New video ??


Jul 2, 2003
Reaction score
It s been 3 days when the last video was released and they said that there will be each day a video but all i see it s a video all the 2 days and now 3 days and nothing ?????
your impatience (for footage you have seen before only in higher reso and quality) will be rewarded soon son!

-_- damn media junkies
And then wait another day and then mabye get the video .....
well its monday... sux being at EST +8
My Steam monitor is telling me that HL2 movies is updating now at 800kb/s... (and I already have the first 3 movies...)
Mine is not updating... :(

I think it's too early for the media release. I'll wait. ;)
Well, it just downloaded something. Approx. 25 minutes @ 800 kb/s. Nothing to see on the list yet though...
Not sure how many times this must be said - if we're going to get the videos, we won't get them until around 7pm EST, 4pm PST. Go outside and do something useful to the economy in the mean time.
No, I will stop working right now, it's 6pm... (enough is enough) ;)

But I think there are a couple of people which have great problems dealing with the timezones. Especially when they come from smaller countries with only one timezone. So it's not normal to this.

I had this problems too. :rolling:
Originally posted by guinny
Not sure how many times this must be said - if we're going to get the videos, we won't get them until around 7pm EST, 4pm PST. Go outside and do something useful to the economy in the mean time.
ok, I'll go pick up my new gfx card :E
Originally posted by EVIL
your impatience (for footage you have seen before only in higher reso and quality) will be rewarded soon son!

-_- damn media junkies

I agree Evil. Oh! Can I be Evil too!???!?! I can be like Jabba the Hutt evil :D
Fatboy, what you DL'd might be the cache for the next vid...
YOU DIRTY LIER! you stole that bit from family guy!! and they stole it from that russian comedian!!!!!!!
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
YOU DIRTY LIER! you stole that bit from family guy!! and they stole it from that russian comedian!!!!!!!
No, I got the idea, from when Peter was driving a car, he said the car could say left or right in many languages, the car said left in russian:In Russia, car drives you!
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
illbe busy doing n0thing
What?! Who are you? :eek:

Everyone, I swear I've never seen this guy before in my life!
the comedian in question is yakov smirnoff. He now owns a comedy club in Branson missouri, After his successful bits about the differences between Russia and America through the 80s and early 90s.

There i think i have proved i know an overwhelming amount of pointless information. athankya
ha ive been to smirnov's or however u spell it show hes pretty funny.I live like 30 min away from branson ,missouri
Originally posted by Schmudi
Gabe we need the 4 Video or..............i will never buy this Game

Your Loss, they are still gonna be rolling in cash anyways.
The hell you are!

EDIT: Ok, he just added a just kidding on the end.
Not releasing the 4th video might show's how valve will release HalfLife 2 on time, If they are busy working on HL2 right now (what they have been doing for last 5 years) then it show's there is lot left to work on. I don't think the game will be released ontime might be Q1 2004 But let's hope I am wrong and they release ontime.:cheers:
Hopefully with the time they're taking they're enabling the AF for the new videos at least.
Oh yeah, they're not releasing the videos on time, therefore the game might not be on time.
I think thats pretty dumb, and that theres likely absolutely no connection between the two. Heck, maybe they'll ship on time because they didn't wasted too much time on the vids. You just can't tell.
I don't think the postponement of the video is due to them changing it or trying to get something to work. They probably have all of the videos ready, and can easily put them on steam.
Aren't you guys tired of coming here and whine all the time video is not released? Gets old very fast.
Have I missed a thread where they promised videos on some schedule or are you folks just making up your own schedules for Valve?
Originally posted by Direwolf
Oh yeah, they're not releasing the videos on time, therefore the game might not be on time.
I think thats pretty dumb
I never said it is not going too be released at all. Its nothing be irrational about I just said it might be late, sometime there are some obstacle like DN: Forever (it’s not the same but as an example) they changed game engine I think twice. The matter of fact is you never know what’s going to happen if they release on time they I won’t talk on any forum for a month(u know why) and if they didn’t they I am liable to say “I TOLD U SO”