New weapons?

Smash ice more like it.
Replacement for the SMG, it being the least loved of all HL2's inventory. Something better looking and more accurate would good, and sort out that stupid problem with the grenades.
Of all the weapon's in HL2's arsenal, the SMG is my favorite. MP7's been my most reliable companion throughout, just like the MP5N before it. I've never understood the complaints of inaccuracy; thing's got a pretty good range on it.

That being said, if we got a replacement for it, aesthetic or otherwise, I wouldn't mind as long as it performed in a similar manner: low damage, high RoF, grenade launcher attachment.

2) Half-Life is not a flamethrower game. I might have envisioned one in the original Half-Life, but I could never see it in Half-Life 2.
AR2 used to have incendiary bullets. It's not a flamethrower but it achieved the same effect.
Ok, I'll admit there's a gap in the "ambush/traps" department, and that hoppers really aren't that great. Add another vote for adding SLAMs as they appear in HL2MP.
I want a rocket launcher that you can turn the laser guided mode off on.

Also I foresee useing ice sickles as projectiles with the grav gun.
AR2 used to have incendiary bullets. It's not a flamethrower but it achieved the same effect.

Incendiary bullets aren't quite the same as a flamethrower. It wasn't the effect I didn't like, to be honest, I'd like being able to have enemies burn up, but the idea of a "spray fire everywhere" weapon... it's just not particularly Half-Lifey.

Now I'm trying to recall a game I played recently with incendiary bullets -_-.
It might have just been a dream... but I vividly recall having incendiary bullets in something like an AK... damn, now it's bugging me!
Truth is, there were no new weapons in Episode 2, there won't be in episode 3. Maybe a "special" gun like the one to blow striders the **** up but thats about it.
i would like to see some add-ons to the gravity gun that you find in the borealis or something. And mabye a xen gun like the skock worm or the fly shooter from opposing force (i have no idea how you would get that stuff but it would be cool).
1) Not a portal gun. Who the hell said anything about the model? It's a portal gun! We're playing Half-Life, not Portal! Hell, while we're at it, let's have Chrono Gun! Yeah, let's change time, bitch, and just call it "Half-Life: Gun of Time!" -_-

2) Half-Life is not a flamethrower game. I might have envisioned one in the original Half-Life, but I could never see it in Half-Life 2.

3) Tau cannon is always a good choice.

4) And hell, I miss snarks.

Not that I was replying to anyone specifically...


Oh, I see what you did there


1) It's not like I'm demanding the portal gun here. I'm just refuting the reply that always comes up when portal gun and half-life are said in the same sentence. That said, it could be an interesting addition, but would probably best be left out.
2)I can see it
3)Er... agreed
4)Snarks don't make any ****ing sense.
speaking of icepick, i saw in the hl2 files a wav called icepick.wav...
so maybe barney runs out of crowbars!
What if the new weapons is one we have already seen but were not allowed to use in Ep2. how about the Hunter Flechete gun?
Hunter Flechetes as a gun is boring, you can use it by typing something in the console.
How about a citrus cannon! =D

It shoots L.E.M.O.N.S

Long Range
What if the new weapons is one we have already seen but were not allowed to use in Ep2. how about the Hunter Flechete gun?

Grab a log, hold it in front of a Hunter, wait for it to fire, throw it back - voila.
I would love to see a harpoon gun, seeing as it is in the arctic and all. It would impale people to walls like the crossbow, but you could retrieve the harpoon from the wall by pulling it out with the grav. gun.
That's something I really wanted in previous half life games...the ability to pull the crossbow bolts out the surface and re-use them.
It would have made me use the crossbow more often, as there was so little ammo for it lying around.
I would love to see a harpoon gun, seeing as it is in the arctic and all. It would impale people to walls like the crossbow, but you could retrieve the harpoon from the wall by pulling it out with the grav. gun.
That's something I really wanted in previous half life games...the ability to pull the crossbow bolts out the surface and re-use them.
It would have made me use the crossbow more often, as there was so little ammo for it lying around.

naw i got it, how about theres this part were gordan and alyx need to get over this large caynon, and gordan shoots the harpoon over and it pins a combine sniper right in the head, and then alyx says "well that works to i gess :E", but note only do you get to use the harpoon gun but you also get to steal the sniper rifle from the combine guy you impaled, there two new weapons right there!
vortigaunts dont realy have tech, they got realy powerful arms and some kinda eletric attack (not sure what its called). I think its the Xen army guys you meet in Opposing Force that have the xen tech (those big one eyed shock trooper guys).
Vortigaunt tech dammnit

I've got to say, in my opinion, this is the only really viable option for Episode 3.

I really don't think Valve will stick in weapons like a Tau Cannon or flamethrower or anything. And, gotta say, I agree with Samon on that one. Half-Life's weapons worked because of the game Half-Life was. HL2 is different. Different atmosphere, different world.
How would you be able to Wield vortigaunt tech?

I suggest either a mounted sniper rifle, which can only be used for a section or a machine gun that you can carry, but having to mount it to open fire.
Maybe all that crap about the Vortessence means that you'll be able to use your crowbar as a focus for vortigaunt zappy bolts.

Of, you know. Doom.
Just saw on Gametrailer tv Gabe kind of saying the portal gun or something like it will be in ep3.

/runs for cover
How would you be able to Wield vortigaunt tech?

It would be interesting to recieve some sort of vort built technology. Obviously they have very little need for conventional weapons, but I would love to see what sort of design/functionality it would have.

I still have no clue, I just wanted to mention that I acknowledged this earlier
if the portal gun is realy, seriously, absolutly, in ep3 im sure that valve will make it.......

wait, does someone mind telling me what the borealis is?? i know its for Apeture science and all but what is apeture science technology doing on a ship in the first place??! Ithought it was underground or something? Wasnt the portal gun like a prototype of Apeture Science technology, if it was i dought that Apeture Science would put a prototype of a super duper teleporting technology on a ship, they would keep it in Apeture Science labs to further its development....right?
if the portal gun is realy, seriously, absolutly, in ep3 im sure that valve will make it.......
i know its for Apeture science and all but what is apeture science technology doing on a ship in the first place??!

If they were, you know, taking it somewhere else? :hmph:
if the portal gun is realy, seriously, absolutly, in ep3 im sure that valve will make it.......

wait, does someone mind telling me what the borealis is?? i know its for Apeture science and all but what is apeture science technology doing on a ship in the first place??! Ithought it was underground or something? Wasnt the portal gun like a prototype of Apeture Science technology, if it was i dought that Apeture Science would put a prototype of a super duper teleporting technology on a ship, they would keep it in Apeture Science labs to further its development....right?

play Episode 2
yeah i know i have played episode 2, with the screen in white forest and stuff with dr. kliner saying stuff about how they coulkd harness its power or something. So why would they want to move it if they have everything they need in their secret undergound lair?
Gordon could have the Vortessence techniques taught to him by the Vortigaunt's...
Just sayin, you know...

I mean the Vortigaunt's have implied that Gordon is linked more to the Vortessence than any other human being alive right now...
Green lightning? Anyone? Just for the irony alone?
yeah that is true, and also in half life 1 the vorts say (this is between g-man and gordan) that one will be the destroyer and on will be the savor of the universe, and a few other things that back up the fact that gordan is closely "related" to the vortiguants. Gordan being taught the way of the vortiguant my very well be possible, you know maybe something like the crowbar being the channel point of his "vorty" powers.
The crowbar is fine as a crowbar. If it becomes the central focus of green lightning i'm going to rip off my own face, paste it onto my computer screen, and never stop screaming till the blood has congealed around my free-flowing tear ducts, at which point I will fall gently asleep on top of my keyboard and dream of better days.

Other than that, =D.
haha that was good, but i mean the crowbar is like the center piece, every wallpaper of gordan, every concept art every drawing has gordan with his trusty crowbar, its been around since the very begging, and im sure some people wonder "Whats so damn significant about a crowbar!". Giving it a purpose or maybe even going so far as to reviling it as its true form (maybe some kinda xen rode of power or something) would be way cool.