New Vehicle

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
So I got PC Gamer a Sweden today, and they had a picture the the new vehicle for hl2, which you appearently will drive in 50% of the time in ep2. They said it was "build by two old people that live in the forest", and is made up of old junk parts. There is only room for NPCs in the seat next to you, that are albe to shoot at your enemies while you're driving. I didn't see another thread on the subject, so I will scan the pictures and post them in this thread shortly.

EDIT: Here it is:
Yes,it was posted in the US PC Gamer couple of months ago. It seems to be the same article.
yeah, we saw that picture months ago
I wonder how far they'll go with the realism. There doesn't appear to be a lot of cover or restraints for the passengers. If you turn to the left too sharply, will your passenger fall out of the car? If you brake too sharply or drive into a wall/tree, will your passenger fly forward in a comical fashion? If you leave your car and fight on foot, will your passenger follow, or will he/she remain in the passenger seat?

And what happens if it's someone important that needs to ride with us (Alyx, Barney, Kleiner, etc.). I know Valve went to great lengths to try and eliminate friendly fire among important characters, so it'll be interesting to see what happens should I decide to drive into one of them. :p
Yay! The scout car returns!!!

Hmm, I just realized the new vehicle doesn't have a gun mounted to it. It's definately what made the buggy ("scout car" :)) useful beyond simple transportation.
Thanks for making this easily available to all these people who were wondering what freaking car we were talking about all this time; it's apparently really hard to find that pic online.
I'd certainly never seen it. Looks nice... also, why did you get your PCG already?!:frown:
It looks like it's taken from mad-max. Apparently it will broke somtime in the game. Mayby it gets upgraded too.
I don't like it, to be honest. Looks way to low and just plain ugly. And yeah, definatly something out of Mad Max.
It's just a concept art. I won't be surprised if the final model is different.
No. But it's really quite small, and old, and not really that important given the scale of the mag.
Aniscoptric Filtering (sp?)

It smoothes the edges of models and textures :)
Would a 2GHz, Radeon All-in-wonder9600 1GBram be able to run something like that? (Getting a new PC soon with at LEAST 2GHz and 1GB ram)
I cant say that i'm a great fan, personally would have liked to see a rusty old lada (it is set in eastern europe after all) or a van like in Edcrab's superb fan fic Malign Contingency.
something I see in this that I didn't see in the old version is that there is a 'bare bones' version and one with pieces of junk welded on as armour

note: I ****ING CALLED IT
Does anybody have the English translation of the article?

Btw, Freeman911, if you want to run full graphics + 4xAA/8xAF, you might considering purchasing a better video card..Then again, episode 2 might have even more optimization so you could run it close to that, but I wouldn't expect full settings to run with top FPS :-|
watch out for zombies when you are rollin around. They can latch onto your hood and lay the smackdown on you.
Does anybody have the English translation of the article?

Fine, I'll translate it.
Episode Two will let you travel over great distances in the game’s open settings and luckily enough we don’t have to run around by foot all the way. About 50% of the play time will, according to Valve, take place behind the wheel on the new vehicle that is yet to be named. How did Gordon get hold of this piece of junk? “It is constructed by to old people who lives in the forest”, project leader Erik Johnson explains, and shows that every part of the car originally comes from other machines. “It’s definitely rebel technology”, David Speyrer laughs. “It’s that kind of vehicle that can break at any time”. Except for saving time, it will also let you pick NPCs with the possibility to drop them off at a chosen destination. If you later get Alyx with you, she will be able to work as a gunner from the passenger seat. Certainly not the most reliable vehicle in the world, but charming as few, don’t you think?
watch out for zombies when you are rollin around. They can latch onto your hood and lay the smackdown on you.

And here is the proof just so you know...

//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: Zombies on cars!

#include "cbase.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "ai_motor.h"
#include "ai_senses.h"
#include "vehicle_jeep_episodic.h"
#include "ai_behavior_passenger_zombie.h"

#define JUMP_ATTACH_FACING_THRESHOLD		0.70710678	// cos(45)



BEGIN_DATADESC( CAI_PassengerBehaviorZombie )

	DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastVerticalLean, FIELD_FLOAT ),
	DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastLateralLean,	FIELD_FLOAT ),
	DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextLeapTime,		FIELD_TIME ),


Thats the start of the cpp file for passenger zombies.
Bah. Looked way too stylised for something built from junk by two old people in a forest. I prefer the minimalism of the HL2 scout car. Look at the amount of crap they've added to the back. Harder in terms of polygons and collisions as well.
Ah well, its Valve's game after all, not mine. I'll take what I'm given and be gratefull for it.
Probably the wrong choice of word. Sorry.

What I meant is that I think it looks too loaded with stuff that appear to have no function considering it was built from junk. The scout car in HL2 was equally home-made and it's little more that a frame, an engine and wheels.

In fact, looking at my previous post, I suppose it really was retarded to call it "stylised". I can't really think of the right word. I'm sure you've experienced this before.
I get where you're coming from, but you can see the obvious purpose of all of it: armour and weaponry, mostly
I see how it could be handy as armour now. In any case, the one in the released game will probably be different.
I don't think that car is cannon anyway. I mean, it has a Gearbox, right?
exactly why it is canon :D
anyway I'm sure it has some valves too though, but also it's clearly modded
so confused :{
What's with the valves and gearboxes insertion all of the sudden? Ohh, in-game advertising...?
I suppose it can handle driving the jagged terrain of a sierra as well...