New Valve Game - Left 4 Dead

Were you invited to Valve, or did you just visit?
Well they knew me from two other experiences when I was there, so they knew me well...

I doubt you could just say "Hey, can I playtest for you?" and they'll say yes...

If you lived in Seattle then you would have a good chance though.
I'm coming too! :D

Sound amazingly brilliant. I hope I don't get the scans, preferably not through a PM of some sort.
please never make like nineteen duplicate threads again :E
sounds awesome!
ive always been a big fan of gunning down zombies
and the fact that valve are behind it makes me even more excited!
Did you make that or is it official?
I didn't say that! If I thought that, wouldn't I have just assumed it was official?
Now, death is handled a bit differently however. Once you reach 0 hp normally, you are considered "Down" and are stuck on the ground, with 300hp this time, can't move and can only fire your pistol. A teammate needs to come over and revive you. In fact, there are lots of moments where you need to be helped by teammates (by holding +use on them).

For example there are areas where you need to jump from a roof into a window to keep moving. If you miss the jump, you can grab onto the ledge, and you need to get a teammate to successfully make the jump, and then pull you over. It's sweet.

This should have been put in games a long time ago, WOOT!
Yea I totally agree... It makes gameplay so hectic and when you have a bunch of zombies looming down on you attacking, it gives you that desperation feeling and it just absolutely rocks.

This game is totally immersive. Camera is directly tied to their head and it works flawlessly.

BTW, you can also lock doors and such behind you if you really want. The zombies then have to bash through the door. However, they have to break it apart piece by piece, so as they are doing it, you can get lots of shots of by the holes they put in the door. Until a hulk comes by and smashes it down in 1 second and starts terrorizing the joint.

*Edit* Also, there are multiple checkpoints which give you more ammo, medkits, and also allows you to change weapons mid-way through the level. It gives a bit of a pause before going back out there, but obviously you are still vulnerable in the "checkpoint".
Why are we being taunted by all these yet to be released valve games :(
OMG This sounds insane. Man another Valve miracle.
...if it isn't suddenly and unexpectedly "delayed". :D

Although it's hard to see how it could be delayed without a released date. ^ ^
It's so polished, that I doubt it will be delayed. I'm sure they already have a date in mind.

There are just gameplay issues which will take a little while to tweak and get that last bit of fun in the game.
... but Turtle Rock's doing this, ain't it?

Valve AND Turtle Rock. Glad Turtle Rock are involved. They make some great maps. Not that Valve dont make great maps. But two companies that make great maps can't make a bad map :p

I hope this is released before I go to uni so I can play it online. Ports are blocked at uni :( Oh well, play it over lan :D
I've been waiting for a co-op game for too long. My prayers have been answered.
how is the story progression going to work? will you have to load new maps when entering an area?

also will people be able to join while a game is progressing?
It's not a co-op game in the sense of Gears Of War with a huge storyline or anything from what I played. It was just individual maps where you tried to get from point A to point B and the only real story is that you are a survivor of this zombie virus.

No, there is no extra loading of the maps, even though they probably are the largest MP game maps I've ever been on. They are extremely long in terms of length.

Not sure on joining mid-game since I never had that experience.
This reminds me of all those cheap ass zombie server in CS:S.

Oh posh, those Zombie mod servers rule... well, some do.

Anyway, L4D sounds like a winner to me! And I think Valve will do a great job, considering they seem to already by passionate about it!

My idea:

I think they should have AI allies. Hardly revolutionary. Sort of like Barney, but more ineffectual. Mainly, they would be zombie-fodder. Because, let's face it, in any good zombie movie, there needs to be high human body count. The desperate beat-cops, the overwhelmed Spec Ops team etc.

Whenever the heros start with a team, they always get wittled down to only the main characters (ie. the players), like in the Resident Evil movies.

I love the new death/revival idea, sort of like when you're wounded in BF2. BTW, a BF2 zombie mod would be F*CKING AWESOME! But I digress...
What i'm hoping to see is a FPS that actually forces players to work together. Nothing annoys me more than seeing a game labeled cooperative when it requires absolutely no cooperation between players at all. A good example is Serious Sam. Don't get me wrong, i liked the game and it was pretty fun playing with other people but can you honestly say that there was anything cooperative about it besides the fact that you were shooting the same enemies? I could technically say that Team Deathmatch is a co-op but unless your in a clan, you will rarely see anything resembling teamwork. I want to see real teamwork in a FPS for once. I want to see a game that actually forces the players to work together or they lose. Is that really so much to ask for? Seriously, i feel co-op is so underdeveloped these days for what is probably the most enjoyable form of multiplayer available.
Its Sounding Cool...My mate found it in a mag he got of a plane....:D
Man this game is sounding more and more like 'Gears of War'
And thats a good thing...that game is awesome
I want this game so bad :(
The maps are supposedly HUGE. Nearly an hour or more to complete each one.
How in the WORLD does this game sound like Gears of War?
How in the WORLD does this game sound like Gears of War?
It's quite obvious.
This game has guns.
Gears of War has guns.