Night Fall - ALL NEW ; COOL


Dec 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

GO OVER TO THE NIGHT FALL all new HomePage !!!

Great Stuff at the Media Section...
... Wow.

That is beautiful. *sniffle* It's funny how it's taken 2 years of HL2 being out to get anything REALLY worthwhile. There have been precious few total conversions, let alone any REALLY good ones.
New media is top notch. Too bad the site design ruins it, keep it simple :S
Nice, some of those shots are excellent. There is a slight overuse of props in some shots though, to the extent that it really isn't necessary.

Sewers are abit a gaming cliche we can't seem to escape though. :p
New media is top notch. Too bad the site design ruins it, keep it simple :S
Couldn't agree more. There really aren't any visual cues given on what to click. In fact I was staring at the main page for a bit thinking I was watching an intro sequence of sorts (and getting angry there was no option to skip it).
... Wow.

That is beautiful. *sniffle* It's funny how it's taken 2 years of HL2 being out to get anything REALLY worthwhile. There have been precious few total conversions, let alone any REALLY good ones.

It's funny how Valve breaks mods all the time with their steam updates, and look.. again weeks have gone by and still no update/fix on the latest issues... how do you expect any mod to make it to any reasonable releasedate. Infact, by the time any mod will have something to release TF2 and Portal will be out. And thats what Valve wants probbably, and even then when they release those two they will probbly break something again to set modteams back for a few more weeks so people can play TF2 and portal ;)

About the site, don't really like the user interface and the fact that everythings goes sooooo slowwwww, and the small layout is also something i don't like. People with bigger monitors have to see the website very small. I didn't bother going into more of the site since it's very hard to read the font and since it loads so slow.

Forgive my harsh post :/
actually simon I agree

our coder had t stop work so he could merge the 300000 odd lines of code and strip out what wasnt needed... really ****ing annoying for mod teams
It's funny how Valve breaks mods all the time with their steam updates, and look.. again weeks have gone by and still no update/fix on the latest issues... how do you expect any mod to make it to any reasonable releasedate. Infact, by the time any mod will have something to release TF2 and Portal will be out. And thats what Valve wants probbably, and even then when they release those two they will probbly break something again to set modteams back for a few more weeks so people can play TF2 and portal ;)

zooomg, evil Valve!!11
Another mod set in the HL2 universe? Sigh...
Riiiight, because we all know we've got high-quality single player campaigns in the HL-setting positively pouring out of our ears...

Looking, very, very good- my interest is certainly piqued!