Night Of The Living Dead



Hey Guys, Here is another mod i am in the production of (well in the team, fate is the leader, im one of the modellers) Night of the living dead.
Here is a short description:

"In 1968, a man called George A Romero changed the world of horror movies forever with the shocking film "Night of the Living Dead" The aim of this mod project is to virtually recreate the horrific experience that the audience of George's movies had, and add more areas to explore such as the city mentioned by several characters, and the surrounding forest area.
The game will feature weapons such as the M16 Rifle, Rifles, Mp5 Sub Machine Gun, Shotgun, and various other weapons aswell as a realistic, chilling atmosphere.
The dead will spawn continuously in various level locations and lunge at you from the darkness when you least expect it, until you complete a certain task, or manage to find a way to escape. The mod is continuously updated and worked on and i, as the leader, am determined to make the mod work.

Most of this projects in-game content will be kept under wraps so the scare factor isnt ruined, because that is what this game is mainly about. The "fear factor" , not the pointless shooting and running."

plz feel free to see if you can join this mod because there are ALLOT of talented people in this place!.

ty :D
Please make the entire thing black and white, or at least dull colour. That is part of what made the initial film so scary.
Reginald said:
Please make the entire thing black and white, or at least dull colour. That is part of what made the initial film so scary.

yea black and white would kick ass, or have everything black and white, except blood which would be red of course
Did they have M16s and MP5s in Pennsylvanian suburbs in the 60s?
houndeye said:
Did they have M16s and MP5s in Pennsylvanian suburbs in the 60s?
Come on... it's America. Everyone has an attic/basement/closet full of various mil-spec weapons and ammunition. If they don't... the terrorists win! :(
Afterburn3r said:
yea black and white would kick ass, or have everything black and white, except blood which would be red of course
Lmao Thats what we have!!! :D . in the game menu theres a button called 1968 mode :D (entirely black and white :p) pretty kool eh?
PenGuin said:
Lmao Thats what we have!!! :D . in the game menu theres a button called 1968 mode :D (entirely black and white :p) pretty kool eh?

are you ****ing serious?

*pees pants*
*Gets out the lawyer stick, and shakes it threateningly*

You might want to ask Romero before you use his IP.

-Angry Lawyer
lol, and Angry Lawer that's what i was just gonig to say once i finished gawking how cool this mod would be ;_;
Angry Lawyer said:
*Gets out the lawyer stick, and shakes it threateningly*

You might want to ask Romero before you use his IP.

-Angry Lawyer
Didn't the copyright on Night of the Living Dead expire?
Copyright status
The film lapsed into the public domain because of the film makers' neglect to put a proper copyright notice on the film's prints, at the time a proper notice was required to maintain copyright. (That requirement was removed with the United States' Berne Convention Implementation Act and Copyright Term Extension Act, which together provided for automatic copyright on any work once it was put into a "fixed form," and automatic copyright term renewal on all copyrighted works). As a result, the original film is available through numerous distributors in wildly divergent qualities, is available for free download at the Internet Archive [1], and has spawned a parody in which the audio track has been replaced with new dialogue showing that (among other things) the heroes attempted to leave the farmhouse in order to get a pizza.
PenGuin said:
plz feel free to see if you can join this mod because there are ALLOT of talented people in this place!.

ooh, ill join! i have uber sarcastic posting skillz!
RoyGBiv said:
Copyright status
The film lapsed into the public domain because of the film makers' neglect to put a proper copyright notice on the film's prints, at the time a proper notice was required to maintain copyright. (That requirement was removed with the United States' Berne Convention Implementation Act and Copyright Term Extension Act, which together provided for automatic copyright on any work once it was put into a "fixed form," and automatic copyright term renewal on all copyrighted works). As a result, the original film is available through numerous distributors in wildly divergent qualities, is available for free download at the Internet Archive [1], and has spawned a parody in which the audio track has been replaced with new dialogue showing that (among other things) the heroes attempted to leave the farmhouse in order to get a pizza.

Fair play. Fire away then.

-Angry Lawyer
RoyGBiv said:
Copyright status
The film lapsed into the public domain because of the film makers' neglect to put a proper copyright notice on the film's prints, at the time a proper notice was required to maintain copyright. (That requirement was removed with the United States' Berne Convention Implementation Act and Copyright Term Extension Act, which together provided for automatic copyright on any work once it was put into a "fixed form," and automatic copyright term renewal on all copyrighted works). As a result, the original film is available through numerous distributors in wildly divergent qualities, is available for free download at the Internet Archive [1], and has spawned a parody in which the audio track has been replaced with new dialogue showing that (among other things) the heroes attempted to leave the farmhouse in order to get a pizza.

Source? If that's a site with info for lots of stuff, it sounds sweet.
BetaMaster said:
Wheee! I beat the lawyer!

Actually, you didn't, because I'm opposed to mods infringing on IP laws, not on mods basing their content on existing stuff. I'm in support of a mod that uses someone else's IP as long as they have permission. So I win. Muhahaah. :p

-Angry Lawyer
I might make a mod on LOTR's and I wont give a s**t if you dont like it!
*shrugs* Think I give a damn if you get a Cease and Decist from the copyright owners? The advice I give is for your own good, not for mine. I'm just saving you time and effort which could be used on something that'll actually get completed.

-Angry Lawyer