New Wallpaper featuring "chick with crowbar."

Boy thats ugly.

Infact everything on that site is ugly.
You really trying hard to promote your site with girlpictures. doesnt work.
The whole site's in flash because the program I use makes it that way. I think you guys who say the site is ugly should be more constructive with your critiscism, and maybe tell me why. What do you think of this new look we're currently working on
is it better than the original look? worse?

I find the girl very attractive =P

I agree though, the site shouldn't be 100% flash.
nickster, i're site is very kuul and stuff, but i just dont dig 100% flsh...don't know why..just have an amateur feel to it(i can see you are not an amateur!) ... dunno... besides i like to drag the mouse over the's such a nifty animation!
I have some constructive criticism :) If you keep at making sites your level of skill will rise exponentially. When I look at my early sites it makes me laugh so hard. And whats wrong with all flash sites, when done right they are amazing. ie.

Even my pages now arent nearly good enough for me. You should always be learning. This is an example of something im working on now.
Heh, personally, i like the wallpaper. Its uhhh, different.
Is the chick your girlfirend or something? You keep posting pics of her :)

BTW, the wallpaper is nice
It's not all that bad, I can see you've put in a lot of effort adn done a lot of work. I think your friend andrea is sexy but that pic isn't working on that background. I think you could make a better one with a better pic of her
Originally posted by Ady
It's not all that bad, I can see you've put in a lot of effort adn done a lot of work. I think your friend andrea is sexy but that pic isn't working on that background. I think you could make a better one with a better pic of her

Yeah...NAKED. LOL!!!! ROTF!!!! OK, I'm just kidding... ;-)
i think that slutty whore should put some clothes on
and the other pictures of her were just... wrong
Originally posted by spookymooky
thats a fricken ugly girl...

now now everyone is different. lets just try to talk about the wallpaper not the woman. thank you.
she's not to bad. but what's she going to do with that crowbar? :cheese: