New Valve Gameplay Videos

6 videos to wait to load, I need broadband :(

Edit: The Portal video was disapointing, looking at the first EP1 one now. Anyone else notice the lack of an AUX bar? Do we finaly get a realistic(read: one that works for more than 5 seconds) flashlight?
Edit2: Hearing the Vortigaunt saying anltion is slighty odd and and "We recommend sex" is just wrong :p
:O my youtube video's made it here! (i'm aware of the fact i didn't make them, it's the fact is their my copys i put on youtube... nuff said *run*)

and yes Ep2 is going to rox0rz (along with it's added extras :) )
All of the videos were awesome.

And damn it I want the music from the TF2 trailer and that bit in the HL2:Episode Two gameplay footage.

(And one more thing, RE: TF2 trailer: No Pyro or Medic love? I'm sad.)
Okay, what is that vortigaunt saying?

Forbear freeman, we recommend...


Is that what he is saying?
I beleive it is "Beware Freeman...we recommend silence".
That was what I heard from the IGN high-res ones.

All of the videos were awesome.

And damn it I want the music from the TF2 trailer and that bit in the HL2:Episode Two gameplay footage.

(And one more thing, RE: TF2 trailer: No Pyro or Medic love? I'm sad.)

Maybe they arn't done yet?
You want the music? I want the goddamn games. SO BADLY.

Seriously, kudos to Valve- I was mildly interested in the continuation of this series, but as the lads over the pond might say, I'm seriously "pumped" about these titles since this media...
To me it sounds like the Vortigaunt says "sense".
Why would he say sex? :S

I hadn't seen the trailer at the IGN page, it's awesome,
and shows of lots of new effects (along with the other videos)
Much love for G-Man.

I agree with everyone else, I'm so hyped!!
He says "silence". It's clearly audible in the hi-res IGN vids.
Yeah, I am so excited for all three of these games I could pee - seriously, all of them look truly amazing!
Is Team Fortress 2 out yet?

How about now? D:
"We recommend....sense" doesn't MAKE sense. "We recommend...silence" makes more sense. Granted, it does sound more like sense then silence, surely we'll come to find in the gcf's that it's silence. On the other hand, Vortigaunts do say strange things I'm sure. It's really a toss up until we can view the GCF's.