NEW Version of Physgun released! v0.3 by JB55

BetaMaster said:
Striders are most likely above the weight limit.

Yeah, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to stick a strider to your car, drive home, and go "honey, look what I got today while hunting -- I hope you know some good recipies for... well, whatever the hell this thing is". Now THAT would be funny.
I installed it but it is the same old physgun... anybody else get this? What am I doing wrong if you know what the prob is.
sublidieminal said:
I installed it but it is the same old physgun... anybody else get this? What am I doing wrong if you know what the prob is.

Did you type "give weapon_physgun" in the console after loading a map?
I suggest to everyone who is crashing to stick to d1_trainstation_02 Don't try to weld many things together at many points..Keep it simple and try not to do any sharp motions when welding/ picking up stuff. Also be real careful with cans and such, dont hold it down too long, if it doesnt stick after 5 seconds let it go and retry...or else it WILL crash. Also I recomend that you never ever break stuff and then weld the pieces of it...It crashes many times, especially when the piece dissapears while you are welding it/to it...Which takes a while to do so don't do it! My recomendation is to stick to 5+ kilo objects ((See console)) And bodies are okay, but dont try to weld things to the wall except for things with sharp corners.

Follow the advice and you will be able to have fun in a crash free enviroment.
im having trouble welding

its very hard to get the little giblets to match up much less make it the way i want...any help?
OvA said:
im having trouble welding

its very hard to get the little giblets to match up much less make it the way i want...any help?

Pratice is all I can suggest.
Also, place the two pieces close together, before placing weld points.
WhiteZero said:
Did you type "give weapon_physgun" in the console after loading a map?

Yes, the mod starts and everything. And I load one of the regular hl2 levels. But the weapon doesn't work like described. It weilds the same exact properties as the original Manipulator.
If you have problems welding type in phys_autoweld 1 ((or something like that, it will give you tips, just type in phys and it will show options)) though this option seems to make it crash more often.
Are there any suggestions to fix the problem with crashing? It does it often for me.
abconners said:
Are there any suggestions to fix the problem with crashing? It does it often for me.
Not really.
Gotta wait for jb (or someone else) to fix them.
If I use the new feature of removing weld points by pressing E, I can never use the physgun on that object again or else the game will crash. What's the point of having that ability if I can't do anything useful with it?

Also, every time I touch a turret with the physgun in version 0.3 it creates another non-solid turret floating in the air wherever it first touched... and they never go away. It's rather annoying.
OCybrManO said:
Also, every time I touch a turret with the physgun in version 0.3 it creates another non-solid turret floating in the air wherever it first touched... and they never go away. It's rather annoying.
A turret? You mean the bolted down gun-implacments?
If so... well, your not supposed to move those, thusly it glitches out like that.
No, npc_turret_floor... everything was working fine in the last version.
i have had a couple of crashes, mainly when i use E to retrieve the weld blobs, anybody have any links for cool maps to play around with the physgun in?
Apos said:
Yeah, puts out cracks for Valve's games so people can warez and cheat more easily. Swell guy!

I think you might be confusing JB55 with IV81, who is a fag thats pissed that valve shut down his site for hosting beta material.
I think it sounds very cool, but I'm not going to download it just yet. Maybe when a better, more reliable version comes out, as I need my computer NOT to crash for various reasons.
Try to get them as close a possible without the physgun, then while you are trying to weld, try jacking it around a bit and rember let go the instant your beam turns red.
WTF NOW I CAN'T EVEN LOAD THE SHORTCUT!! IT HAS A GAY ASS ERROR THAT IT CAN'T FIND SOME CRAP IN THE JBMOD! Thanks alot! I lost my old shortcut that acually worked...:flame:
Ownzed said:
WTF NOW I CAN'T EVEN LOAD THE SHORTCUT!! IT HAS A GAY ASS ERROR THAT IT CAN'T FIND SOME CRAP IN THE JBMOD! Thanks alot! I lost my old shortcut that acually worked...:flame:
Then you didnt install it right.

My old shortcut works just fine.
Ownzed said:
WTF NOW I CAN'T EVEN LOAD THE SHORTCUT!! IT HAS A GAY ASS ERROR THAT IT CAN'T FIND SOME CRAP IN THE JBMOD! Thanks alot! I lost my old shortcut that acually worked...:flame:

1,846 posts and you think your original shortcut does not work? How do you manage to evade learning over time?
sublidieminal said:
1,846 posts and you think your original shortcut does not work? How do you manage to evade learning over time?

Spam maybe?
Hmmm, welding tips...

1) Don't put weld points on a concave surface unless the other object easily fits down into it. If you do, the weld points often won't be able to reach each other and you'll just be wasting your time.
2) Focus on one weld at a time. Trying to get an object to be attracted to the correct weld point can be a pain in the ass.
3) Quicksave before doing anything important that you haven't done before.

Once you can just successfully weld almost every time you must learn how to make clean welds in which the objects are aligned exactly how you want them:

The alignment is mostly planning ahead. If you accidentally put the weld point off-center on one object do the same on the next so that they will be flush when they connect... though, to get the best results you need to get the rotations right. To do that it's easiest to grab the object by the side opposite the weld point. After the beam turns red you have several seconds (if you leave autoweld off) to rotate the object into the desired position. If you don't do it fast enough the object will freeze in position... but it won't attach until you let go of the fire button. If the item gets locked in place you can still abort the weld by switching weapons before you let go.
OCybrManO said:
Hmmm, welding tips...

1) Don't put weld points on a concave surface unless the other object easily fits down into it. If you do, the weld points often won't be able to reach each other and you'll just be wasting your time.
2) Focus on one weld at a time. Trying to get an object to be attracted to the correct weld point can be a pain in the ass.
3) Quicksave before doing anything important that you haven't done before.

Once you can just successfully weld almost every time you must learn how to make clean welds in which the objects are aligned exactly how you want them:

The alignment is mostly planning ahead. If you accidentally put the weld point off-center on one object do the same on the next so that they will be flush when they connect... though, to get the best results you need to get the rotations right. To do that it's easiest to grab the object by the side opposite the weld point. After the beam turns red you have several seconds (if you leave autoweld off) to rotate the object into the desired position. If you don't do it fast enough the object will freeze in position... but it won't attach until you let go of the fire button. If the item gets locked in place you can still abort the weld by switching weapons before you let go.

You can unfreeze the object by right clicking it while you're still holding on to it.
OCybrManO said:
Hmmm, welding tips...

1) Don't put weld points on a concave surface unless the other object easily fits down into it. If you do, the weld points often won't be able to reach each other and you'll just be wasting your time.
2) Focus on one weld at a time. Trying to get an object to be attracted to the correct weld point can be a pain in the ass.
3) Quicksave before doing anything important that you haven't done before.

Once you can just successfully weld almost every time you must learn how to make clean welds in which the objects are aligned exactly how you want them:

The alignment is mostly planning ahead. If you accidentally put the weld point off-center on one object do the same on the next so that they will be flush when they connect... though, to get the best results you need to get the rotations right. To do that it's easiest to grab the object by the side opposite the weld point. After the beam turns red you have several seconds (if you leave autoweld off) to rotate the object into the desired position. If you don't do it fast enough the object will freeze in position... but it won't attach until you let go of the fire button. If the item gets locked in place you can still abort the weld by switching weapons before you let go.

Great Tips bro, now what was that bit about rotating? You mean just moving the character like normal or is there a special rotate function..?
Omg, this mod is buggy as hell. the first one was better. I'm gonna delete and wait for an update.
This just in:
jb55 said:
The crashes related to penetration errors/physics related errors are out of my control, they were the same in the beta and I doubt they are able to be fixed.
then he should disable contact on those things causing crashes...
Reaperman said:
then he should disable contact on those things causing crashes...
Then we wont be able to weld a lot of things.

lol, you just have to be carefull.
WhiteZero said:
Then we wont be able to weld a lot of things.

lol, you just have to be carefull.

But what about when we remove welders and try to pick up a body again? It crashes, I had no Idea I needed to avoid that. Will it be fixed?
sublidieminal said:
But what about when we remove welders and try to pick up a body again? It crashes, I had no Idea I needed to avoid that. Will it be fixed?

Funny you ask that, someone did over there as well:

jb55 said:
I just tried it and it doesnt crash for me, I must of fixed it while I was messing around with the code

We'll see I guess...
well for me, its really just random memory errors :( i know this has been answered but, are the memory errors due to hardware? or is it somthing in Valves hands, as in somthing to do with the game itself. Just wondering cause im getting a new (really nice *heheh*) computer and i was thinking mabey it will decrease/remove memory errors :) (doubt it tho)
Vito Dintino said:
well for me, its really just random memory errors :( i know this has been answered but, are the memory errors due to hardware? or is it somthing in Valves hands, as in somthing to do with the game itself. Just wondering cause im getting a new (really nice *heheh*) computer and i was thinking mabey it will decrease/remove memory errors :) (doubt it tho)

It's mostly due to the engine.