New Vista Build - Goodbye Hourglass


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
Well, new Vista build released today to the Connect testers and it frickin rocks! Seriously, this is without a doubt _the_ best build of Vista I've tested :) Performance is finally what you would expect out of a day-to-day OS... In fact, it is smoother and faster than XP IMHO :)

One change is that the hourglass is no more! :O It's amazing how much is new in this new Windows... They even replaced the frickin' mouse cursor :p


Anyways, there is pretty much only one reason stopping me from using this as my primary OS:

1) Some games have troubles working... Sometimes putting them in Compatibility mode works, other times it doesn't.

Obviously that won't be fixed until around RC1 or RC2, or in the cases of some games they may never work unless the devs release a patch (which hopefully they also add support for the Games browser)

Oh, also Media Center has been given a few new changes which make it pretty nice to use. Now if only my comp was closer to my TV :p

Anyway, this latest build just completely rocks and I'm stoked... Any other testers get as great of an experience with this build as I did?

The build number is 5472 in case you were wondering.

(If they would have released this as Beta2 publically, that would have rocked!)
Hardware/Software ? :p

And yes, the build rocks (My PC is dead, so I was only able to quickly try it on a spare hard-drive on another pc :(), a MS exec (Or some employee) said this next build will have alot better performance and it has.

This build, or 5456 is what should've been released in the CPP, I guess we wait for RC1.
cant use vista till the manufacturer for my wireless card supplies drivers. i can move my whole computer to the basement, but thats too much work.
Hardware/Software ?

Dammit, I did that last time two when I posted a Vista thread :p Mods please move this, and I'll give you chocolate cake.

Shamrock: Couldn't you just run the drivers in XP Compat mode? As long as your system isn't 64-bit you should have no problems (with 64-bit they _require_ WHQL drivers... I'm fairly certain they won't allow you to install without the WHQL unlike x86 where they give you an option if it doesn't have the WHQL signing)
I'll torrent this when it's released. ~$180, ftl.
Explain to the dumb kid what Windows Vista is.

Is it the new windows that has all the new features? Formerly Longhorn?
Dammit, I did that last time two when I posted a Vista thread :p Mods please move this, and I'll give you chocolate cake.

Shamrock: Couldn't you just run the drivers in XP Compat mode? As long as your system isn't 64-bit you should have no problems (with 64-bit they _require_ WHQL drivers... I'm fairly certain they won't allow you to install without the WHQL unlike x86 where they give you an option if it doesn't have the WHQL signing)
The Vista build I got was 64 bit, and my processor is 64 bit so I guess I couldn't do that. Oh well, next time I will think ahead.

Likewise Qon.
So how much is it? And is it worth getting? Does it make anything run faster? Better? New DX?
I thought you people were against warez. Or was all that lip service?

its free. you can torrent it all you want.
Yeah but the guy said he'll torrent it when it's released, which is piracy.

I'm still concerned about game performance and won't bother with it until it's at least as good as XP.
You think a temp ban from would stop anyone from pirating anything?

Actually even though Vista isn't in the market, using this version when you don't have a unique CD Key (aka you are not a tester) means that you are still pirating it... But that's not the point of this thread.

For whoever asked, yes this is what is known as LongHorn, and probably the one thing that you will care about is that it features DirectX 10... DX10 will not be made for XP (it's Vista exclusive) or any other previous OS. It's for technical reasons why it can't be put back onto XP.

Vista is shaping up really nicely, so hopefully when they give the public RC1, you guys will be amazed... That's the plan of course ;)
i still have problems installing on my system once it get to the microsoft loading screen then it just goes to a black screen and does nothing at all.
its works on my old dell 2350 ofcourse i would expect hates nforce 4 and sata for some reason.

its free. you can torrent it all you want.
no, you can't torrent it, at all.

even if it was an open beta you wouldn't legally be allowed to.

.. and yes, it's shaping out to be suprisingly good, the "i told you so" or "see, you were wrong, good job listening" comments will be fun.
I hate Vista already, purely because of the Alan Wake fiasco. What a shower of bastards.
no, you can't torrent it, at all.

even if it was an open beta you wouldn't legally be allowed to.

.. and yes, it's shaping out to be suprisingly good, the "i told you so" or "see, you were wrong, good job listening" comments will be fun.

i dont really understand why you couldnt torrent it since the beta cd keys can be used on up to 10 pcs at once
So they're doing the circle thingy like OS X's? D:
meh, only thing keeping me from going compeltely linux is the lack of game support. If I didn't have to, I'd never use a windows brand product again.

I also can't be excited about an OS that spends alot aof time bragging about 6-7 year old Mac features. (lol, Mac)
I think i missed that one?
Remedy announced a month or two ago that Alan Wake would be exclusive to Vista. They spouted some nonsense that the platform would make the game better because it would be this-that-and-the-other, but to be honest when it comes down to it, it was clearly because of the money they were going to get :hmph:
... DX10 will not be made for XP (it's Vista exclusive) or any other previous OS. It's for technical reasons why it can't be put back onto XP.

And not because it forces people to upgrade to Vista to play the newest and latest games. No, of course not.

Can't wait for Vista personally.
And not because it forces people to upgrade to Vista to play the newest and latest games. No, of course not.

Thats the technical reason....

meh, only thing keeping me from going compeltely linux is the lack of game support. If I didn't have to, I'd never use a windows brand product again.

I also can't be excited about an OS that spends alot aof time bragging about 6-7 year old Mac features. (lol, Mac)

Oh my god, do you mac fans even read what you type? Are you honestly telling me that because macs have this or that, that windows/linux shouldn't use it?
Yes, congratulations, windows has features that macs had first. You know what? The reverse is true. And they can both do things that mainframes were doing long before either macs or PCs existed. Now stop harping on that MS is ripping off apple. No one cares, they are both corporate animals
Yup, money is money after all.
If you have a Vista Beta 2 key, it will work. My 2 keys worked with the 5456 build and activated successfully so...I wasn't pirating.
you cant pirate a beta unless its being sold and the vista beta is only being sold on a dvd
you cant pirate a beta unless its being sold and the vista beta is only being sold on a dvd

Wrong. There can be software that isnt for sale anywhere (ala old games), but said software is still under copyright, so it's still stealing.
For those wanting the Vista cursor experience without Vista I present you:

Vista cursors for XP
Would it be possible for you to upload those in a larger size? I use the large-default pointers, and switching back to the smaller size is killing me. But thanks anyway, I love the look of the new ones :D