New weapons in Aftermath

What about Combine soldiers with tau guns? I'll admit a week isn't long to reverse engineer it from the one they got off the buggy but still :p
Eejit said:
Ack, these threads always end up like this. Start off talking about new weapons, end up whining about how the MP-whatever can't fire grenades.

OK sorry about that.
Here's my serious list of what weapons I would like:
-High caliber pistol with clip and laser sight to replace the magnum
-Gauss that can shoot through walls (like in HL1)
-Sniper Rifle to replace the cross bow.
-Jackhammer with full automatic fire to replace the SPAS 12
-OICW with long range grenade launcher and infrared scope
-Snarks (I love those pesky critters)
-that multi functional bomb/mine thing from HL2 DM
-A weapon like the old hornet gun

If they put those things I'm gonna be one happy camper:cheese: .
It would've been nice if the Combine had an actual assault rifle compared to the pulse rifle. Regular Combine soldiers should've used the OICW that was in prior to the leak and the Elite would have Pulse (though the Pulse would have to be much more powerful). And why didn't the Rebels have any other Earth weapons? If Grigori can secure Annabelle, then the Rebels should've been able to scavenge AKs and M4s.
I don't need nothing more than crowbar...:D
Some explosives, new alien or energetic/experimental/scientific weapon could be cool. Or P90 to replace MP7...
What's wrong with grenades in HL2? They are very accurate and it's the only game I can throw a grenade exactly where I want to. The only thing I hate about them 'nades is this red thing around them and this... this... sound they make :p

ps - anyone knows how to remove the red glow modifying the source?
Eejit said:
Ack, these threads always end up like this. Start off talking about new weapons, end up whining about how the MP-whatever can't fire grenades.

It´s our right to complain after all... we bought this game, our money keeps Valve running.

Well let´s face it, Valve raped the laws of physics with that imaginary grenade launcher, I´m ok the double blast trough one barrel (after I got used to that thanks to HL1).
But the grenade being larger than the barrel itself was just to much, it ofended my inteligence. If Valve wants to sell a game they have to please a wide range of players, not only the die-hard HL fanboy that considers sin any atempt of modifying the structure of the game.

Besides, the Overwatch should have it´s own weaponry made out of the Combine technology to serve as a counterpart for the human weapons, imagine how cool it would be if a Combine Pulse Shotgun, or a Combine Railgun to match the Crossbow.

And also DeusExMachinia raised an interesting raised an interesting point regarding the rebels weapons, there should more weapons, and also their (Rebels´) weapons should have a "dirty and rusty" look, instead a "just out the assembly line" look.
DeusExMachinia said:
It would've been nice if the Combine had an actual assault rifle compared to the pulse rifle. Regular Combine soldiers should've used the OICW that was in prior to the leak and the Elite would have Pulse (though the Pulse would have to be much more powerful). And why didn't the Rebels have any other Earth weapons? If Grigori can secure Annabelle, then the Rebels should've been able to scavenge AKs and M4s.

Yes, but Gregori probably had that before the invasion. Its 10 years on, obviously people aren't going to have enough ammo for guns the Combine don't even hand out to the ground troops. They live off the weapons their enemies use, they can't produce their own.

The OICW was actually scrapped by the military, so it wouldn't really make much sense.
Victor2 said:
No kind of 12-Gauge fires 2 rounds out of a single barrel, that physically impossible, and the Shotgun should have bigger damage and a stronger recoil. And also a extended buttstock.

I always thought the "double blast" on the SPAS was used to represent flicking the selector over to semi-auto (yes, both the SPAS 12 and 15 have selectible modes of fire) from pump action and giving it a quick double tap, like one would with a pistol. At first I thought it was odd that the pump action mode was used over the semi function but I have since realised that when you're fighting your way through a research facility infested with aliens or a city seemingly crawling with rebels and modifed humans you can never be sure of the quality of your ammo, so you keep the weapon in pump mode incase you get a dud round and switch it to semi in an emergency to deliver a few rounds in quick sucession.

As for the idea of replacing the SPAS with a jack hammer, why the hell would they? There are more effective semi/full-auto shotguns out there that are more controlable (well, as close as one can get to "controlable" with a full auto shotgun), simpler to operate and faster to reload, such as the USAS-12. Or, if we insist in going down the road of weapons that "should" have been adopted then why not the CAWS?

An idea that I'd like to see implemented would be differing kinds of ammunition, such as buck shot, with a higher hit probubility but less AP capacity and solid tungsten slugs with a high power loading for blasting those pesky elites.
Bob_Marley said:
I always thought the "double blast" on the SPAS was used to represent flicking the selector over to semi-auto

As for the idea of replacing the SPAS with a jack hammer, why the hell would they? There are more effective semi/full-auto shotguns out there that are more controlable

An idea that I'd like to see implemented would be differing kinds of ammunition.

The double shot representing semi-auto, I don't think so. If that's true then it's a stupid idea. A weapon with semi-auto should fire every time you hit
the button, but this gun doesn't.

The Jackhammer, well I like that gun because it has a cool design. I agree
there might be more efficient automatic shotguns out there, but after all
it's just a game it doesn't have to be exactly like it's real life counterpart.
You can use this gun in Far Cry and it's effective as a close combat weapon.

Yeah, I like your idea about different kinds of ammunition. It's not original
but it would be fun. For example Magnum with explosive bullets, Pulse Rifle
with smart rounds, toxic arrows, incendiary grenades etc.
The Jackhammer was experimental..never produced you twats
Samon said:
Yes, but Gregori probably had that before the invasion. Its 10 years on, obviously people aren't going to have enough ammo for guns the Combine don't even hand out to the ground troops. They live off the weapons their enemies use, they can't produce their own.

The OICW was actually scrapped by the military, so it wouldn't really make much sense.

They could always use the XM-29 model and improve on it.
Victor2 said:
It´s our right to complain after all... we bought this game, our money keeps Valve running.
Sure it is, but it's still hijacking a thread.

Oh, and I agree with Redneck, snarks all the way.
But flamethrower would be nice too. Aren't Valve supposed to have been working on for the always-delayed TF2 anyway? ;)
everyone seems to have forgotten about the SNARKS!

They were my favourite bio weapon in HL1, just sitting in a vent and dispatching a group of marines with 10 snarks, watching as they tried to kick and shoot them but to no avail....

great stuff! come on SNARK!

anyways, id like to see the M24 sniper in, the one from OPFOR. just because i think realistically a group of oppressed rebels could not make a crossbow that superheated metal using a 9v battery strapped to the bottom
(if u dont believe me check out the gun in model viewer)

also, id love to have the tau again, even if it was only for a little bit.
Redneck said:
I would prefer they would add more alien weapons, the stranger the better.

yeah, just as long as theyre effective :rolleyes:

remember the hornet gun?
that thing was the stupidest shit ever
(for singleplayer, anyway)

it was nice that it grew its own ammo, but it'd have been nicer if the ammo actually did something...

now snarks on the other hand... hehehehe good fun
Vortigaunt Gloves. They gather the electricity from the air, letting you shoot it at enemies.

I know thats impossible but it would still be fun :)

In fact, theres a mod for it in the original Half Life.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Vortigaunt Gloves. They gather the electricity from the air, letting you shoot it at enemies.

I know thats impossible but it would still be fun :)

In fact, theres a mod for it in the original Half Life.
And Xen Attacks which is offical.
bboymatty said:
everyone seems to have forgotten about the SNARKS!

They were my favourite bio weapon in HL1, just sitting in a vent and dispatching a group of marines with 10 snarks, watching as they tried to kick and shoot them but to no avail....

great stuff! come on SNARK!

anyways, id like to see the M24 sniper in, the one from OPFOR. just because i think realistically a group of oppressed rebels could not make a crossbow that superheated metal using a 9v battery strapped to the bottom
(if u dont believe me check out the gun in model viewer)

also, id love to have the tau again, even if it was only for a little bit.

Nope I haven't forgotten about the snarks, I mentioned them as a weapon I would like to be added. I agree they were very fun to use in HL1.
As for the Sniper Rifle I already said it would be good if they put it instead of that weird cross bow that shoots superheated metal.
I would like the tau (gauss gun) too, perhaps an advanced version that doesn't explode like it did in HL1.

As for what Lord_PackRat said about the hornet gun, well I liked that gun
true it could've been more effective, but that can be easily fixed by increasing
the accuracy and damage. They could make it similar to the needle gun in Halo, that would be fun.
Crossbow> sniper rifle. Why? Pinning corpses to walls.
Eejit said:
Crossbow> sniper rifle. Why? Pinning corpses to walls.

Simply because I don't like the fact that the projectile from the crossbow
takes a while to get to the target, I want an instant hit, plus the Sniper Rifle
would have a 5 round clip and it would be semi automatic
Redneck said:
Simply because I don't like the fact that the projectile from the crossbow
takes a while to get to the target, I want an instant hit, plus the Sniper Rifle
would have a 5 round clip and it would be semi automatic
Yeah right, where you paying attention at all? Combine snipers seem to be single shot.
Anyway, the crossbow is better because it requires more skill.
ríomhaire said:
Yeah right, where you paying attention at all? Combine snipers seem to be single shot.
Anyway, the crossbow is better because it requires more skill.

I didn't mean I would like that Sniper Rifle that the sharp shooters at the windows use, I would like a new one. If you like it so much maybe there
should be both in Aftermath. In HL2 I only use the Crossbow when it's absolutely necessary, otherwise I use the Magnum for long range shots.
Playing deathmatch for about 5 months now, my favourite weapon is the crossbow.

Let me tell you why: 1. It's funny to see the different ways you can pin the bodies 2. It's much much better for long distance shots than the magnum because obviously you can zoom in. 3. It does require skill, but once you acquire that skill, it's extremely deadly.

It takes some getting used to if your target is running around, you gotta shoot it either a few feet beside/behind/in front of him so by the time the bow reaches where you shot it, it will collide with the enemey.

But sniper rifles are probably more efficient because they don't take 10 years to reload.

I guess it all boils down to personal preference.
AKIRA said:
It's much much better for long distance shots than the magnum because obviously you can zoom in.

suit zoom
hold left mouse button
acquire target
release suit zoom
A new weapon I'd like to see is a 'throbbizer'. It blasts a pellet into the enemy, exploding inside which releases a poison. The poison infects the victim in seconds, making its whole body throbb and swell. After 3-5 seconds the enemy explodes littering the area with its flesh and organs.

Good because:
- its fun to watch them swell up in size
- affects different enemys in different ways (eg. antguard would just swelln up and get damaged, but not explode)
- A different way to kill than just fire bullets

Bad because:
- are not as unlimited as the usual pistol/machine gun
- may be dangerous if your health is low and you need a quick kill.
Redneck said:
The double shot representing semi-auto, I don't think so. If that's true then it's a stupid idea. A weapon with semi-auto should fire every time you hit
the button, but this gun doesn't.

Note the point beneath it. Quality of ammo. Thats one of the reasons for the SPAS sereis having selectible modes of fire. If you are using a low powered cartrage, such as a tear gas round, or you have a high probubility of getting a dud/low powder load cartrage this would cause the semi auto mode to jam. In pump action you can simply rack the slide again and go to the next round. Now, you're fighting your way through a city where the ammo for your weapon may well be over a decade old, or may even be rebel "home made" ammo. Which fire mode are you going to use?

The Jackhammer was experimental..never produced you twats

Indeed. So if we're going to get an experimental shotgun it bloody well better be the CAWS. It looks cooler and was, supposedly, turned down by the US military for being "Too deadly" - I dont think the combine would share their concern.

A new weapon I'd like to see is a 'throbbizer'. It blasts a pellet into the enemy, exploding inside which releases a poison. The poison infects the victim in seconds, making its whole body throbb and swell. After 3-5 seconds the enemy explodes littering the area with its flesh and organs.

Good because:
- its fun to watch them swell up in size
- affects different enemys in different ways (eg. antguard would just swell it up and damage it but not explode it)
- A different way to killing than just firing bullets

Bad because:
- are not as unlimited as the usual pistol/machine gun
- may be dangerous if your health is low and you need a quick kill.

There speaks a man who has played far too much Timesplitters: Future Perfect...
I wish I could get Half-life 2 Episode 1. But My computer cant run something that good. The only erason I have played Half-life 2 is because I have an Xbox 360. And I played Half-life 1 because I sold my old computer that could run something like that
Eejit said:
Crossbow> sniper rifle. Why? Pinning corpses to walls.
Nah. Crossbow > Sniper Rifle because practically every other FPS game has a Sniper Rifle. Crossbow is a nice, unique weapon for the game to have.

I'd like to see a bunch of stuff that wasn't in the Beta, specifically a new entirely exotic alien weapon, and a new human/alien weapon like the Combine Pulse Rifle, but more powerful (a Rocket Launcher replacement?). Otherwise, i'd like to see a lot of the HL2 weapons remain, particuarly the Pistol, MP7 and Pulse. I don't want to feel like the standard issue for weapons in C17 just suddenly changed at the convenience of a new expansion pack.

A new variation on the Gravity Gun would be awesome. Heh. Could take the Opposing Force root and give us a barnacle that eats and spits small objects, and pulls you closer towards larger objects. On second thoughts... no. :p

Half-lifefan22 said:
I wish I could get Half-life 2 Episode 1. But My computer cant run something that good. The only erason I have played Half-life 2 is because I have an Xbox 360. And I played Half-life 1 because I sold my old computer that could run something like that
Don't rule out an eventual bundle of HL2 episodes on the next-gen consoles, especially once more people have got one. Valve won't say no to something that will reach so many potential buyers.
Victor2 said:
Is that just a skin mod, or does it change clip capacity and stuff?

Redneck said:
I didn't mean I would like that Sniper Rifle that the sharp shooters at the windows use, I would like a new one. If you like it so much maybe there should be both in Aftermath.
no... that's stupid. why would there be two different kinds of sniper rifle? You want two just because the one's supposedly single shot? Actually, why would there be a sniper rifle at all? what would even be the point if they already had the crossbow?

and taht guy that keeps bringing up dud rounds for the pump action shotgun... do you really think gordon know that much about guns? he probably doesn't even know you can switch it to semi-auto, and that's why he uses pump-action.
Que-Ever said:
no... that's stupid. why would there be two different kinds of sniper rifle? You want two just because the one's supposedly single shot? Actually, why would there be a sniper rifle at all? what would even be the point if they already had the crossbow?

and that guy that keeps bringing up dud rounds for the pump action shotgun... do you really think gordon know that much about guns? he probably doesn't even know you can switch it to semi-auto, and that's why he uses pump-action.

OK I didn't express myself correctly I meant there should be both semi automatic Sniper Rifle and Crossbow. What would be the point, like I said
a Sniper Rifle is much more effective then a Crossbow OK.
Lets close this Sniper Rifle versus Crossbow subject, I know I started it but now it's getting old. It's a question of preference, some like one and some like the other.

The real life SPAS 12 is semi-auto, I mean that double shot in the game isn't
semi-auto, it's exactly like fiering a double barrel shotgun, it's not a burst.

As for what Bob_Marley said well, the CAWS doesn't look cooler, it looks like
an ordinary assault rifle OK, and I don't care if the Jackhammer was only experimental I want it, same goes for the OICW, I don't care if the US army
scraped it.

A new weapon that I would like and it would use the game fizics, is a disruptor. This gun would fire sonic shockwaves that could knock out entire
teams of soldiers or even tanks, striders etc. depending on the power of the blast. Depending on how much you keep the fire button pressed, the power increases. I think it would be fun and spectacular.
nice one bob_marley :LOL:
I was wondering where that weapon idea came from. Obviously playing timesplitters done me some good then.
Redneck said:
A new weapon that I would like and it would use the game fizics, is a disruptor. This gun would fire sonic shockwaves that could knock out entireteams of soldiers or even tanks, striders etc. depending on the power of the blast. Depending on how much you keep the fire button pressed, the power increases. I think it would be fun and spectacular.

Another Future Perfect fan...
Yes, but that would be like playing through Half Life 2 with the blue gravity gun. Not very fun.
Que-Ever said:
Is that just a skin mod, or does it change clip capacity and stuff?

It´s a model and skin mod, but it doesn´t change ammo capacity or clip capacity. That´s something easy that we can do it ourselves. It has a new reloading animation. I liked it more than the normal I-Rifle.

PS: here´s a small cfg I made changing some properties of the game

sk_max_smg1 950
sk_max_smg1_grenade 8
sk_max_pistol 750
sk_max_buckshot 350
sk_max_357 76
sk_max_grenade 20
sk_max_ar2 960
sk_max_ar2_altfire 10
sk_max_crossbow 40
sk_max_rpg_round 20
net_graph 1
cl_ragdoll_collide 1
sk_plr_dmg_357 55
sk_plr_dmg_crossbow 125
sk_plr_dmg_grenade 200
sk_plr_dmg_pistol 8
sk_plr_dmg_ar2 10
sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round 350
sk_plr_dmg_buckshot 12
sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade 140
sk_plr_dmg_smg1 6
sv_cheats 1
sk_airboat_max_ammo 1000

HL2 lacked creativity on the weapons (except for Gravity Gun), the game itself would have been way better if the game designers concentrated on creating new wepons, instead of just using the real-world ones.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Yes, but that would be like playing through Half Life 2 with the blue gravity gun. Not very fun.

Nope it wouldn't. The weapon as I imagen it, wouldn't kill them instantly like the blue gravity gun does, it would throw an enemy long distances and do damage only if he slams into a wall or other people, otherwise they could get up again. Oh yeah and when a combine is thrown he drops the weapon.
So it would be kind of a non leathal weapon. Don't tell me it wouldn't be cool to use this weapon for example to set a strider off balance by pushing one of
its legs with a sonic blast.
now... i dont know about the rest of you but I loved the Ratchet & Clank series
( excluding the 4th one ). I mostly loved them because of the inginuse weapon ideas so as you can imagin the weapons in a game are pretty important to me and I'd be very upset if they didnt put any new weapons in (half life 2). sure you play the game the first time for the story and all that good stuff in the game ( any game ) but why do you play again and again? To blow stuff up and shoot people! am i right? If game play sucks balls but the game has a good story than thats really not enough to play over agian, is it? I would like to see a better automatic gun, some kinda rifle apposed to an smg. and i thought the pulse rifle was really good, the only problem i had with it was that the clips where to small, what where they... like 30 per clip? It really needed more i think maybe 20, and I think it kinda reloaded slow... any how, i rambled on long enough. Just wanted to put it out there and say that Im hope'n for some GOOD new weapons in episode 1!
kacation_man said:
Just wanted to put it out there and say that Im hope'n for some GOOD new weapons in episode 1!

Amen brother!
since hl2 is already out is ok to talk much about the beta?

they had a bunch of sweet weapons.
just in case im not supposed to
they had a sniper rifle in the beta i really dissapointed when it didnt make the cut
they also had a flare you could light things on fire with.
they had an ice axe for some inkiwn reason,
i cant quite remeber the rest but there was a bunch of cool stuff.