Ninja's killed my family


May 16, 2003
Reaction score
:afro:I want to cry


  • ninjabeg.jpg
    76.3 KB · Views: 329
Please tell me you gave that guy all the money you had on you! PLEASE! It's so hard to find an original panhandler these days...especially one as funny as that.
i would. yes but my friend from texas sent me the photo.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Please tell me you gave that guy all the money you had on you! PLEASE! It's so hard to find an original panhandler these days...especially one as funny as that.
haha, amen! I would have given him all my cash.

all you hobos take note
He put an apostraphe where there shouldn't be one.

-10 coolness points, concluding in a total of +90 coolness (of 100)
RakuraiTenjin said:
He put an apostraphe where there shouldn't be one.

-10 coolness points, concluding in a total of +90 coolness (of 100)
maybe "ninja's" means "a ninja has"...
I would of given all the money i had on me, and a hug. Witty bums are impressive!
i wouldnt have given him a hug or any money, i might buy him a cup of tea though....
RakuraiTenjin said:
He put an apostraphe where there shouldn't be one.

-10 coolness points, concluding in a total of +90 coolness (of 100)

well he's not a hobo because he's brilliant...
My god that man deserves a job working for the GOVERNMENT I SAY!
That's just funny. Quite the sense of humor.
RakuraiTenjin said:
He put an apostraphe where there shouldn't be one.

-10 coolness points, concluding in a total of +90 coolness (of 100)
Forgot to mention this earlier...
You misspelled "apostrophe", so...
-all credibility, concluding in a total of 0 credibility (in the field of grammatical corrections)
Haha, I love those kinda hobos, better than the ordinary pack of human beings I say. :D
I like that! its original, usually you dont give em money but that makes you laugh so you just have to, and the smiley faces at the bottom, genious!
Dalamari said:
My god that man deserves a job working for the GOVERNMENT I SAY!

give this man a deskjob!!!
Give him a "free lesson" and take all his money afterwards
Farrowlesparrow said:
What if he was serious :(
please dont ruin the fun

btw that pic ws real? cuz is soo funny :LOL:
Farrowlesparrow said:
What if he was serious :(
That's why I hope the guy who took the picture gave the guy all the money he had.

Of course, the way the guy looks...he might want to forget Kung Fu and instead master Shaq Fu...the martial art of the true thug gangsta/hobo.
rofl :E

I wonder if its one of those PHP thingy wingys where you can write text on images :), would be kewl :D