New Video Comparisons...

Yeah I saw those dots or whatever their called a few times throughout the video. I've seen them before on other games. They suck, but there not a big deal. Not worth delaying hl2 for.

asd, thats just part of the structure with the sun reflecting on part of it. I assume the sun is coming through a window and just hits part of it, like it does on other parts of the structure.

nope, its an error in the lightmap. the same like in hl1. i know that cuz i created many maps and "studied" the engine very well.

but maybe i am just to tired. i'll go to bed now.
good night.
Yeah, you do that.

I agree with anubis on that one. And who cares about anti-aliasing. Pffft..minor detail. I run one of the lowest f**ked up systems, and i see anti-aliasing as a distant friend. Rage128 All-In-Wonder baby! Woooo!

:p Not sure if i should be proud or not.

Maybe I should go to sleep. Apparently, on the rereading of this reply, it looks fragmented and, well, odd.
Does anyone else find that the roof is too shiny? I almost feel like the tiles are wet and slippery.
hey, is motion blur and depth of field going to be in HL2? or is it only capable in Source but not used? they aren't in the vid though... i think.
Originally posted by Styloid
hey, is motion blur and depth of field going to be in HL2? or is it only capable in Source but not used? they aren't in the vid though... i think.

not in source, gabe talked about them in an interview a day or two ago as something that will be upcoming in the games industry.
Does anyone else find that the roof is too shiny? I almost feel like the tiles are wet and slippery.

I do. It looks like a clay material, but the way it shines is inconsistant with that. I suppose its meant to look like water has collected in the ripples, but its still too shiny even if thats the case.
i think it looks bloody great, much better than stalker/far cry and doom3---but still maybe its a bit overdone....i like the ant lion guard, though.
I think it looks awesome... Doom III looks like good old Quake 3 in comparison. Well, almost :p
True its very shiny... But its fun with extremes. Makes you notice it. A 110% relistic looking game would look very dull.
Totally amazing video.
It uses everything :)
the lightmap, bumpmap, the distent rendering, aa, everything.

i love valve :)
Ok, this really isn't cool Before all this new video malarky, I was in a "Well, no my PC won't be able to run it all perfectly and I'll have to down some options and resolutions but that's no big deal, I mean after all the first time I played through HL was in software mode! So yeha, it's all good!"
Except NOW... Oh-ho dear. can afford to upgrade but seeing as I start Uni at the end of the month (30th September, actually :)) I don't wanna break into that but ooooohhhh!

And I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you pesky Valve people...
<el Chi grumbles and sulks in the corner>
I was thinking the same thing...
"Looks like London..."
"You've never been to London have you..."
"Well, not technically... I played Midtown Madness 2... Erm, and GTA London! Does that count?"
"No. No it does not."
First time

Firstly, I am in awe of the capabilities of source, I think that is the one video out of all so far that has sold me on the game, the atmosphere and the environment is so emersive and believable.

God bless shaders &
God bless the stretching horizon and great sound
God bless valve...

my thoughts on the roof and the reflectiveness;
it could be that they are really trying to make the effect obvious,
it does seem to me to be some sort of aluminium/iron/ roofing, cos its does look a little rusty - as for the roof tiles it could be a glazed surface...

Big lotto draw tomorrow (staurday) in new zealand, NZ$15 million, basically works out to be about 8-10M Euros and USD. So me going out to buy a ticket so i can win and get me a state of the art rig^^

Might even try a G5 Apple thingy^^

Cant wait to see Natural Selection and Day of Defeat on Source that is going to be something totally new in MP.


Cheers from New Zealand - hope steam is fine for us here in the south pacific!:dozey:
G5? Apple? I didn't think HL2 was coming out on Mac?
And besides, it's... Well, it's Apple <Shudders>
This video did not impress me as much as I thought it would...

Play Halo and use the flashlight to find out why.

comon i have halo, the flashlight may be cool, but it does not stack up against what was seen in the bink.

as for the G5 o well... PC it is then...
The strider movie isn't out by any chance is it?
halo sux0rz, the beta is boring, and it's exactly the same as the x-box version pretty much.

uninspired gameplay.
where did you people get the leak/beta then?
so i can judge for myself... :D
Originally posted by @bel
where did you people get the leak/beta then?
so i can judge for myself... :D


oh... wrong board:cheese:

If it spreads like D3 alpha did, then you'll run upon it pretty soon...
But never forget your dling warez. And warez is bad.
Originally posted by Nuclear_Gerber
It uses everything :)
the lightmap, bumpmap, the distent rendering, aa, everything.

a lightmap isn't a "good" thing. dynamic lightning would be better-
omg, i see people looking at such small things while you get the best graphic engine ever made in front of you :p
Originally posted by rollthedise
i want to play hl2 on that one unclassified super computer that has 2000 intel 64bit itanium processors, and 500 terabytes of ram...and uhh...we ight have to buy a couple hundred 9800 pro 256 meg cards....just to make it so we can play hl2 at 1000000000 fps

Good luck Einstein, Windows has no ****ing clue how to handle more than two cpu's, let alone multiple videocards.

Originally posted by asd
a lightmap isn't a "good" thing. dynamic lightning would be better-

Depends, 50% of the heavy sys reqs of Doom 3 are because of the intensive light calculations. If you can simulate that with lightmaps combined with dynamic shadowing I think it's a good thing.
are u all on about that vid, where u start indoors, looking at light comin in, then u go out into the street roof and see the anylion. MAN i jus dl that from some thread.

and all i can say is......WOW. i think that beats all the vids i have seen so far! it is like a CINEMATIC in very old games that u watch! but now u play!

IIIIII CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN'T WAAAAAAAAAIT! the reflections! light! man it is the best!!!!!

do u think there will be a reflection (spelling) of u in the game?

you know they said about i NEW vid with the old ones...

well guys THIS could well be the new vid you know showing it all off the roof and all that
a lightmap isn't a "good" thing. dynamic lightning would be better-
What in the same way that a 16 wheeler is 'better' than a Ferrari?

Horses for courses, mate.