention the conflict needs.

This is terribly sad, this person should not be glorified by the media, he should fade into obscurity, he was trash.
****ing retarded teenager.

He probably wanted someone to realize that his life was of more value than just being that other guy you see at the supermarket.

His stresses where ours -- he was just emotionally confused, is all. Which is where I believe people need to swallow they're pride sometimes and get psychological help where it is due.
I can't believe the stupid idiots in that image of 4chan urging him on. I mean for ****s sake, you should take that shit seriously. ****ing morons probably did and still would of urged him on though.

Yeah, hope it haunts what little conscience they have left :frown::flame:

Edit: Oops this thread is a wee bit out of date (as far as current events go).