New Tool Album "10,000 Days" release May 2nd!

I can't imagine this would be fake. The sound is very very modern and mastering is absolute top notch, stuff couldnt sound like this even a year or two ago and couldnt have been done by anything but a pro studio. Theyve obviously gone a step further and experimented more.

It sounds ****ing great in my opinion.
Yeah, I've heard the album some more now. Its great. Right In Two is awesome good.
As an album, I don't think it stands up to Lateralus (in my mind nothing is going to match such cohesive transcendal awesome-sauce), but as individual songs they're some of the best. :D The tracks just don't flow very well to me, like there isn't enough breathing space to absorb all of it in the time allocated. Maybe after a while it will make sense /shrug.
I found 6 stations playing Tool by searching 'tool' using Winamp media player / Shoutcast Internet Radio.

3 stations claim to be playing the new album but they won't let me connect or are full ATM.

I got in. The room with 96 bit rate. The song that just played didn't sound very good TBH, but it's definitely them
Thanks virus type...I searched shoutcast and Im listening to some song of theirs called Rosetta Stoned
Yeah, Rosetta Stoned is like a two part song with the song Lost Keys which comes before it. Great song.
"You'll all be nicely surprised on may 2nd. I'm talking to you jerkoffs with the album downloaded." -MJK, 4-23-06
Cerpin said:
"You'll all be nicely surprised on may 2nd. I'm talking to you jerkoffs with the album downloaded." -MJK, 4-23-06

eh? :naughty:
virus release ftw! :thumbs: :laugh:
i kid...i haven't downloaded anything even tho i was offered by a friend...i figured i did not want to hear a shitty quality.
Cerpin said:
"You'll all be nicely surprised on may 2nd. I'm talking to you jerkoffs with the album downloaded." -MJK, 4-23-06
I hope.

I downloaded it, but since I never intended to not also buy it on release date, I've got nothing to worry about :D
ive been researching this leak hoax rumor, i'm not sure what i think... but i don't mind either way
Cerpin said:
"You'll all be nicely surprised on may 2nd. I'm talking to you jerkoffs with the album downloaded." -MJK, 4-23-06

Heh, where's that from?
Goddamn this is good. Buying when it comes out.
i am reading about what a mess this tour has been already and it hasn't even started...what i mean by that is there has been MASSIVE ammounts of ticket the point where most hardcore fans didn't even get a fair shake at tickets.

i know for a fact that for the Toronto show, the Hummingbird Centre has its only club presale in which about 80% of the tickets were already gone before there was a public sale...damn the ticket brokers and god damn ****ing scalpers. :frown:

now i know theres some fans out there defending Maynard and whatnot...and thats fine, some fans will be defensive about it all but the fact remains that this tour was so poorly planned.
i have been reading alot of negative responses to how Maynard has treated fans...and that Tool Army fan club pretty much seems worthless since there were no presales through it and members haven't gotten anything worthwhile in the last two years at least.

that of course is coming from people who are currently Tool Army members.
i guess one can make good music and still be an asshole... :|
Cerpin said:
"You'll all be nicely surprised on may 2nd. I'm talking to you jerkoffs with the album downloaded." -MJK, 4-23-06

I bet that different songs would be on the album or something! :D
Dr. Freeman said:
i am reading about what a mess this tour has been already and it hasn't even started...what i mean by that is there has been MASSIVE ammounts of ticket the point where most hardcore fans didn't even get a fair shake at tickets.

i know for a fact that for the Toronto show, the Hummingbird Centre has its only club presale in which about 80% of the tickets were already gone before there was a public sale...damn the ticket brokers and god damn ****ing scalpers. :frown:

now i know theres some fans out there defending Maynard and whatnot...and thats fine, some fans will be defensive about it all but the fact remains that this tour was so poorly planned.
i have been reading alot of negative responses to how Maynard has treated fans...and that Tool Army fan club pretty much seems worthless since there were no presales through it and members haven't gotten anything worthwhile in the last two years at least.

that of course is coming from people who are currently Tool Army members.
i guess one can make good music and still be an asshole... :|

IMO, Maynard is a f***ing dickhead. Musical Genius, maybe, but a total arse nonetheless.
gick said:
IMO, Maynard is a f***ing dickhead. Musical Genius, maybe, but a total arse nonetheless.

yeah, lately theres alot of people who think that.
especially people who paid the $60 for the fan club are so pissed off because if his antics and the fact that they really don't get more much than the general public does.
Some peopel I know on a forum I post at alot have gotten there Tool albums from Play or whatever they used and they've reported that there is nothing different in the songs. They have, however, only flicked through and not had a proper sit down yet.
SYL - Alien > Tool - 10, 000 Days

And thats saying something as Alien has been out for a fair while now. Alien just kicks the ass.
KagePrototype said:
As an album, I don't think it stands up to Lateralus (in my mind nothing is going to match such cohesive transcendal awesome-sauce), but as individual songs they're some of the best. :D The tracks just don't flow very well to me, like there isn't enough breathing space to absorb all of it in the time allocated. Maybe after a while it will make sense /shrug.

Lateralus is terrible :|
SearanoX said:
My interest in this band is renewed. I had these albums downloaded long ago, but I had since kind of forgotten about them. I think I'll be buying the new album when it comes out, assuming it's as good as these two.

10, 000 Days doesn't match up to Laturalus, in my opinion, but after more extensive hearing from my freinds, its a damn fine album. I'll be buying it tomorow.
Spicy Tuna said:
Lateralus is terrible :|

Tool reached their peak with with Aenima I think. Every song off that album was perfect - Third Eye is just brilliant.

Lateralus sounded like one big song to me with a bunch of soundscape filler tracks, although there were some highlights. This new record while good, it is quite boring.

I'll probably end up picking up a copy anyway though. :dork:
Generally, you prefer either Aenima or Lateralus, as a Tool fan. I tend to love them both about equally, but that's not as common as favoring one or the other.

And Lemonking, Lateralus does NOT suck.
Lateralus for me. Most of my friends who listen to Tool prefer Aenima.

Has anybody got Salival? That's worth picking up just for Pushit Live.
I don't, I haven't seen it anywhere around here and I haven't really been motivated enough to order it online.

I'm hoping on Tuesday when 10,000 Days is released, I'll see Salival at the store and pick it up also.
gick said:
Has anybody got Salival? That's worth picking up just for Pushit Live.

that album has got to be one of the hardest albums ever to find.
seriously...none of my friends who are huge Tool fans have that album and its not from a lack of trying. :x
imo the only good thing about 10,000 days is the awesome cd case 3d image viewer thing.
SearanoX said:
I have Salival on mp3. The live version of Third Eye is absolutely incredible. These guys have one of the best live performances ever. It's too bad that the box set is out of print. You might be able to find it on online stores if you're lucky. Your best bet is picking it up used somewhere like eBay.

I got mine at HMV a few years back. I had no idea how rare it was, I just figured it cost £25 because of the nice box. :rolling:
just got back from the store, and i'll agree, the 10,000 Days case is ****ing awesome. and the music's as good as i've been saying ;D
I'm still kind of up in the air with this album. I think it's gonna take some listening to form a solid opinion (as was the case with Tool's previous albums before I really got into them, especially Lateralis). So far, I'm into the first 5 tracks - except for Vicarious which I'm taking a break from, and Wings for Marie pts. 1/2 which I can only really listen to in small doses (and through the stereo :cool:). In particular I can't get enough of The Pot at the moment. It's sooo catchy, and ooopppphhhhffff the bass. Really old school Tool too, which is cool (fool).

So, cool songs mostly, but as an album it feels inconsistent and kind of all over the place. I wouldn't mind the ambient soundscapey stuff so much if it didn't sound so random and unstructured. I went back and listened to Disposition/Reflection/Triad and I actually found I could appreciate them even more after listening to 10,000 Days...

Also, I was expecting it to be alot more... metal. Perhaps I was misled >.>

Ennui said:
Generally, you prefer either Aenima or Lateralus, as a Tool fan.

Both about the same, but for different reasons. It varies though, into Lateralis more at the moment, probably since I can relate it to the new album more.

gick said:
Has anybody got Salival? That's worth picking up just for Pushit Live.

Oh shit yes. I listen to the live version over the studio version religiously.
Oh yeah, and the casing is the shit. The 3D booklet is so trippy :D

Anyone else getting a Harry Potter-esque vibe from the Danny Carey image?
Shodan said:
Tool are going to be playing at Download in the UK.

And they are going to be awesome. :D

So I got the album yesterday. Indeed, the booket and case is one of the coolest I have in my collection. Excellent stuff. As for the songs, I'd only heard them through a mixed order at my freinds house, whilst playing X-Box. Last night, whilst doing my coursework, I had a full on listen.

Didn't get much coursework done.

TheBleeding said:
Last night, whilst doing my coursework, I had a full on listen.

Leaving it a bit late aren't we? :dork:
It was art courswork. I did my first 5 hours exam today, my second 5 hours on Friday, so last night, tonight and Thursday night are just touch ups and alterations to my preparation work to be handed in on Friday.
Bad^Hat said:
Oh shit yes. I listen to the live version over the studio version religiously.

mind helping me get that album?

edit: 6, 666 posts? D: