Next-Gen Game teasers from EA.

Alig said:
Car games will hit the 'reality' mark before any other genre i think...just look how much GT4 stands above the vast of PS2 games graphics.

That's because there is a lot less to worry about when it comes to making a car game (gfx-wise). You just have the cars themselves...and the surrounding area. Other games bring in so many other complexities developers just don't have the time or the power to make them look as good. Does GT4 have realtime dmg to cars yet? If they don't their job is even easier to bring us quality visuals.
Surprisingly, Yamauchi also made a short comment about Gran Turismo 5, confirming his interest in making more installments in the racing simulation series. Interestingly, he talked about collision damage and effects such as cars crashing and rolling over, which has been avoided in the GT series to date because the games feature licensed cars.

Looks like Gran Turismo won't get damage until GT5 (maybe). I don't see why they're having the problem of not being able to do damage because they're licensed cars, other racing games have licensed cars and show damage on them.

(What would be great, is instead of swapping out parts of the car for pre-made damaged parts, they actually generate damage in real time. So if you drive head on into a tree you'll see the middle of front crushed in and the faster you hit the tree, the more crushed in it is, for example.)
Sir Phoenixx said:
Oh, so the Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Battlefield, and Command and Conquer series (among many others) must just be figments of my imagination right?

I dont undertand why so many people hate EA so much

but the true if we compare EA of oday whit the EA of the past like 1999 and before,the EA of today is like more focused of get money that make good games(like the "challenges everything" looks very comercial),
also EA is still named Electronic Arts or just EA games?
Sir Phoenixx said:
Oh, so the Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Battlefield, and Command and Conquer series (among many others) must just be figments of my imagination right?

All of those, except for Battlefield were previously established franchises before EA took them over. And the only one of those series that EA has actually improved upon (ie., not all but driven into the ground) is Need for Speed.

They're not a very good video game company. Admittedly they have pushed out some quality games, but those are usually ones that are developed by a third party. Their tactics for producing, developing, and marketing games have much to be desired.

I can't remember the last time I purchased an EA game, or even wanted to. It was probably Renegade actually, but that was developed entirely by Westwood. I don't have some kind of hatred for the company, they just don't make great games.
Who cares about Madden's graphics

It's still gonna be the same game as 05.....and 04.....and 03
Sir Phoenixx said:
Oh, so the Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Battlefield, and Command and Conquer series (among many others) must just be figments of my imagination right?

Generals is not a series, it's a single game.

And I hope to hell, that they have nothing to do with Command & Conquer 3.
My problem with EA is how they treat their workers. It's been known for quite some time that they force a number of their employees to work 60 to 80 hours a week & force them to not record those hours (among other ways they exploit workers). Sure lawsuits are poping up finally...but its not new news.
EA are now standardising on the Renderware engine for all their 3D games (that's why they bought Criterion Software earlier this year).

So now not only will all their games look the same, but it'll be easier for them to rotate employees round projects.
Sir Phoenixx said:
I didn't say anything at all about Generals itself.

But your saying EA produced the Command and Conquer series, but all they produced was Generals.
that car one looks amazing, and achievable. that madden one, however- would make my TV explode. so it must be a cutscene!
But your saying EA produced the Command and Conquer series, but all they produced was Generals.

No, it isn't. Generals was the first game in the series that they developed themselves. They've produced Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Renegade, and Generals and all of their addons. Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert and their addons and Sole Survivor were the only ones that weren't produced by EA (They came out before Westwood was bought by EA, but they still own them.)
the best thing about the screenie is it looks like porche unleashed 2 not underground 3. maybe just maybe the series will go back to its roots.
Sir Phoenixx said:
Oh, so the Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Battlefield, and Command and Conquer series (among many others) must just be figments of my imagination right?

battlefield 1942 was good, but the expansion packs on the other hand added very little imo for the cost of almost a full game.

something i would call a 'cashgrabber' and nothing more, wich i don't tend to liking very well.
If ANY of you read that article, those screenshots are what the next gen NFS and Madden MIGHT look like.

In otherwords, those are 3d renders, not in an engine, outside the game, made in 3dsmax or something simmilar. And I seriously doubt that the next gen consoles will have games that look like that.
EA did not make them., the dev that fall under the EA name do. Don't give EA more credit then they deserve.
I simply cannot wait for the next gen consoles :)




Hmm, i'd probably mistake that for a scene from a movie or something. Too bad it'll be wasted in some run-of-the-mill boxing game.
StardogChampion said:
Hmm, i'd probably mistake that for a scene from a movie or something. Too bad it'll be wasted in some run-of-the-mill boxing game.
Yea...I would rather it be used for an fps game.It looks so real....

Oh well... ;(
I doubt they'll be able to pull off that Madden pic. Look, it has soft shadows, no visible polygonal edges. We've only begun to use realtime shadowing in DOOM 3/Riddick and all the sudden they make the jump to soft shadowing and proper light bouncing? :hmph:

Its impressive but no where close to what it'll look like. I will say this though, I hope they prove me wrong! If they can indeed pull that off, they deserve every penny/dollar of mine for a console. They might be able to pull that off later on in the console life but not immediately.
satch, dude, Softshadows ain't special, STALKER has it :) But I agree about the polygons.
Gargantou said:
satch, dude, Softshadows ain't special, STALKER has it :) But I agree about the polygons.

As does U3. They look pretty damn cool, but I'm more of a PC person.
Gargantou said:
satch, dude, Softshadows ain't special, STALKER has it :) But I agree about the polygons.

Really? Im gonna go check their site. Interesting.

Edit - Yeah, I guess it does. :p

Unreal 3 has it, yes, but that was barely able to run on the latest hardware. I think it was a GeForce 6800 Ultra. Now imagine running that with 5 or more characters on screen with explosions and all kinds of dynamic stuff going on. That would get pretty choppy very quick.
That's true Satch :) These images above are of ONLY a modeled head, and that itself looks like it could be pretty damn demanding on the hardware lol, imagine playing a game at 1FPS/H LOL; now that'd be something :D
oh great, more money for ea games. next thing you know all "next gen" games will come from ONE company, EA GAMES. oh wait, like it hasnt already o.o;
EA Spouse

and before you reply, be sure to read the ENTIRE article(s) first.

theres also another link but i cant remember the name
MurderScene said:
EA Spouse

and before you reply, be sure to read the ENTIRE article(s) first.

theres also another link but i cant remember the name
That's horrible :( Sound's like EA is "wannabe-Soviet", ****ing disgusting bastards that just sit on their fat asses making a few decisions and getting millions from it.
yet most gamers WILL STILL buy ea products, why? because most gamers only care about the game. thats it. gamers dont care about the small people in the background at all.
Yeah, a few, but seriously, It's not my fault that the companies CEOs are dicks...
God, it's so sad that EA are trying to take over Ubisoft, can you imagine in a few years? "Splinter Cell 8 - Sam Goes To Japan!" :\
EA produced Freedom Fighters right? Then that's prolly the most recent EA game I bought, nownow don't make me feel guilty, games're my only real pleassure in life :p
sorry if your found my original reply =P didnt mean to sound like im preaching n all.
If I could I'd love to stop EA's "oppression" of their workers because this's truly disgusting but I'm in no power to do so but...*Cough*Piracy can atleast damage the -company- a bit.*Cough*Oh sorry, got something in my throat...:p
Loke min vän :p Keep in mind that it's just a face, did you see it in motion? If not it's not impressive, what guarantees it ain't a pre-rendered?:p