New screenshots and features of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

I've come to the conclusion that you're both retarded (although Alig may has a somewhat logical basis) for arguing about this. If either of you went back and read the thread you'd realize its a misunderstanding.
Start a racism thread keep it out of the freakin' GTA thread.

Pressure, I do hope it's different from the stuff we've seen already. What kind of improvements did they make to the graphics engine? Also did they finally add in the ability to use helicopters and other flying gismos?

I kinda hope they fixed up the combat system too, I really didn't like how they handled guns and stuff on GTA3 and VC. It was clumsy.

They've tweak the graphics a bit, making it look as good as it can without causing lag since it's only on a PS2.

They had Helicopters and Planes in Vice City that you could fly quite easily.

I think they're going to change the over all feeling of the game this time around. The story is suposed to be more indepth than the last two, which is a good thing.

As for the guns, I'm not quite sure what they've changed besides the health indicator. I'm sure they're going to tweak it so it handles better.
I'm assuming they will also have some professional voice talent from famous actors like they did in VC right? I think Christopher Walken should voice one of the characters in the next game, that would awesome hehe.
I'm sure they will. It adds a nice little touch to the game. I love Christopher Walken lol. I also know him as the Continental.
Hahaha yeah he's awesome... wowie wow wow.
You forgot one wow :) Wowie wow wow wow. He could be like a mob boss or something haha.
Rico said:
I have now realized that half of the people who have posted in this thread are completely retarded. I couldn't care for shit if you're black or an eskimo, you could be an alien for all I care but if you're hiding behind political correctness and trying to be a 'gangsta' with your bling and all that stupid shit then I'd suggest you crawl back into the whole whence you came from. Apparently it's some sort of sin to express your opinions against what you think is a wrong way of acting.

You know what else? I hate white people who pretend to be black gangstas too. Truly I'm racist. Moron.

Oh and by the way, does gordon wear bling, have an afro and ride a BMX bike? No? You're stupid? That's all I can hear.

Look at my post then take a look at yours again dumbass, if you didn't understand parts of my posts it's not my problem, its YOURS. (BTW if you didn't understand my ravioli vs macaroni analogy then it's because YOU are looking at it in a racist point of view, I'm comparing tomatoes and tomatoes on purpose, idiot. Just different tastes for different people)

Now unless you have something intelligent to say please go crawl into a hole and die, I don't care for people who hide behind today's ideals of political correctness where if some guy robs you and he happens to be part of a minority group then it's all some sort of big deal. Guess what, if you're a shithead, a murderer or part of the scum of society I will hate you. If you're a dumbass who calls people racists because they don't like to embody a character that stands against their own ideals then I hate you too.

Your argument is completely stupid idiot, it's like asking a jewish man who grew up in nazi germany to enjoy WW2 games where he puts people in a gas chamber.

Grow some balls and stop hiding behind your racist accusations. You're the sort of people I hate. Why the hell did you have to steer this discussion into the whole witch hunt that is racism these days? "Omg he said something that offends me!!" Deal with it, it's called having an opinion, jackass.

I won't bother respoding to xwhateveryournameisx because I already answered the question in my post, if anyone cares to read it. it's funny that the people who persecute others with screams of "racist racist!" are the most racists of them all. Racism wouldn't be a problem if you didn't keep making it one, it's always in your minds... funny huh?

On topic:

Pressure, I do hope it's different from the stuff we've seen already. What kind of improvements did they make to the graphics engine? Also did they finally add in the ability to use helicopters and other flying gismos?

I kinda hope they fixed up the combat system too, I really didn't like how they handled guns and stuff on GTA3 and VC. It was clumsy.

Ahhhhhhhhahahah you call me a dumb **** and post that load of shit. Heh you truly are a weener.

you have a problem with the way people dress...i have a problem with the way you ****ing look and dress....i know i know, lets all be white, wear FCUK, have a flicked up fringe, ride mountain bikes, say hello instead of hiya, smoke cigeretes...not fags and all be the same sort of person :upstare: infact **** it...lets just clone one person and be the same, yeah! rules.
Stop dragging the thread off topic, if you have a problem with me or my ideas then you're welcome to either PM me so I can delete it or come to my house so we can discuss things more 'directly'.

Did I forget a wow? That's so unlike me :)

Anyone remember his old movies where he used to play small parts as the bad guy and stuff like that? Hilarious stuff.

Jay Mohr also does a great job at imitating him.
fishymumma said:
So bigger levels and a bike :/ somthing to look forward to.

yeah sound great 5 times the size of vice city, and i hope i goes to pc, i have never brought gt3 or gta-vice on pc yet, on both on ps2, i will get gta-san on ps2 and if it goes to pc, on pc, i would be cool on pc,
the graphics would be way better on pc, looking forward to it, as well as hl2
I think I understand what Rico is getting at. The game is stereotyping all black people as being a part of gangster/hip-hop culture. Though I don't believe in reinforcing stereotypes (especially to younger children), I think that GTA is just using that whole image as a backdrop and to create a unique, rich context for the player to act in. The ability to change the appearance and thus affecting the way other characters react to you sounds great. The indoor levels also sound like they might be more developed than VC. I hope they include a few more little details like how you could buy buildings in VC. I think the game looks terrific right now.
R* confirmed features:

- Jetskis, bicycles, mini-subs, jumbo jets have been confirmed
- A new R3 mission; ‘Rescue Chopper’ where you rescue people in the chopper and take them to hospital- much like Ambulance missions.
- Nun chucks & throwing stars are new additional weapons
- Rag doll physics apply to the A.I and you… So if you fall off a motorcycle... It won’t look pretty
- Mountains ranges are in the game… It is said you can drive up there with a Hooker and do the wild thing as well as kill sex-crazed teens... Boy were the 90’s good.
- Hitchhiker’s are in the countryside and need your help… What are you going to do?
- 50 cent has an important role in the game… Either voice acting the main character or an actual appearance. It is confirmed though he is a fictional rapper in San Andreas… Remember Love Fist? Like that…
- You have a cell phone and a pager- No one knows the use for these yet
- Eminem has nothing to do with the game
- The law enforcements will be fully revamped and more strategic this time round
- There will still be 6 stars… Yet the ‘Hunter’ is a confirmed for 6 stars, and Tanks will not shoot as of yet.
- When you turn fat it also governs the speed of your vehicle, when on the motorbike it just potters along. Could this mean lower altitude on Air vehicles?
- Police ride motorcycles
- A new feature is learning new abilities… This also allows you to complete certain missions to drive the story on.
- The blood has been overhauled… Blood goes on walls and looks more realistic.
- R* have confirmed a new abundance of street ready weapons to play around with; Could we expect bricks, pipes, axes, shovels, shards of glass as street ready weapons?
- There will be LA Riots in the game… But they never went into any detail of what to except with this idea.
- You can take drugs in the game; expect strange screen effects and funny comments from CJ.
- It is confirmed an Alcatraz like Jail is in the game. They never stated its purpose or location of where it may be.

"One thing were even more thrilled about is the aspect of purchasing and taking drugs. Rockstar said to expect all types of weird things to happen when taking them. We are also to occurrence all different types of delusions as there will be more than one type drug available to take. This may also open a new capability to retail drugs, but obviously this has yet to be mentioned."

About Eminem not bing in the game:
“After enquiring rappers being called in to Rockstar games, it has been formally announced Eminem will have no position in the game whatsoever. But the thing is nobody can really rely on Rockstar. So don’t be stunned if Eminem does somehow pop up in San Andreas. But we do know he isn’t doing anything foremost”

"While driving to another city you will come across country side seeing hitchhikers directly needing a lifts and plenty farm chattels with no animals. Rockstar promised there will be as much to perform in the country as in the cities themselves. Driving to each city will feel vibrate and enjoyable with innovative and diverse things to see and do each time. "

About 50-Cent:
"On the issue of popular voice-talent, it has finally been confirmed, on our behalf anyway. 50 Cent actually has a convinced position in the game. After him mentioning GTA on MTV a couple of month back, the propaganda has been ecstatic. Well for those who concern, 50 Cent is incurable. Something we don’t distinguish is if 50 Cent actually is doing any voice- acting or character roles. Sam Houser didn’t want to answer that question, but he did however say he might be a fictional rapper. Love Fist anyone?

For us this is excellent news… Nothing like having a main character who can’t even unbolt his mouth suitably. Anyway, let’s move on before something terrible commences."

“‘It’s either more wanted levels or a revamped, more strategic Law enforcement’ said Sam Houser. By adding more wanted levels, the stars will not encompass as much profundity as if they kept it alike. At 6 stars in the preceding Grand Theft Auto’s tanks, trucks and profoundly equipped soldiers hunted you down, Soldiers slaughtering you in a couple of seconds and tanks blowing your car up with one stroke. Now at 6 stars Apache type helicopters gun you down and the enemy A.I is much smarter and tactical. So if you want to rupture the law expect a more tactical approach to things.’

Source: FLW Mag (Europe/Oceania)
JUMBO JETS confirmed? bad move ther R*..probley just dug there own grave with that one. if people are able to fly them there will be a bunch of little assholes flying them into building and posting the vids all over the internet. damn R*
Jumbos arn't confirmed.

and rockstar are smart with what they put in. Jumbos woulnd be any fun anyway. the biggest plane you're likely to see is maybe a private jet, like the one's seen at the airport in GTA3.

And if you can "use" jumbos it would be like the train system in gta3, non controlable.
omg playENS teh insensitovrR!!!!1

really who gives a flying f|_|ck ... not me... I hate people who get worked up about sh!t like that

anyway game looks amazing...hope they dont have to tone anything down to get the "M" rating they need to sell it
I don't think anything they add will make it go above "M" unless they add porn and lots of it.
Pressure said:
I don't think anything they add will make it go above "M" unless they add porn and lots of it.

actually collecting and doing drugs... REAL drugs... I think that could earn them an AO :E

but if it does il go and kill everyone at esrb :|
CrazyHarij said:
Wow this seems awesome.. hope it wont be PS2 exclusive.

GTA : San Andreas is a PS2 exclusive.This news has been officially declared by Rockstar Games.Why the hell can't they ship it for all platforms all at once.This is really disappointing.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
actually collecting and doing drugs... REAL drugs... I think that could earn them an AO :E

but if it does il go and kill everyone at esrb :|

Good point. I'm sure the drugs won't push it over "M" though. I mean you already have theft, murder, swearing, topless women and sex with hookers. Who cares if they just add drugs, without them the combo wouldn't be complete.
So GTA: San Andreas is gonna be YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NJD2003 where did you get that from, what was the source?
Rico said:
Yeah! A ton of new features that change gameplay completely! Oh wait, no they won't, it's just the equivalent of adding a couple of new weapons and skins to a game and calling it an expansion.
Blegh... I have nothing against the GTA series but these kind of developer cash-ins make me sick. The worst part is that a lot of people will actually buy the game and encourage them to keep pumping them out as fast as they can.
I really don't think it's as much of a quick cash-in as so many people make out. Sure it's going to make a lot of money but in this case I genuinely believe that's because it will be better. Vice City was, in my opinion, far better than GTA3 and I can see San Andreas proving to be better still. If the games are of such a high standard then surely they deserve to make money? It's far from the cash-cow whoring Lara Croft was subjected to (they really ought to have given up the ghost after the third one).
Why is it such a cash-in if they make so many improvements - three cities in a vast county provides for some of the most non-linear play opportunities we've ever seen and people seem to ignore that; no expansion pack would do that. The amount of changes and upgrades make it completely different from an expansion.
If it sells then it will be by virtue of its quality and I see no shame in a developer making money because it produces good games.

One thing that does piss me off is that you're not quite the anti-hero Vercetti was - in this case it seems like you're being dragged down by other people. Not quite as gleefully unsavoury.

And I believe that when they say PS2 Exclusive they mean that it'll come out on the PC 6ish months after the PS2 version - that's what happened with GTA3 and VC.
myth said:
So GTA: San Andreas is gonna be YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS2 version will be YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PC version will be 1000XYUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYY :E :rolling:
As far as I can tell, you're the one who bumped up the thread Harryz. The last post before yours was made on the 15th. :-/
KagePrototype said:
As far as I can tell, you're the one who bumped up the thread Harryz. The last post before yours was made on the 15th. :-/
It's okay, I deleted a post.