New warning system


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
New warning system

In our ongoing effort to keep a forum for rich and meaningful discussion, we’ve implemented a new warning system for those that break our rules. If people are found breaking our forum rules ( they will be given a number of warning points up to a maximum of 10. When they get to 10 points they are banned. Different offences carry different amounts of warning points depending on the severity of the offence. The first ban will be for 30 days but should another warning be given after that time you will be given a permanent ban which will only be lifted by contacting [email protected]. You are NOT permitted to make a new account.

We’re not about to start giving out points for everything everyone does but you should keep this new system in mind when posting in the future. Try to be sensible, use your common sense and behave in a friendly, respectable manner. If you can’t discuss meaningful topics in a pleasant way then you could soon be receiving a few warning points.

You can view your warning points and warning types by going to your profile.
For an example of how many points are given, what would a user recieve for insulting/troll?
This is a good system, mine was similar on my forum until it became a ghost town :|
No offense to Stui but he makes so many spam (Not intentional type of spam) threads and gets owned for it...

Spam Posts that are generally of no importance, single word posts or completely off topic from the thread is spam and is not welcome.

Warning points is 2.
Incidentally, if you do get a warning it will be on display to everyone how many times you've been banned and how many points you've acrued.
Chris_D said:
Incidentally, if you do get a warning it will be on display to everyone how many times you've been banned and how many points you've acrued.
Hmmmm...I can see two things happening from that.

A.People showing how many points they have like trophies.

Then they'll get banned very quickly.
Let's just hope this new system helps...

Maybe if they have been banned 5 times they might get an IP ban? It is just a thought
Danimal said:
Let's just hope this new system helps...

Maybe if they have been banned 5 times they might get an IP ban? It is just a thought

If people are banned for a second time after their first ban expires it will be a permanent ban. If they try to re-register an IP ban will be placed. The same will happen if they try to re-register before their first ban is lifted.
Munro said:
If people are banned for a second time after their first ban expires it will be a permanent ban. If they try to re-register an IP ban will be placed. The same will happen if they try to re-register before their first ban is lifted.
Or in other words....

....they will be munrowned.
Jesus! 0_0

2 points for spam? I am scared now :(

Is there any way to lower your points?

If not, PLEASE consider.
vegeta897 said:
Is there any way to lower your points?

If not, PLEASE consider.
You will probally have to give one of the mods sexual pleasure...
C'mere Chris...

errr what?

And uhh, not to sound mean, and please don't ban me :(, but I PERSONALLY think that my OPINION AS AN INEXPERIENCED PERSON WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MODERATING is that this is just a way for mods to be lazy...

"Oh, this guy is being rude... Instead of formerly addressing him and telling him to get his act together, I will just click this handy dandy button a couple times..."

*Click* +1
*Click* +2
*Click* +3

"There we go..."
Did you get a warning? How can I check, I can't seem to find them in my profile
Danimal said:
Did you get a warning? How can I check, I can't seem to find them in my profile

You folks should dock points for not reading threads.
The warning points stay as they are. Anyone who's worried will just have to behave more :)

C'mon, two points right here.. c'mon.. please
Chris_D said:
Incidentally, if you do get a warning it will be on display to everyone how many times you've been banned and how many points you've acrued.

Where will this be displayed at????
It shows up just under your post count, it looks so neat ^_^
I really want it under mine.. :(
I dont think you guys seem to realise how this warning thing works

You get 10 points (easily done with that attitude) and your banned.. when you come back, if you get just 1 point, your permanently banned. Thats Munro's rules, ie: you can't go crying to him to get it revoked cause it'll make a mockery of the whole system.

You should really think about that. Both of you.
I only want two points though..
The red writing is sooo neat >_>

Besides, i'm a good boy ^_^
I dont have to worry.

Unless you just wanna put red writing
Under my post count for the fun of it..
Thatd totally own.
Instead of warnings level it should just be warning level. Doesnt make sense in its plural form.
Prince of China said:
Tell that to my avatar.
Anyways, I think 10 is more than enough.
I would've made it 5 warning points.
Yea but they give 2 points per spam :-/
So its kinda like having 5...

And why arent they giving me two >_>
Do they really want me to go out of my way
To spam in order to get it?
vegeta897 said:
Jesus! 0_0

2 points for spam? I am scared now :(

Is there any way to lower your points?

If not, PLEASE consider.

The "Warning Maturity" column details how long a certain demerit will be with you.
bliink said:
The "Warning Maturity" column details how long a certain demerit will be with you.
Ooh, i was wondering what Maturity was..
Thats good to know.

Oh yea, bliink, your, um, head is really big!!
::Sits back and waits to get warned for that wallop of an insult:: :smoking:
Ikerous said:
Ooh, i was wondering what Maturity was..
Thats good to know.

Oh yea, bliink, your, um, head is really big!!
::Sits back and waits to get warned for that wallop of an insult:: :smoking:
Ikerous, stop trying to get warned or you might find yourself banned instead.

vegeta897 said:
C'mere Chris...

errr what?

And uhh, not to sound mean, and please don't ban me , but I PERSONALLY think that my OPINION AS AN INEXPERIENCED PERSON WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT MODERATING is that this is just a way for mods to be lazy...

"Oh, this guy is being rude... Instead of formerly addressing him and telling him to get his act together, I will just click this handy dandy button a couple times..."

*Click* +1
*Click* +2
*Click* +3

"There we go..."
Yes, it is considerably quicker, and that's the idea. At the moment we need to heavily moderate the forum (which we'll still do anyway), find trouble makers, send them a PM or leave them a warning in the thread, go to a special forum we have, check to see if there was any past incidents, then make a new thread in there detailing the warning/ban and then if there is a ban involved we need to click their profile, go to a User Options link, log in to the modCP, click ban user, hope you've remembered their user name or you need to go back and get it to type it in to the box, then specify how long the ban is for.

I think you can see our reasons behind it as this one warns them, bans them if necessary and to top it all off, logs itself. Job done ;D
Ikerous, stop trying to get warned or you might find yourself banned instead.
Damnit >_> That red writing is so neat...
You realize that merely encourages spamming :-/
W/e works for ya though, ill drop it ^_^
I like this, I hope this will help you get rid of the troubleamakers more easily.

And this will also let us users see who the troublemakers are by seeing their warning leve :)

Nice job Munro & Crew! :)