
Jan 9, 2007
Reaction score

Look at that one screen. That is GMan and scientist that is surely Magnusson. And Poison Antlion.
Wow! The Poison Antlion looks amazing. I can't wait to tackle a few of those.
Thanks for the pictures!
Where did you get these? The GMan one is interesting...
Sweet. The Hunter and Vortigaunt/Worker ones look excellent.
Badass. Magnusson...he looks so much like the guy in that Kleiner pic. You know, the one he has in his lab...someone posted it saying "Is that Magnusson?" and it certainly looks like it.

I like how the Gman one proves my theory. :afro:
Which person's meant to be Magnusson? The one looking over the rail looks like G-man, the other could easily be Kleiner from that distance.

...or not.

Like the hunter's new armour skin. Irridescence FTW :afro:
Yes that looks like magnusson, maybe he is also under gmans control?
I'm getting paranoid, where the hell is magnusson? All I see is some bloke leaning over a railing with his back showing.
That's not Magnusson, that's Gman. Its clearly a suit, he just isn't carrying his breifcase at the moment.

But I originally thought the screenie of the Antlion worker was concept art, but seeing the vort... it really is ingame. YAY!!! :D
The Gman inside the missile base? Now thats interesting! :O
Why does Magnusson's pose remind me of a bad Gmod comic?

Is the g-man going to be giving you a tour of White Forest with his face projected onto your vision the whole damn time?
I think it is Magnusson. Save the picture and zoom. Despite the pixelly-ness, the scientist clearly has hair, something Kleiner does not.

Are they looking at the rocket Kleiner is working on at the end of the trailers? If so, my plot-twist-sense is tingling.
yes in the background hands up too say "Look at the size of my rocket" :D
What makes you guys so sure that it is Magnusson? Take a closer look at that person standing over the rocket, he has a suit jacket and pants... he has dark hair, thats Gman. Why would they put Gman on the side of some random picture, some one should Email Gabe.

I've always thought Magnusson is that Scientist from the Anomalous Materials, from the test chamber (Einstein Scientist).
Well you can only see the hair. Maybe he has that beard as Einstein scientists.
How the hell can you say that's Magnusson? It might as well be g-man!
There are two people in the pic in question. G-man and who seems to be Magnusson. Like someone mentioned it doesn't look like Kleiner as they have hair.

My question is what is g-man doing there???? I love it:)
here it is for christ sake

How the **** can some people be so blind. :p

Also, it's probably Magnusson because he's incharge of that thing. And he looks like the bearded guy from Kleiners lab tbh.
Yay! We can successfully identify Gman!

And that's very sneaky of Valve to obscure the scientist's face.
I couldn't see him at first, valve were tricksy and hid him from us. :p
How the **** can some people be so blind. :p

Also, it's probably Magnusson because he's incharge of that thing. And he looks like the bearded guy from Kleiners lab tbh.

It took me a while to recognise it, Valve is so cleaver in hiding things. D:

Maybe its Dr. Breen and he joined the the resistance, by puting on a lab coat!
\o/ just kidding.

Anywhom, on another forum some one told me that, according to PC Gamer (UK), it acts the same way as a Bullsquid. Spitting venom at you (with enough power to push you back a bit as well) and charging when close enough. They also burst when you kill them. Sounds nasty and fun all at the same time.
AAAGGHHHH I CAN'T WAAIITT. The white antlion is beautifully disgusting. I HATE bugs! :p
Man that is awesome finally some new screens I can't wait until this comes out but the G-man pic is very interesting what if he's involved in the rocket operation in some way.
At least now we finally get to see a glimpse of Magnusson or if that is really him if it is at least now we finally get a picture of how he looks like.
Judging from the first pic it seems once we arrive to the missile silo something bad is going to happen based on Alyx's expression possibly something to do with either Mossman or the superportal.

One thing to note is that we are seeing less of Kleiner and Barney in the previews especially Barney we haven't seen one bit of him yet this could prove my theory of both of them being killed off.
Don't you just want to bring the crowbar down its bulbous head?

The crowbar would probably make the Antlion Workers cranium burst like a needle bursting a baloon. All that venom dripping from the crowbar. *drolls*

On a side note, judging the way the caves look in that screenshot of the Vortigaunt vs. Antlion Worker, the caves look alot bigger compared to the gameplay video's we saw during the winter. Also, Alyx just keeps looking better and better with each release.
It gotta be awesome as they put the new particle engine in, when you shoot that Poison Ant it probably explodes real nicely.
Badass. Magnusson...he looks so much like the guy in that Kleiner pic. You know, the one he has in his lab...someone posted it saying "Is that Magnusson?" and it certainly looks like it.

I like how the Gman one proves my theory. :afro:
Which theory's that?
who are these ppl who got to play ep2 and got these screens? or are they direct off from valve?
Gordon was hired by the Cloverfield monster, you blind fool. It's so obvious!
what on earth did the resistance hire gordon with, their souls?