Newcomer looking for a mod team



Hey everybody, I've been browsing various forums for awhile looking at all the up and coming mods for Halflife 2. I'm at a point that I'd like to pursue a career in game development and I feel that one of the best ways to accomplish this is to have a finely tuned mod developed for a popular game engine. With the recent arrival of the Source engine I'm eagerly anticipating the power game developers could soon have. I'd like to find a team that has a solid focus on what they want to create, a team who's serious about their development and looking to produce a commercial quality product. Now here's my background.

I'm a Computer Science major with four years of C++ application programming experience. I'd like to add a finished mod to my portfolio so that I can present it to a design studio in the future. The downside is that I've never worked with Halflife or it's SDK. Just recently I picked it up and starting reading articles at the Verc, Wavelength, and Fixxer. The position I'd like to fill on a team would be that of an assistant coder. I'd like to find someone with extensive experience in the Halflife SDK so that they could help me along my road of discovery.

Pentium seemed to have some success with his post, so that gave me a reason to go ahead and register. If any of you guys would be interested in taking on an "apprentice" I'd like to hear from you. You can contact me at [email protected]. If you'd be so kind to include some details on your mod, your team, and your past experience I'd appreciate it. Thanks for everyone's time.



You'd get far more legitimate offers if you posted at
and at

Those website forums are more mature then this one. As for our mod, I really don't know where the point of diminishing returns is. We have 3 programmers, and I don't know if having a 4th is a good idea. Still, if a mature group and cyberpunk sounds interesting check us out.

But most importantly post at those two sites I listed, you should get much better offers there.
well if you feel like working for Operation Everlasting Shadow.... read the thread about us (our website hasn't been updated in a while.... due to webby having exams) and PM me if interested :)

Hey guys, have you asked your coder(s) if they want to be a mentor for this guy? :)

mikado: Good luck finding the best mod!
well our coder is me..... and im not really experienced and could use a mentor tbh :)
I think means it the other way around.. you be the mentor FOR him
Originally posted by Majestic XII

:D Whenever YOU say *Bling* another EVIL on this world gets his wings

/me looks at his beautifull wings.. ooh.. soo prettty :)
Over The Top could always use another coder. Currently we have the lead coder position filled, but assistant is what you asked for so they would be worked out. We've just recently switched to the half life 2 engine and are under new management. Our new leader has over 3 years of experience and is already moving this mod ahead at a faster pace. Currently, we've updated our site with new renders and changed the design so you may want to check that out. Now if your interested you could always sign up on our forums and make a post, email me ([email protected]), or contact me via aim (CC2 United). Thanks, and I hope you check us out.
Originally posted by EVIL
I think means it the other way around.. you be the mentor FOR him

I know.... i was merely commenting on my relative inexperience :)
Re: hmm

Originally posted by Cerberus
Those website forums are more mature then this one.

Why do you post in here then? You pretend like you are the only mature one on this forum. If you don't like this forum I won't stop you to leave. Goodbey. :dozey:
well, I would appricate it greatly, if you kept your abstract opinions to your self Cerberus, although there are some people on the forums that act "immature" you will find that all together this forum has a large selection of mature, willing to help and certainly talented people. So next time you feel like calling this forum "immature", think about it...
my opinion

my opinion, is that stone got an F in english.

Now, lets say I'm looking at two houses, and I see one is greener then the other. Now, did I just say that one house is green and the other house is NOT green? No, I did not. How about stone stop being so immature and falsely accusing people of things they didn't say.
I'm not falsely accusing anyone, I'm stating what you were saying, I.E. MATURE group, implying exactly what you said you weren't doing (saying one house is green and the other one isn't)

Oh and for your information I got an A* in GCSE english and a B at A-level thank you very much :cheese: and I've got the certificates to prove it
there is a difference

there is a difference between immature, and less mature. The two links I gave out were to two forums that I consider MORE mature then this one. Also saying that my team is mature does not immediately mean that your team is not mature.
No, but the fact that you continuelly advertise that your team is "MATURE", thes the impression of that, and also that your team is not...
you know

you know, I think our problem is we're not agreeing on the definition of maturity. Now would you say its immature for one mod leader to call another mod boring, or dull without even explaining their reasons why?
Yes, that is correct, I would agree to that being a type of being immature

well its a good thing your not in that mod with Mr.Badger. He did the exact same thing on the 18th of may. I had a large post describing the basic game features, and within three hours a single reply by badger.

"yawn! :x "

Now that, is pretty immature. But wait, you ARE on his team. Isn't that funny.
Re: wel

Originally posted by Cerberus
well its a good thing your not in that mod with Mr.Badger. He did the exact same thing on the 18th of may. I had a large post describing the basic game features, and within three hours a single reply by badger.

"yawn! :x "

Now that, is pretty immature. But wait, you ARE on his team. Isn't that funny.

I would like to point out that I don't behave like that anymore.... and I later elabourated on my opinion.... so just let it go.. friends? :)
Cerberus is right, but you should not generalize mrBadger with the forum.
Look..... can we please forget that? Honestly I don't post stupid things like that anymore...

I am forgiven yet?
I'm surprised you people had the mental capacity to carry out such an insignificant arguement in this coders thread. :dozey:
Hey, I'm sorry it was either carry it on here, or start a new thread and get flamed even more, sorry guys, I didn't mean to spoil the thread ;(

and leave Badger Alone you guys!
hey stone

hey stone, you WERE the one going after me. Anyhow lets drop this silly discussion, I hope everyones mod does get made. Good luck to badger in making his mod.
omg guys! cant you be ontopic SOMETIME?!

Stop this shit now!

Plz, dont make any reply to this or any of the spampost PLEASE!
