Prison Break
Its zero hour but are you ready? Your cellmate watches you, senses your doubt, your fear... The outcome rests on your shoulders alone - one mistake, one slip, one bullet and what was cold and clean on paper will run red with slick blood. "I'm doing this for me and me alone" you say, forcing yourself to sound strong, confident - weakness is deadly here. The gates rumble open - just one chance is all it will take, one last grasp for freedom before everything is taken away...
Prison Break is a brand new Single Player map for Halflife 2 by Jesterhole which places you in a highly volatile situation from the start as you revolt against the bars which imprison you and take the sword and flame to your captors. The product of 5 months work featuring custom animations and dialogue, this map is an exhilarating combination of intense gameplay, inspired map design and most importantly immense fun.
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Any comments or suggestions? [email protected]
Its zero hour but are you ready? Your cellmate watches you, senses your doubt, your fear... The outcome rests on your shoulders alone - one mistake, one slip, one bullet and what was cold and clean on paper will run red with slick blood. "I'm doing this for me and me alone" you say, forcing yourself to sound strong, confident - weakness is deadly here. The gates rumble open - just one chance is all it will take, one last grasp for freedom before everything is taken away...
Prison Break is a brand new Single Player map for Halflife 2 by Jesterhole which places you in a highly volatile situation from the start as you revolt against the bars which imprison you and take the sword and flame to your captors. The product of 5 months work featuring custom animations and dialogue, this map is an exhilarating combination of intense gameplay, inspired map design and most importantly immense fun.
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Any comments or suggestions? [email protected]