No Gears 2 on PC - Blame the pirates!

Developer's latest scapegoat. "BLAME THE PIRATES!"
and it's not possible to pirate the 360 version? Right...
I'd be pissed, but I really don't mind cause I have a 360 anyways, thing is I'll probably just play it a couple times ever or something. I have it in my house so I'd only be able to play some weekends. Considering it would take more than a year to come on the PC anyways, I don't think I'd buy it a second time, and I know I'd buy it on the 360 the first time (**** waiting a year).
Gears of war 1 - No PC port planned
Mass effect - No PC port planned
GTA IV - No PC port planned
Now there all on PC, it will happen.
sorry, blaming pirates is old hat, PC developers for years have had to deal with the pirating of software but it's suddently too much for Epic?
certainly possible. Cliff doesn't run the show, only fanbase's it.
sorry, blaming pirates is old hat, PC developers for years have had to deal with the pirating of software but it's suddently too much for Epic?

It's not a case of piracy being really bad on PC's, it's just that there's less console piracy

But it doesn't matter, it'll come to PC eventually (not very soon though)
when he was asked "definitely not?"
he said no. That means it CAN still come out :P
**** them. Won't waste my money again.

Swear they said this 6 months ago already.
They pirated it because they had to wait 10 years for them to release it after the 360 version.
No Epic, two things.

1. UT3 sucked arse.
2. GOW for the PC is a buggy piece of shit

This is why you're PC games fail it, get ****ed. I can't wait until they start blaming console pirates for their crapware.

It's far more difficult to acquire yes.

No, it's easier. Once you have a chipped console (lots of people do) you download a file and burn it (There are plenty of sources for xbox isos). Easy. PC games you have to download, install, crack and hope it doesn't break.
the controls for gears is better to be played on the 360 anyways
Hahahah, when asked to confirm that piracy was the reason, he goes 'yup, PC's with their multiple configurations and piracy.' Oooooh, those evil multiple configurations....!! Translation is that developer laziness (mixed with a dash of greed and paranoia, and an unwillingness to accept that bad sales can be their own fault) is why GOW2 won't come to the PC. Not that I give a crap, I never even played the first one.
Good thing Gears of War sucks and Epic is full of talentless hacks who are only good for their engines.

Oh, and "Cliffy B" is a tool. Valve has little problems with piracy, take a page out of their book.
Developer's latest scapegoat. "BLAME THE PIRATES!"

Who care who is to blame? It really boils down that publishers and developers don't believe they can sell enough copies on the PC to justify the costs. Which sucks because I prefer gaming on a PC.
Frankly it really doesn't matter what the real reason is. I couldn't give a rat's arse about GOW.
I just hate that piracy is now an easy scapegoat for developers whose shoddy games perform badly. Instead of having to eat humble pie they now get on a soapbox instead.
GoW was better on 360. General fact. Whatever happened to the Epic that was epic?
I just hate that piracy is now an easy scapegoat for developers whose shoddy games perform badly. Instead of having to eat humble pie they now get on a soapbox instead.

I think we should give the whole thing some positive spin, how about.. the piracy scapegoat keeps all the overhyped disposable, popcorn titles away from the PC.

Meh, Gears of War wasn't a very good game. I just don't care.

Now if Mass Effect 2 wasn't coming to PC, then we'd have a problem.
I bought GoW. I wasn't happy about Xbox Live... what the **** is this? Another annoying watch dog.

I just wanted to play the game

Alright so I get the game going, playing for a while. Get a few hours into the game and save it to play it again another day.

My save game was just not there like the 4th time I loaded the game. Why? I don't know buddy.

Had to start all over from the beginning. Then it kept crashing upon loading and I lost interest in the game.

To be fair, maybe it was from a crack I put on so I don't have to use the disc.

**** the discs. You have no idea how I feel about finding an old disc amongst thousands of discs.

I load a CD one time. I put it on my hard drive and I'm good. Archive that piece of shit in the disc catalog before I accidentally touch it with my finger with my penis covered hands and permanently degrade/damage/destroy it.

This antipiracy shit is a huge problem for me. I pay a lot of money for a game and these ****ers sell me games that don't work.

These are my games that don't work currently, because they have this really bad antipiracy problem.

Also FEAR Gold and Half-Life2 aren't working, but I cba to find the boxes atm.

Anyone who developed or published one of these games, I'm not buying your crap anymore until you figure out how to fix this horrible antipiracy problem.

You know I played Oblivion for about 130 hours and I'll be damned if I'm going to listen to the DVD spinning at 54,000 RPM's, sounding like a lawnmower.

Anyway, Oblivion was one game that didn't give a **** if I cracked it after installing it and verifying the key. Kudos Bethesda, I can't wait for your next game! :D

Sure you have a lot of reasons for what you do, Mr. Developer/Publisher, but I'm a customer that wants to play Gears of War 1&2 on my computer and I have no problem paying for it.

Unfortunately, we can't come to an agreement on how I will be allowed to play the game, so have fun on your stupid ****ing toy consoles that I hate more than Satan.

I hope that one day all this shit is a thing of the past.
and it's not possible to pirate the 360 version? Right...

Exactly! Well said OmegaX.

Game developers say differently, but i'm sure another *huge* reason they won't be releasing it for the PC is because it's much easier to make a console game than it is one that is expected to work on an almost unlimited amount of hardware configurations, (i.e. us gamers different PC's) while with a console game, the devs only need to make the game run on a single or in some cases a limited maximum set of hardware. ( Wii, 360 or PS3 ) With that in mind, *they* also said that games like "Halo" or "GOW" were not going to make it to the PC.

I do admit however that if I had spent time & money making a PC game & releasing it, only to find more copies of it being torrented than were actually bought, would anger me, but then I remember that if I ever did make PC games, they sure as hell would not be the drivel that call themselves "PC Games" that seems to flood the market from month to month. Most, though of course not all, game company's as a whole seem to promise much more than they actually deliver & when us gamers get stuck paying for the crap, can you really blame us for beccoming jadded?

It's just a matter of time, but I have no doubt what-so-ever that the games that "Won't be released to PC" will end up making it to the PC. They (devs) don't exactly have the best track record when they say "Won't".

and it's not possible to pirate the 360 version? Right...
It's harder than pirating the PC version seeing as you need to solder in a modchip on the 360 to be able to play it, and if XBL detects that you have made unofficial modification to the 360 hardware your console will be permanently blacklisted from XBox Live..
Piracy isn't the main reason UT3 sold poorly. The reason was that it was a piece of shit game with a horrible interface, a server browser that made it impossible to find a decent game, and netcode that made the game unplayable with anything higher than 50 ping. Not to mention the fact that the graphics looked like crap compared the PR shots. In fact, the game didn't even use the same models as the PR shots, so when people got their hands on the demo it became clear that Epic had flat out lied about the graphics. And when the game came out everyone found out that they lied about the singleplayer campaign, too. The reality was that there was no singleplayer campaign, unless you count CTF matches with bots a legitimate singleplayer level. UT3 was a half-assed PS3 port and PC gamers could smell it a mile away. That's why nobody bought it, and the people who did in fact pirate it aren't even playing it. If there are so many pirated copies out there why are there less than 200 people playing it right now? There are three times as many people playing the goddamn Halo 1 demo. UT3 is just a bad game, period, and it was the worst gaming purchase I've ever made.
Gears of War sucks anyway. Just a generic, over-the-shoulder, mindless shooting gallery with no substance.
I may not be saying anything that isn't common knowledge, but I think part of the reason GOW2 isn't coming to the PC is also to do with the 360 as the front runner game platform between the two.

I mean, Microsoft would rather you buy the game on the 360 than the PC for many, many reasons.

-they want you to buy a 360, and then you will be buying 360 games
-they make money on all 360 games, even ones they had nothing to do with
-get to charge exorbitant prices on accessories.
-piracy reasons (you might be able to pirate windows, but you can't pirate a 360 system)
-people are still going to want a PC for other things, so then it's win/win; they sell you an OS too. (if your PC came with Windows, they got money for that from the PC manufacturer.)

So they wait until sales for the console version are completely dead to bring it to the PC... To even announce it is coming for the PC.

And then you can understand how I feel about consoles then.

I can't wait until the newer generation of graphics cards start revealing the weaknesses of consoles, and PC gaming really picks up again.
I can't wait until the newer generation of graphics cards start revealing the weaknesses of consoles, and PC gaming really picks up again.

That never happens. What we need are more developers concentrating on making decent pc games rather than pushing tech. Infact, it's this type of thinking that's ****ing pc gaming in the ass.

I suspect GoW2 willl arrive on the pc at some point.
Spore has sold a million copies in a few days, quite impressive! The market of PC gaming can still be profitable.
Spore has sold a million copies in a few days, quite impressive! The market of PC gaming can still be profitable.
Yeah but considering it's the child of Will Wright, the man behind The Sims(AFAIK the PC gaming franchise that has sold the most copies ever) it's not surprising.
It's harder than pirating the PC version seeing as you need to solder in a modchip on the 360 to be able to play it, and if XBL detects that you have made unofficial modification to the 360 hardware your console will be permanently blacklisted from XBox Live..
I've heard that those who do decide to mod their 360, actually have two. One for legitimate gaming on XBL, and the modded one for offline.
-piracy reasons (you might be able to pirate windows, but you can't pirate a 360 system)

People just can't think outside of the box can they? My 360 fell off the back of a truck.

It's harder than pirating the PC version seeing as you need to solder in a modchip on the 360 to be able to play it, and if XBL detects that you have made unofficial modification to the 360 hardware your console will be permanently blacklisted from XBox Live..

Not really an issue as you have to pay for play online in the first place.
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