Nihilanth Theories


Mar 12, 2010
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My belief: He's some form of mutated alien controller, possibly created by the Combine?

My belief: He's some form of mutated alien controller, possibly created by the Combine?

A mutated alien controller? No, the Nihilanth hated the Combine and fled to Xen when his world was either destroyed or enslaved, as the Combine would not, or could not, go to the border world. He, with an army of deadly minions, attacked Earth to gain a foot-hold in the new universe. It ca easily be speculated that he hates the Combine, and was probably never even touched by them.
Really, cuz the combine doing experiments on him involving cutting open his body and sewing it back up, then attaching metal bits to his ass would be a good reason to hate them.
Really, cuz the combine doing experiments on him involving cutting open his body and sewing it back up, then attaching metal bits to his ass would be a good reason to hate them.

The Combine did no such. He isn't even related to the Alien Controllers, apart from the third limb which extends out of his chest, as with all the other creatures which live on Xen(atleast the sentient one's all share this trait). The Nihilanth could have easily been part of a race which was using bio-technology to the extent of modifying their own race(for the better, of course), which explains the Nihianth, or he could just have had a more radical eveloution chain than humans, and may have edited himself to allow him to live on Xen(that machinery and the throne is probably a life support system which keeps all his organs in check).
So you think it's more plausible that he just happens to have all these modifications that are similar to combine practices but actually aren't, and he hates the combine because... what, he heard some stuff, rather than he's had direct contact with the combine to give him a reason to hate them?
So you think it's more plausible that he just happens to have all these modifications that are similar to combine practices but actually aren't, and he hates the combine because... what, he heard some stuff, rather than he's had direct contact with the combine to give him a reason to hate them?

The modifications are anything but Combine. He did make direct contact witht the combine: the Combine invaded his Homeworld, and proabably enslaved his race. Back to the Modifications, they probably are the result of the Nihilianth's own innovations and technology: they, as I have said before, are probably just a life support system which assists him to live on Xen.
Marc Laidlaw said:
That particular Nihilanth was the
last of its kind, and never captured
The Nith's modifications weren't from the Combine. I doubt it's a life support system, though, mainly because no other creature on Xen seems to require it. None of the alterations to its body resemble something that would be life support, anyway.
The Nith's modifications weren't from the Combine. I doubt it's a life support system, though, mainly because no other creature on Xen seems to require it. None of the alterations to its body resemble something that would be life support, anyway.

Just because no other creature on Xen requires a life-support system dosen't mean a radically differant species has no need for the technology: what if the Nihilianth needs the life-support sytem for an injury he sustained from the past?

And no, alien technology would not resemble a human stereotype. You can't just assume that something which dosen't seem like an item isn't the defined object: it's similiar to an idiot/hillbilly speculating a tractor won't work because it dosen't look like a rake.
He's even got the weird diamond thing in his head. It's obvious that he has SOME relation to an Alien Controller.

Wow, I can't believe this came back to life.
The nihilanth is the ruler of Xen wanting to expand its power by taking over Earth. His empire was already powerfull and even enslaved an entire race: Vortigaunts. However the Gman and his men took Xen over, while Combine took Earth. The Gman wants to free Earth, and he knows Gordon is the key to that. the nihilanth was only a puppet in the entire war with no significant meaning