Nice fresh newbie...



Hey guys,
Those video tutorials you had listed in one of your mapping forums drew me in and now I'm a bloody member of this bloody site!

I got started into mapping after watching those videos and have, as of the time of this post, created three worthless and retarded maps. Boxy, Boxy2, and Wallhaxor. All of these are featured on my server "[UD] Custom Junk FF=ON" The boxies are just a small square filled with glass walls that will fall once shot (plus on my server I have phys_pushscale set to -9000 so the glass flies at you if you shoot it). Wallhaxor is my rendition of breakfloor. I was tired of people always camping on either side, so I wanted to make it so you tunneled through a side of the wall, not under it. I thought it would make it a better fight for those coming to attack the campers. Also, if there is a way... I want to smash everybody who hasn't tunneled after say 30 seconds, that would be cool.

I'm going to start working on my next map called MyHouse, which is basically just a cstrike map of... my house. I thought that would be pretty cool, plus my house is pretty weird with loads of entry and exit points (basement windows, stairs, roof) and thought it could make a good map.

ok, I've made my introductory post, NOW WELCOME ME!!!
Welcome Cold

First off, Welcome to the forums Cold!

I'm glad that you're already into mapping, it's kindof hard to start off but it's fun! Maybe I'll drop by on your server and see what's happening. I don't know about smashing everybody on your map wallhaxor, maybe you can set a timer on a big piece of stuff hanging over everybody's head at spawnpoint, then drop it. It will smash everybody below it (everybody who hasn't yet tunneled).

MyHouse sounds pretty cool too. I've wanted to do that with my house, but I don't know if I have the skill to map it, but if you need any help contact me. I remember I wanted to do a history project by making a map of the Collosseum. It was a research project about the place and instead of reading boring facts like how long it was in feet, I could just map it and run around showing them. That was a long time ago though (before steam). It was just an idea too, I had never mapped before at that point.

Well, good luck in your mapping quests!

See ya in the forums
Cold said:
Nope, but I just may be the single coolest person here.
HAHAHAHA, I agree with you buddy! We need more schizophrenic members around here. Keep up the humor, but hopefully you have something worthwhile to post in the future.
You messhead... anyway, welcome to the forums!
Beware of the Admin

Um... JFYI, this is probably not good forum manners to reply to yourself. I bet if you keep doing it around here you'll soon not be a member of this forum. It's probably cool because this is just you introducing yourself in the newbie area, but don't pull any crap in the serious forums.
Hm, so I see you like to talk to yourself, eh? *coughcrazycough* BTW, welcome to the forums!
Stop talking to yourself, it is considered spam, which is a bannable offence.
Welcome, comrade, to the wonderful Democratic People's Republic of!!

Long live our dear leaders, The administrators and moderators, suns of the 21st Century!

Now don't spam and live a nice, happy socialist lifestyle!

btw, you might want to go to that Detention Facility for the Unsocialized.
welcome you crazy bas****! Im random offline, tis great!
Danimal said:
Stop talking to yourself, it is considered spam, which is a bannable offence.
Ignore Banimal for the time being. What he really meant was "Hey, welcome!" :)

Welcome to the forums and if you need anything for that schizophrenia just let me know :D
Welcome to the illustrious site that is Highly polished and modernized externally, one can hardly detect the corruption within.
This guy is pure class. This is probably the best spam, if you can even call it that. (Best as in funniest and most wanted) And Danimal, if you want someone to ban, how about all those morons in Offtopic.
vegeta897 said:
This guy is pure class. This is probably the best spam, if you can even call it that. (Best as in funniest and most wanted) And Danimal, if you want someone to ban, how about all those morons in Offtopic.

Morons in OT, ie. YOU!
Apparantly you do, as you were the one who made a crack at me.

Also, I had nothing against you until now, I don't know why you are against me out of nowhere, so I guess that makes you an ass.
bvasgm said:
Welcome to the illustrious site that is Highly polished and modernized externally, one can hardly detect the corruption within.
Why have you stolen Ennui's welcome message from that other thread? Make your own!

Secondly why are you bringing back old threads to do it, about 10 mods warned you in one day for spamming this ENTIRE forum with a welcome message, going back there? I see why Vegeta gets wound up sometimes, i can see where he's coming from, theres just no need. And Veg and Pes why are you angry with one another...also no need.

And welcome 'fresh newbie' you shall be a fine sacrifice being so tender and fresh. *starts fire* (but i need short recoils help damnit :( )
bvasgm said:
Welcome to the illustrious site that is Highly polished and modernized externally, one can hardly detect the corruption within.
hey fool credit me at least!
bvasgm, stop with the spam..

And if anyone tries to start an argument with you, ignore them. It doesn't matter. If it bothers you, take it to PM; don't derail threads.
vegeta897 said:
Apparantly you do, as you were the one who made a crack at me.

Also, I had nothing against you until now, I don't know why you are against me out of nowhere, so I guess that makes you an ass.

Jeez I had nothing against you either until you totally disregarded my humour. Now any thread we both participate in will just be awkward and unsettling, thanks to you.

And hi! Welcome to the forums.