New video ??

oh, sorry guys... I was bored so i had to do something... :bounce:

Its not our falt that we sitt here and wait for that vid...
Its valve´s falt, they made those great games...
If there wasent a half-life, opposing force, blue shift, cs, dod, ns...
there wouldent be a Half-Life 2... And if there wasent a half-life 2
then we sould be out and play in the sun like regulair ppl...

But now there is a Half-Life 2 and we want the vid!! CUZ we want the game!! Im going mad soon :D hihihihihihihieheehahahaha :rolling:
They've never ever promised us any solid release date regarding the video releases. They never said they'd be one today, yesterday or monday. They said it'll be sometime this week. The only release date Valve has promised over the last 6 months is the release of HL2 - which is still 30th September.
Whooooaa.... was just in the phone with gabe, everyone that jumps out from an airplane (10 000 m) without a parachute will get a free SIGNED compy of Half-life2...

The movies will come when they come...
/me starts masturbating until they release the new media...
If they can't even release some videos when they say they will (a day or so apart in their own words but its been several days since the last one) I doubt they will release the full game on schedule.

Hope I'm wrong.
WHEN DID THEY ANNOUNCE A TIME? Just because you stupid ass people expect it on a certain day doesn't mean VALVe has to release it then.
I remember Erik officially said that the next movie will be released monday/early this week they are just milking it so they don't have to release any new media soon, I lost trust in them and expect the next video to be released next week.....
Originally posted by BWMASTER
I remember Erik officially said that the next movie will be released monday/early this week they are just milking it so they don't have to release any new media soon, I lost trust in them and expect the next video to be released next week.....

Lol, i dont think anybody from valve needs to milk anything
You're right, they've already milked Half-Life for all it's worth.
*audience* OOOOOOOO

seriously if you made a game that was that successful you would milk it for all its worth too. I dont know what your world runs on but "sadly" this world is run by money
meh.... I dont care if they didnt release those videos till september.... yep.