New Soldier Weapon - The Direct Hit & TF2 Free Weekend

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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[br]The first of the soldier class weapon unlocks has been unveiled on the Team Fortress 2 soldier war page, as The Direct Hit.[br]
This weapon replaces the rocket launcher, and focuses on precision as it has a 70% smaller blast radius than a traditional rocket launcher. However rockets travel 80% faster and with 25% more destructive force, and if you hit an airborne target you'll do a mini-crit.[br] There is another comic now available as the administrator convinces the soldier to join the war. Lastly, TF2 is having another free weekend starting Thursday night as soon as the update goes live and you can pre-load now or buy some of the new TF2 war merchandise.
That seems way better than a damn charge.
Awesome. Plausible sidegrade possibly upgrade, either way I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it.
who would actually use this. Soldier is like the work horse of the team, now you will have guys just sitting back trying to direct hit people.
Would totally get one of those iphone covers if I had an iphone :p
who would actually use this. Soldier is like the work horse of the team, now you will have guys just sitting back trying to direct hit people.

I doubt it'll be as fast as a bullet to warrant people going all Ambassador with it.

Imagine how awesome it would be in the 2fort sewers, in those awkward standoffs with you at the bend, and an enemy is standing at the stairs on the opposite end.

You fire your rockets but they just leg it, s0n!
Mann Co. shirt is depressingly disappointing; doesn't have Saxton Goddamn Hale on it.
If its a company T-Shirt why would they have Hale on them?

Looking forward to the Direct Hit though.
What's TollboothWillie's sig say? Sniper Rockets? All the sniper of a sniper, all the rockets of rockets?


But yours could work too
anyway for people that already has the game to pre-load the update?

also a slightly boring addition to the soldier.

I wonder what effect this will have on rocket-jumping? smaller blast radius = less lift?
80% increase, that's 1,980 hammer units per second, that's 84.3 mph. 30% of the original blast radius; that's like, what, 44 units? Might be wrong on that. Doesn't matter too much; just need to hit the target within a unit. Hell, just hit the target period. 25% damage and mini-crit on middy.

Men, prepare to giggle like schoolgirls.

Need to know the ammo count and reload time, though. A lot of people in this thread are saying "sniper soldier;" men, you're not going to be reaching out and touching someone over a long distance with this thing. This weapon facilitates middies. If you're any good with the soldier at all you'll be taking the damn thing because you already hit the target without relying on splash damage. You pop 'em up and it's mini-crit city.
I was worried we'd get a gimmick, but this looks awesome. My only worry is it how difficult it may be to launch people now.
This is exactly what a friend of mine said he wanted yesterday.

They just turned the better soldiers into rampaging killing machines, laughing as they airpop whatever the hell they want to into oblivion.

Also, jump distance is based on damage done.

Since they didn't say anything about the fire rate, ammo count, and reload time, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they are unchanged. But it seems that Valve sometimes takes a personal interest in breaking my dreams, so I'll go ahead and shatter that hope right now to give the rest of you a chance of it actually being so.
This is probably going to be insane in the hands of good soldiers, and useless in the hands of everyone else. Just have to see if they change firing speed, clip size etc.
It'll be nice to see a weapon that requires some skill instead of just chain firing at an open door or something.
Wow, this weapon actually sounds... useful.

It's about time we get something that isn't completely gimmicky.
Wow, this weapon actually sounds... useful.

It's about time we get something that isn't completely gimmicky.

Blutsauger, original backburner, jarate. Those weren't gimmicky. Maybe jarate... but it is still much more useful than that weak ass little smg. Even the new backburner isn't terrible... I use it for sweet ambushes.

I'm trying to imagine what 80% faster will be like...
Maybe jarate... but it is still much more useful than that weak ass little smg.

God, you're horrible, aren't you?

It's about time we get something that isn't completely gimmicky.
It's all gimmicky. I don't even understand what you mean by that. Faster RPG with mini-crits for middies? That's a gimmick, bro. You should note that "gimmick" isn't synonymous for "useless" or "bad."
2 things- this is gonna be hell for slow ass heavy and also engies on more open maps will get a headache from the increased spike damage done to their sentries.
Maybe jarate... but it is still much more useful than that weak ass little smg.


Let's see your Jarate take down that scout that is jumping around you but not close enough to kukri.
I thought the update was tommorow; someone please clarify if I am right or wrong.
The damage increase sounds a bit much. That's one hit to kill a scout that slips up, also I would hazard a guess that you could snipe a sentry easily with faster, more powerful rockets. I hope they did enough testing on this one.
That's one hit to kill a scout that slips up
Don't slip up. Scouts are already the bane of soldiers.

I would hazard a guess that you could snipe a sentry
Don't build out in the open. Reduced blast radius means corner sentries are well protected.