New Technology in episode 3


Jun 15, 2008
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As you know Valve have said they will introduce a new technology to the source engine in each episode. In episode 1 we had improved npc interaction, and HDR. In Episode 2 we had improved shadows, improved outdoor graphics and vegetation etc. What do you think will be introduced into episode 3? I personally think more improved shadowing including penumbra, and improved textures.
You forgot cinematic physics.

I think they will improve weather effects. "Dynamic" snow. Maybe.
I wouldn't mind seeing a realistic looking ocean. Something that I still don't think's been properly achieved. Though COD4 got pretty close in the tanker level, and Wind Waker's ocean may have been cartoony, but it had a really satisfying swell to it. And boy I'd love to see a giant, whale-like synth.

Note: None of the above will ever happen.
I'd still like to see how the Source engine could handle rain, and how that would affect the standing water.
Holy crap I never noticed we'd never had any rain. Jeez Combine really messed us up...
I wouldn't mind seeing a realistic looking ocean. Something that I still don't think's been properly achieved. Though COD4 got pretty close in the tanker level, and Wind Waker's ocean may have been cartoony, but it had a really satisfying swell to it. And boy I'd love to see a giant, whale-like synth.

Note: None of the above will ever happen.

GTA4 had a great ocean. Depending on the weather it would be calm or really huge waves.
Source can do rain pretty well with the current build of the engine.

Medieval: Total War looks like it's going to have a great ocean too. But it seems very unlikely that a new ocean will be designed for Episode 3, so I'm going with the snow. Avalanches plz.
dynamic weather effects and more freedom to work around using the environment (eg, picking up snow with the grav gun and shooting it at the enemy, or walking in a certain area and jumping causing the ice beneath you to shatter, shooting rocks at a mountain and causing an avalanche, etc).
We did have debris falling on us in Episode One.

And maybe there is no rain anymore. I mean, the combine are sucking the oceans dry, so why would it be surprising that there's no rain?
Occlusion and LOD Technology allowing Valve to expand even greater the outdoor areas that is visible and usable to the player.

Upgrade to Euphoria Engine, so our enemies can be tripped, kicked and fall off buildings, then get back up again

Plus the optional zFeather

And maybe there is no rain anymore. I mean, the combine are sucking the oceans dry, so why would it be surprising that there's no rain?
Was that ever proven?
Direct x 10?

What do you think about the source engine being upgraded to include directX 10, or is this just crazy talk.:rolling:
And boy I'd love to see a giant, whale-like synth.

Now this would be cool. Imagine Shadow Of The Colossus style battle! Gordon and whale-like synth! On fragile ice! Ok maybe not...

Was that ever proven?

I think that those ships on the beach and the docks far away from the water in highway 17 and sandtraps chapters are enough proof for me.
What do you think about the source engine being upgraded to include directX 10, or is this just crazy talk.:rolling:

Since Vista is sh*t, I don't mind if they put or not.

And about weather, Imagine some rain.

Or even better,Think about if it snows.If Source can handle this it would be great.
I'd like an upgrade to some of the items that have not undergone any changes since HL2. For instance, the ejected casings look ridiculous, and some of the textures need to be up to speed with the rest of today's games.

It's going to be interesting to see the particle system they implement for Episode Three, especially concerning snow. I just hope it's not too taxing on system requirements. New battle sequences between synths should be cool too.
If Episode 3 comes out in time for the next-generation of Processors maybe a updated physics engine, supporting new functions such as pressure waves and advanced reflection and refraction of light on the surfaces of objects, or even Ray-tracing technology
Dynamic snow. Strider blasting this Dynamic snow. Avalanche caused with Dynamic snow. Extremely challenging sprint to cover while being nearly crushed by Dynamic snow. Hell yeah.
If Episode 3 comes out in time for the next-generation of Processors maybe a updated physics engine, supporting new functions such as pressure waves and advanced reflection and refraction of light on the surfaces of objects, or even Ray-tracing technology

I dont think Episode 3 will take that long to allow Ray-tracing. Thats at least 5 years off, Maybe HL3 will.
"Dynamic snow" yeah dream on.

The only way they could make a avalanche would be out of a huge model.

Also you forgot how they added $phong to ep1
Image Based Rendering? I recall Gabe being pretty excited about this a few years ago.
IIRC, it's already in.
Don't think so. It's still a rumoured future feature.
I think that those ships on the beach and the docks far away from the water in highway 17 and sandtraps chapters are enough proof for me.

It has been unseasonably warm, thats all :thumbs:
The fact that there are still oceans and clouds surely means that the Combine have only taken a relatively small amount of water from the Earth.
I would like the explosive weapons (i.e. grenade) at close range, rip apart the body parts of combine soldiers or other live beings. For now, as you all know, it will toss around the whole body.
The fact that there are still oceans and clouds surely means that the Combine have only taken a relatively small amount of water from the Earth.

Many a ungentlemanly comment could be put here.
I would like the explosive weapons (i.e. grenade) at close range, rip apart the body parts of combine soldiers or other live beings. For now, as you all know, it will toss around the whole body.
Grenades don't have enough power to "gib". It's not really a big explosion, it's just tossing fragments of the grenade at high speed. You shouldn't even see an explosion, just a bit of high velocity smoke.

Ah, my English sucks :P
I wonder if an avalance could be done with cinematic physics? Given that Valve put in a new, epic particle system with Ep2, I expect we'll be seeing plenty of realistic snow effects, breath clouds etc. There might even by dynamic snow, given that surface deformation technology has been around for ages. I have no idea how dynamic though, seeing as I know very little about the technical difficulties of these things.

As for DirectX 10, I doubt they'll be implementing that because DX10 only works on Vista, which I don't think current HL2 games work well with. They'd probably have to modify the code quite a lot to make it more compatible, which could take a while.
What about this?
CLICK HERE! Embedding is disabled

It doesn't look that impressive, it's just a stream of particles, but still, if valve makes it look nice they could use it for more water-based puzzles in the borealis or something. A step forward from the seesaw puzzles. :)
As for DirectX 10, I doubt they'll be implementing that because DX10 only works on Vista, which I don't think current HL2 games work well with. They'd probably have to modify the code quite a lot to make it more compatible, which could take a while.
HL2 works perfectly OK with Vista. Pre-Orange Box titles may be a little bit slower when compared with XP, but Episode Two's engine runs as well as with XP, perhaps even smoother.

Valve always said they aren't really interested with implementing DX10 yet, because there aren't enough gamers with a DX10-capable graphic card and Vista installed at the same time. The number of Vista users is increasing, but I don't think we'll see any of that technology in Episode Three.
"Dynamic snow" yeah dream on.

The only way they could make a avalanche would be out of a huge model.

Well, somebody managed to make dynamic water in Source.

So it's definitely not an impossibility.

I'm hoping to see some proper dynamic shadows that are cast in the directions determined by the light sources around it. It looks freaking awesome in GTA4!