New site


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Check it out and get posting in the forums, not too much content as yet but working on it.

If you interested in becomming a part of the team please contact me thx.

Any help recieved is greatly appreciated.:)
do u get banned or flamed to shit for talkin about the beta? :cool:
That's cheap man, pimping out your site on someone elses terf. That shit 'ill get cha killed on da streets !
lol pimping eh just getting ppl to know about us.
Diablo no you don't get banned or flamed about talking about the beta in an appropriate manner. Such as no publishing where you can get it from. :)
Nice layout , horrid colour scheme.
Sort that brownish grey background out, to something a bit lighter maybe. Makes it too hard to read imo.

And shrink your sig. It's way too big (and not clever).
Originally posted by Krusty
Nice layout , horrid colour scheme.
Sort that brownish grey background out, to something a bit lighter maybe. Makes it too hard to read imo.

And shrink your sig. It's way too big (and not clever).

Well thea background has been a range of colours and this seems to suit most but am always open to suggestions thx. :)
Damn I love the design!

Dunno your policies, but dont allow discussion of the beta imo.

Force the theives into the IRC underworld :p
Actually, the little HL2 logos are kinda ugly, and the category titles in the left column are too. Mostly because they dont match the rest of the site. Fix that and it would be great.
So besides copying's front page news content, what else does your site offer?
hey give him a break, its a new site, hes hasen't got anyone on the team besides himself yet... just give it a few days...
Actually, MM is the official spokesman for this site.
tell him Mountian Man!!!
Originally posted by Mountain Man
So besides copying's front page news content, what else does your site offer?

Well I appologise for that the site is new and had to get an initial bit of content added and from now on this will change as i'm getting a team to help with news and posting original content.

I'm trying to offer a place for the community to post discuss and publish new/mods/maps and anything else in the hl2 community.
Well i'm starting to get a news team together and posting original news no quite hl2 but as this is a fan site I will be covering news in the general gamming world this will soon include locations of all the latest hardware drivers for most hardware such as gfx cards, chipset, and other related products.
Well I have a new layout now and I hope it isn't as samey and hope you all like and if you preffered the old layout you can still choose that 1 too :)