New WW2 HL2 Mod



The game, 1944: D-Day, has been in the works for nearly three years, and has just announced itself to the community. The main reason for this is the involvement that the project leader, Ronan Hayes, has put into the AI that will be the primary feature of both the "mods" and the final "game".

It is currently a 2-phase project, the first phase being a set of three mods that will feature a slightly toned down version of the game itself. There are planned mods for HL2, BF2, and UT2K4. The mods are going to be a fun and rewarding side project to test the portability of the AI, which has been in the works for nearly three years. The Half-Life 2 variant of the mod will be an AI-based version of DoD:S. The bots will be numerous, far outnumbering the numbers of human players. Based on interaction with their environments, the bots will respond to enemy units, blocked pathways, players' commands, and other stimuli. The bots will also use tactics such as flanking and cover fire in a way that few other games have. Again, the mods' purpose are to test the portability of the AI coding to see how it can be integrated into the engine being used for the game itself.

The end project is going to be an online WW2 MMO game, much like WW2Online. For those that are interested, the game will be using the Reality Engine, which easily rivals the power and capability of the Source engine. The MMO will have one map of Normandy, allowing you to fight your way from the shores of Normandy into Europe. A monthly fee might be involved for the MMO, but the mods will be free to anyone.

You can find more information here.

If you are interested in the mod or game I also would like to ask you to list me as your referrer if you could, I would greatly appreciate it. Once you have registered, please take a few seconds to make a reply in my thread and say you were referred by me. Thanks and I hope you check it out.
All mods should be free, and why are you making another WW2 mod? A lot of WW2 are in progress already and I dont think al lot of them will be better than DOD:S.

... but good luck!
pfff I bet there are much better WW2 mods out there wich are free.
A monthly fee, how dare you my son, how dare you ...
pfff I bet there are much better WW2 mods out there wich are free.
A monthly fee, how dare you my son, how dare you ...
He said that the mod was free. He said that the version for the Reality Engine (good luck with that, development and support for the Reality Engine was shut down.) will have a monthly fee for the servers.
Anion said:
The game, 1944: D-Day, has been in the works for nearly three years, and has just announced itself to the community. The main reason for this is the involvement that the project leader, Ronan Hayes, has put into the AI that will be the primary feature of both the "mods" and the final "game".

It is currently a 2-phase project, the first phase being a set of three mods that will feature a slightly toned down version of the game itself. There are planned mods for HL2, BF2, and UT2K4. The mods are going to be a fun and rewarding side project to test the portability of the AI, which has been in the works for nearly three years. The Half-Life 2 variant of the mod will be an AI-based version of DoD:S. The bots will be numerous, far outnumbering the numbers of human players. Based on interaction with their environments, the bots will respond to enemy units, blocked pathways, players' commands, and other stimuli. The bots will also use tactics such as flanking and cover fire in a way that few other games have. Again, the mods' purpose are to test the portability of the AI coding to see how it can be integrated into the engine being used for the game itself.

The end project is going to be an online WW2 MMO game, much like WW2Online. For those that are interested, the game will be using the Reality Engine, which easily rivals the power and capability of the Source engine. The MMO will have one map of Normandy, allowing you to fight your way from the shores of Normandy into Europe. A monthly fee might be involved for the MMO, but the mods will be free to anyone.

You can find more information here.

If you are interested in the mod or game I also would like to ask you to list me as your referrer if you could, I would greatly appreciate it. Once you have registered, please take a few seconds to make a reply in my thread and say you were referred by me. Thanks and I hope you check it out.

For those that are interested, the game will be using the Reality Engine,

Heh, no it wont.

A monthly fee might be involved for the MMO,

I doubt anyone is going to want to pay a monthly fee for a mod.. when they can go play WW2Online..

It is currently a 2-phase project, the first phase being a set of three mods that will feature a slightly toned down version of the game itself. There are planned mods for HL2, BF2, and UT2K4.

Stretching yourself somewhat don't you think?.. try aim to get one thing completed first.

hmm I don't see any of this happening, you don't even know the deal with one of the engines you plan to use so I don't fancy your chances much.
Knowing Ronan from another forum, I assure you they know what they're talking about.

TDE, you misunderstood what he meant... they're making a game, on the reality engine. They are also implementing thier AI system into thier free mod versions.
Errr... I hope you paid for that layout ;).

For 3 years of work maybe there should be more to show. Any tech vids of this AI in action?
The final game isnt going to be a mod. Read his post for petes sake. The mods we get for UT2k4, HL2/DOD and BF2 are for free, and will showcase the AI. Then the real game comes out, which will be an mmo, and probably better than WW2Online.

And they just announced it, which means they are keeping low profile for the time being which explains why there isnt much media.

This sounds very interesting, and the MMO game could be great and the end all (hopefully) to WW2 games. Ill be keeping an eye out for this one.
^ What s/he said.

Also, I took a look at the mod's site. It does look very promising. There are a lot of renders of very, very well made models, some of which have also been textured, and to a very high standard too.

I agree that the WW2 setting is getting a bit tired and worn out now, but if the gameplay itself was a step ahead then it might well turn into a very good project.
SidewinderX said:
Knowing Ronan from another forum, I assure you they know what they're talking about.

TDE, you misunderstood what he meant... they're making a game, on the reality engine. They are also implementing thier AI system into thier free mod versions.

how are they making a game in an engine which by all accounts no longer exists.. or are you telling me their now using UE3 :)
Although the concept of yet another WW2 sounds outstanding ( cue sarcasm ), you do have an interesting idea that closely follows the lines of WW2Online. However, making people charge to play a MOD is a down right horrible idea. If there is a fee to play, I definately will find another free MOD that is just as great as this one to play.


This is not a subscription game.

Secondly about the game. We are using the Reality Engine, this is a next gen engine that was recently bought out by Epic Games, we luckily got in before Epic Bought it out. So the engine is pretty top quality, due to NDA's etc with Artificial Studios we are not able to release any renders or content at this point in time.

So whats the game all about. Well I started this during college as a final year project to teach students the concepts and theories behind History. This obviously progressed into a simulation that allowed students to see the entire war. Now since I have finished my thesis on Learning and Adaptive AI, I decided to develop a commercial version of all my research. Hence the game.

The simple concept is this:

The developers/designers/modders outline all the mission goals, objectives and key points using a simply GUI, exactly as would the Commanders prior to D-Day. We set the start point for all the units, on both sides. 00:00 we set the AI off. The simulation then takes control and beigns to move the units as per the the outline laid down by us. The player can select any active unit on the battlefield, which is simply the player taking control of the AI. As the simulation continues more and more units become available, as the day progresses you can jump between any unit that you wish, essentially allowing you to see any and every part of the war that interests you.

We plan to feature as accurately as we can all of Normandy. Currently we have all of Normandy (160x160km of terrain loaded into the engine) You could walk all over the country side if you so wished. These have been created using all manner of resources from Aerial Photos, to Sat images and even WW2 photos. We aspire to be as realistic as possible. While we know it will not appeal to everyone we know re-enactors, and ww2 fans will love what we are trying to do.

Expect to see great visual effects because of the engine, Novodex physics, 24 hour lighting, dynamic weather, over 200 users online and many more features

The game will allow the player total control to do things the way they want to do them. They can change the outcome of D-Day by their actions and the AI is smart enough to adapt and change to suit. The Entire AI System is dynamic and does not rely on a single script, so you are never sure how the AI will react to a certain situation.

So why develop the mods? Well as you can imagine the AI is probably useful not just to our game but to others. So we have decided the best way to ensure that the AI code is portable is to take the leading engines, and ensure that our code can be easily integrated into the engine. Our AI has been designed in such a way that it takes control of the entire game, from character movements, to tactics to scene management. So by testing it with every engine we can we know that the AI is solid and a worthwhile system.

That said we feel the mods will offer a very interesting introduction into the full game.

The first Mod out the door is HL2, then we should have the alpha version of the Game released around October followed by BF2 mod and finally when the next version of UT is released we will have another mod for that. Far Cry and others are an option, but I'm just one person, and I spend enough time programming. But if you have a game you really like and feel would be a good challenge let me know and I will see what I can do.

With regards to what I have to show for 3 years work, more than enough, but its foolish to post application samples over the net which could instantly show how you developed the system. At least if I place it within a game then the framework structure can be hidden, and less obvious. We will have full media coverage by October including videos, renders, concept work and much much more.

well hopefully that cleared up alot of confusion, i know it does for me. How about you Gothax?
Well at this moment in time we are trying to recover from a rather vicious hack, that left our server wimpering on its knees.

We will be going through some log files and other details to try and find out more of what they were after, but never the less we apologise for this problem, and we should have it back up and running ASAP.
I just want to say that your idea sounds really cool.

I don't know why everyone is attacking ninjabob for sharing his work with the community. He is donating 3 years of hard work to help enhance the AI in DOD:S and other games. Just in case you guys didn't know, AI programming in games is VERY hard to do well. Please give him some respect and stop acting like spoiled babies.
Yeah i love the idea and if i could i'd help (if you need funding i'll sell a liver j/k) i'll be book marking this and i'd be fine with paying a monthly fee for the actual game. and w00t they actually HAVE set dates for when it'll be done!
Meh Dont worry about, alot of people complain about the project all the time. Needless to say any team member who has seen how the development goes, how flexible we are as a team and how commited we are as a team. Wont complain.

How many other groups, fork out to work with such technology as Reality Engine and Speedtree. Heck how many people fork out money for just Torque, Torque Shader Edition or even the Cipher Engine.

I would say the answer is few and far between.

Anyway the mod will be out soon for alpha members, perhaps that will clear up alot of confusion and keep our members entertained until the game is released.

But all things aside, drop by our forums have a browse and a look for yourself. any questions I am usually very open and nearly always at hand to answer any and all questions.

Oh and some forum threads to check out (If you can make it in Maxforums your can make it anywhere)

Hey this is a neat idea.

Adding bots to DoD:S. That i like, cos i love DoD.

Good luck.
Where does it say I am adding bots to DOD:S

Great idea, but Im getting confused howso many people are picking up on the project is so many different ways.

We are making a full commercial game.

We are also making a total conversion of hl2
We are also making a total conversion of bf2

When I get the AI working in HL2 as I want, I will see about making a mod for DOD:S

We could call it

Tactical Day of Defeat : Source

and while Im at it we could do the same for CS and call it:

Tactical Counter Strike
ninjaBob said:
When I get the AI working in HL2 as I want, I will see about making a mod for DOD:S

We could call it

Tactical Day of Defeat : Source

and while Im at it we could do the same for CS and call it:

Tactical Counter Strike

Counterstrike and Day of Defeat aren't open-source, so you're going to have a tough time creating mods for them.

-Angry Lawyer