Nintendo actually won the last generation wars

May 24, 2003
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The article is very debatable simply because of the fact that portable systems are included. However the article is not about proving Nintendo won the home console battle but rather the entire war all together with portable systems included.

Mostly it was written to prove to people that Nintendo is far away from going the way of Sega and becomming purely a software maker. As a Nintendo fan this is welcome news. Especially considering the Gamecube is arguably the worst major console Nintendo has made and also considering it has proven that the PSP did not trump Nintendo in the portable business like so many predicted.

I havn't read part 2 yet but here it is anyway:

Wow, always thought Nintendo were way behind these days!

I repent!
Is this any suprise? Almost everyone knows that Microsoft and Sony were / are selling their systems at a loss while Nintendo wasn't.
Considering this is coming from a "Nintendo" site and they included portables, Ill take it with a grain of salt!
Agent.M said:
Considering this is coming from a "Nintendo" site and they included portables, Ill take it with a grain of salt!
You can look up all the numbers if you want.
The numbers aren’t hard to dig up. Weekly, Media Create releases sales numbers in Japan for both hardware and software, and NPD Group in America reports hardware and software sales numbers by the month.
Yes, but that is silly. Imagine Microsoft roped in their software sales, and Sony their electronics :upstare:
Ah, but those arn't game-based. We are talking about consoles here; Portable or non-portable. Things designed specifically to play games.
AfternoonLemon said:
Yes, but that is silly. Imagine Microsoft roped in their software sales, and Sony their electronics :upstare:
Ummm... This includes home consoles and portable consoles. Nintendo produces home consoles and protable consoles. Sony also produces home consoles and portable consoles. Only Microsoft is out in this category.

Besides, like I said this is about gaming console wars in general, in which case it is perfectly legitimate to include both.

EDIT: Also according to the second article even if you do take into account the entire Sony corporation with all other divisions included Nintendo still had profits nearly tied with Sony. These numbers change of course with every report so it may not be so now.
I didn’t mention it in the article, but Nintendo ended its most recent fiscal year with its net profit skyrocketing 163% over the previous year. Next year, it expects to pull in another 75 billion yen in net profit; in comparison, Sony as an entire company (including the electronics division, games division, etc) expects to bring in 80 billion yen. And Nintendo only makes video games.
I think there are a lot of people that hate Microsoft and a lot of people that hate Sony.

But everybody loves Nintendo! lol. I used to play that when i was a kid man. Aight so my oldest brother is buying a Nintendo Revolution, here is what he said (i got a laugh)

Quote, "I don't care what it does, I'm buying it just to spite MS and Sony"

He has 3 kids, and they love gamecube.

Anyway, I don't know how Nintendo will turn out. I think they will be fine though, even though they have pretty much settled on the fact that they can't (or won't) compete with Sony & MS to build the more powerful home console.

So they are always going to be relying on their software.

They have also got a price point advantage. Nintendo likes to stick to $200 or less for the release price of their system. thats about 100% cheaper than Sony and MS.

Zelda is the most popular character of all time , then comes mario... they probably have the top 5 most popular video game characters, so they should be fine as long as they keep making games like Zelda Twilight
I read this a loooong time ago. Nintendo will make consoles for at least another 4-6 years IMO, and even if they stop making home consoles, I think they will invest more in handhelds.
Wait, why is the gamecube so bad. IMO it's the best Nintendo console.
Grey Fox said:
Wait, why is the gamecube so bad. IMO it's the best Nintendo console.
Hardware and arguably game wise the system is fine, the problem however was the way it was marketed. The results are of course the lowest sales out of any major Nintendo console ever released. That is what made it the worst.
My point was, that when you talk about 'next-generation' or even 'last generation' consoles, you are not talking about portables. That is normally considered seperately.

And more to the point, the Gameboy has always dominated the portable gaming market - and the PSP is next-generation, not last generation.

Also, it is like having 2 products against one (in the case of Microsoft)
well, now i know we gladly won't be seeing the demise of nintendo anytime soon, but i disagree with saying they 'won' this generation. sure, the statistics are there, but what is more popular in the public ? if you talk to some random gamer somewhere he'll most likely have an xbox or a ps2 and they are spoken about alot more and 'winning' wouldn't be simply based on stats alone, and it would be pretty much impossible to name a winner.

and i agree with afternoonlemon, portables shouldn't be considered at all.
Do they take in the licensing of games? I'm willing if you were to take into account the amount of money garnared from licensing Sony would become the clear winner.
mortiz said:
Do they take in the licensing of games? I'm willing if you were to take into account the amount of money garnared from licensing Sony would become the clear winner.
I didn’t mention it in the article, but Nintendo ended its most recent fiscal year with its net profit skyrocketing 163% over the previous year. Next year, it expects to pull in another 75 billion yen in net profit; in comparison, Sony as an entire company (including the electronics division, games division, etc) expects to bring in 80 billion yen. And Nintendo only makes video games.
When you look at those numbers and consider that the entire Sony corporation is being taken into account I don't really think it would matter either way. It seems pretty obvious to me that Nintendo makes much higher profits than the Sony gaming division.
nintendo is teh rox0rz when it comes to handhelds, and teh PSP sux ass, there is a void where the games should be they are like "lolz u can play muvies ^____^" gay sony =\. am sort of looking forward to ps3 though... and revolution though i guess. i dunno, im just a head on gamer i guess, but i still like pc best =D
They included handheld sales. Surprise, surprise. The numbers are of course going to be skewed in their favor.

Might as well factor in how many copies of the Microsoft OS were also sold as well.

If the author wants intelligent discussion, then maybe he shouldn't publish such blatantly misleading statistics.
Absinthe said:
They included handheld sales. Surprise, surprise. The numbers are of course going to be skewed in their favor.

Might as well factor in how many copies of the Microsoft OS were also sold as well.

If the author wants intelligent discussion, then maybe he shouldn't publish such blatantly misleading statistics.
Well this all comes down to the definition of "console gaming" doesn't it? Personally I don't see why handhelds can't be included since the whole article is about proving to people that Nintendo is in a much better state than most people give them credit for.
SearanoX said:
Not really, actually. Most of the people I talk to dismiss Nintendo, at least their current stuff. Why? Mario spinoffs and Revolution mockery, mostly. Nintendo's become a joke to a lot of people. The problem is, nobody who says this stuff actually plays Nintendo consoles.

Matt from IGN made a good point when he said that fanboys that rip Nintendo are out of their mind. It's a shame that it has become that way to a lot of people and I blame Sony and Microsoft hype Nintendo is for kids and we have the adult machines. Those folks you speak of simply buy into it.....end of story. IMO, the Gamecube has the best sofware available....hands down....first-party at least.


There are far too many great titles on the GameCube to flat out HATE on it.
Well, I own an XBox, but am no fanboy. I also rarely use it for games. This is because there is a lack of quality titles. You have Splinter Cell, and a few other one-off's and that's it. I dont think the PS2 or Gamecube fair much better.

Hopefully the XBox 360 will start to put the game back into gaming, but from first sight it doesnt look entirely hopeful :hmph:
I can understand if you just don't like the game selection on the console, but to blinding accuse anything but your primary platform as being some sort of toxic, cootie-ridden vessel that transmits mind-control rays to those who play it is just idiotic. That's not really what I was getting at, though - it's just that the average person is uninformed about Nintendo, most of the time. They don't have to be a fanboy of the competition, or even dislike it.
One thing that I hate is people will take a look at a game and just say it sucks without ever having touched it not even knowing anything about the background of the Developer and while the game gets pretty decent reviews. They'll take one look and say it sucks.

but to blinding accuse anything but your primary platform as being some sort of toxic, cootie-ridden vessel that transmits mind-control rays to those who play it is just idiotic.
No but Microsoft has said before they don't even include Nintendo in the next gen competition. Sony and Microsoft really do batter around Nintendo about being "kitty games" and not really competition.
Your right, but I think you think what they think wrong. They don't think everyone who has an Xbox and Ps2 is a mindless dumbass. They may come out like that but it's more towards Sony and Microsoft themselves and those who are misinformed.
The Mullinator said:
Well this all comes down to the definition of "console gaming" doesn't it? Personally I don't see why handhelds can't be included since the whole article is about proving to people that Nintendo is in a much better state than most people give them credit for.

Agreed. The DS and GBA are as much a console as any other.
Nintendo will always be the leader in Handhelds...ALWAYS!! And they could become the next leader in the Next Generation console with their new controller design, in which I'm very excited about. I can't wait to try one of those! In next year's E3, they should have a playable version..and I'm predicting an increadible response.
One word why Nintendo will live forever: License.
W00t, i love Nintendo !!!, the NES was the first console i ever had, then had every console by them after that ... cannot wait for the new Zelda coming out, or the Revolution for that matter, and No, aint a Nintendo fanboy, just a huge fan, also a huge fan of my PC and microsoft .... ah well, Not to keen on Sony ... anyway ..... yeah ....