NEW Version of Physgun released! v0.3 by JB55

Meeklo said:
When i run the hl2.exe shortcut on my desktop....the game loads up and in the console window it says "cant load maps" or somthing like that. I goto load game or saved games it dosent show any of my save points..infact i cant even start a new game. Please help me thanx.

Looks fun.
This has been discussed before. It can't load maplist.txt or something, which means you can't type "map" and get a list of the maps. You have to load maps through the console (i.e. "map d2_coast_02")

Hope this helps!
Type "maps *" in the console to see all the maps.

It's pretty fun, but it sucks when it crashes and you have to go through those godaweful loading times...

Can someone give me some tips on how to make two cannisters go off at once? Are the caps shoot-throughable?
I'm trying to make the buggy fly! :)