New version of Duke Nukem 3D HRP released


Jul 18, 2003
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Some of you might remember this thread back in 2005. Now it's been quite a while since an official release from the HRP team (if you don't count the more frequent releases from this site made by NightFright) but not any longer.
This is probably one of the biggest update ever for HRP, most of the textures have been updated and every single enemy sprite has been modelled into a 3D model, even the bosses.
Of course it's still not yet finished, but it's just a matter of time before it's been completely redesigned.

While HRP has been in development several guys over at 3DRealms forums have been working on an enhanced modification for the game, for quite some time in fact. What it does is basically enchants the game with more special effects, debris flying across the screen, smoke, more excessive gore and pain skins (more similar to the original game) and the like.

Download links can be found here, however I would recommend that you download the Windows installer as it's easier to install and play.

Of course some screens wouldn't hurt, would it? ;)









Note: NO, this is NOT illegal or breaking the law in any way. This pack ONLY comes with new models, textures etc. but STILL needs the GRP file to work i.e. the full game is needed before you can play.
Wow, that looks really cool.

Amazing how people can put 3D models and stuff into these old shooters.
Man I made a thread about the other one a long time ago, and they deleted did you get away with it, lol

Anyway, this looks great...I'm getting it downloaded when I get home.
Man I made a thread about the other one a long time ago, and they deleted did you get away with it, lol

Was it this?

I still can't get over with how amazingly detailed the Alien Queen model is and how exact it resembles the original sprite. Quite some skilled guys working on it. :)

Is that the microwave gun, if thats the case, somebody has done a bit of cheating ;)
Shit, i cant find my duke 3d disk anymore. Damnit. I tried installing the game once before though, and i dont think it ever worked. Was there something special needed to get it to work on xp?
Shit, i cant find my duke 3d disk anymore. Damnit. I tried installing the game once before though, and i dont think it ever worked. Was there something special needed to get it to work on xp?

You could try DosBox, but I tried Blood on there, and juddered like f*ck, even when messing with the CPU settings on the program
I tried installing the game once before though, and i dont think it ever worked. Was there something special needed to get it to work on xp?

Getting Duke Nukem 3D to work on XP is easy. Go to the official EDuke32 site here (download section to be more specific) and download the EDuke32 1.4.0 beta 2 client, either Windows installer or ZIP (again, Windows installer recommended).

Don't get worried because it's a beta, it works absolutely fine and is the best way to get the game to work on newer operating systems and the like. Before EDuke32 there was another port called "JFDuke3D", which EDuke32 is based on, but it hasn't been updated for a long time.
The new HRP release doesn't support JFDuke3D anymore so it would be wise to use EDuke32.
Awesome. I've been following this project as well as the old Doom engines too - both amazing work!
Was it this?

I still can't get over with how amazingly detailed the Alien Queen model is and how exact it resembles the original sprite. Quite some skilled guys working on it. :)

Yup there it is.

These HD packs for the older games are great...if only they would do Heretic or Hexen.
Very cool!

I loved Duke Nukem 3D. I actually still have it & it's right now laying on my desktop. I'll download that HRP thingy and give it a try.

Thanks for the info!!

Getting Duke Nukem 3D to work on XP is easy. Go to the official EDuke32 site here (download section to be more specific) and download the EDuke32 1.4.0 beta 2 client, either Windows installer or ZIP (again, Windows installer recommended).

Don't get worried because it's a beta, it works absolutely fine and is the best way to get the game to work on newer operating systems and the like. Before EDuke32 there was another port called "JFDuke3D", which EDuke32 is based on, but it hasn't been updated for a long time.
The new HRP release doesn't support JFDuke3D anymore so it would be wise to use EDuke32.

Do i still need to have the game's disk?
I'm sure I tried to install this before, and it was so glitchy and buggy, it was unplayable. Does this updated version play OK under XP? Is LAN deathmatch possible?
I just tried it on my XP computer and it seemed to work fine. I'm finding the controls a little too sensitive though. Has Duke Nukem always been like that or is it just me?
I can appreciate the work but personally I prefer the old 2D models with all the original colours and art.
Do i still need to have the game's disk?

Unfortunately yes you do, as you need the "DUKE3D.GRP" file, which is located on the disk, in order to play it.

AfternoonLemon said:
I'm sure I tried to install this before, and it was so glitchy and buggy, it was unplayable. Does this updated version play OK under XP?

You've must played a very early release if that's the case. All the versions I've tried out has been solid and playable.
As for your question, yes it does.

AfternoonLemon said:
Is LAN deathmatch possible?

Not possible in HRP but there's several multiplayer ports made by a bunch of people, the most notable, and probably the best, being Nukonnector. Unfortunately I haven't tried it out so I can't say how it works.

A True Canadian said:
I'm finding the controls a little too sensitive though. Has Duke Nukem always been like that or is it just me?

How do you mean? Floaty controls or?

Steven said:
I can appreciate the work but personally I prefer the old 2D models with all the original colours and art.

You would be surprised that there are actually a lot of people who do prefer the old-skool style over HRP. I like HRP but sometimes I prefer playing with the old 2D sprites as there is something very special about them, can't put my finger on what but even if its 11 years old it still looks good and that very awesome feeling from 1996 is still there.
Note: NO, this is NOT illegal or breaking the law in any way. This pack ONLY comes with new models, textures etc. but STILL needs the GRP file to work i.e. the full game is needed before you can play.

:\ I already had like it almost done too
Dang, I gotta find the GRP file and such now....