No assault/sniper riffle



Every half life 2 website said there would be an assualt riffle and a sniper riffle, am I the only one who never found them?
Mabye they were basing this on the leak, the leak had an HMG and a real sniper rifle
I didnt find them either. Dont you get the assault rifle sorta in the middle of the game where the combine come down from ropes and the music starts? Maybe the sniper rifle is in the last level somewhere. But there is a Crossbow in the buggy level. I forgot what it was called
yah ive finished the game, not sniper or assault, i used the cheats to try and load the sniper rifle and the asault rifle but they did not work
Yeah.. only sniper rifle is the AI controled ones.. would have been nice to get one of your own as the crossbow was next to useless to me
Um... There is an assault Rifle.... Its the gun underneath the SMG once you get a bit through the game.

It may not actually say its an assault rifle, but it packs the punch of one.
combine irifle is the assault rifle. It's secondary fire is really powerful too.
The Pulse rifel is the Assault rifle

As for the Sniper Rifle, you didn't really need one, plus the crossbow was a hell of a lot of fun

Can you pin someone to the ceiling by thier face with a sniper rifle?

I think not
yah i found the crossbow almost useless unless you were really close or they hadnt seen you, other wise the combine would just move over and the arrow would be useless, i just remember seeing a rifle with a scope in the preview videos, and seen as how the smg and the irifle have almost zero accuaracy it would have been nice to have an assault rifle with a little scope
bliink said:
Yeah.. only sniper rifle is the AI controled ones.. would have been nice to get one of your own as the crossbow was next to useless to me
The crossbow has some uses, but the problem with it is you don't know when you're going to get more ammo and you dont' know when you're going to need it next.

I hardly used the magnum at all during the game because of the lack of ammo for it - wanted to keep it until I needed it.

Man those ant lion guards were hard to take down, and the poison zombies were a bit too powerful. Usually used the magnum on them, but as there were only 4 guards and about 12-13 poison zombies, it didn't get used much at all
i thought the magnum was really useful, and since you could only carry about 18 bullets whenever i had some i used them up , the combine would go down with a single shot to the head, and it is definatly the most accurate gun
i loved how they decreased the ammo caps, so you could run out of ammo and not have some insane ammount for any weapon. i found plenty of places to use the crossbow in the game. and im kinda glad they didnt keep the assault rifle from the E3 demos