No Gluon gun?

I loved the Egon/Gluon gun. I remember the first time I shot it and the screen shook. It makes that great noise too, like a jet engine firing up.
RioBravoXL said:
I loved the Egon/Gluon gun. I remember the first time I shot it and the screen shook. It makes that great noise too, like a jet engine firing up.

That sound made me cream my pants... wait no... it made me crap my pants... it was scary.
Gauss gun is still in the game. (Not including buggy)
u guys make me sick

gauss gun/tau cannon

no rifle!
Brian Damage said:
Maybe the Striders' cannons are the new version of the Gluon Gun? They seem to disintegrate things, and they're blue, but they pulse.

:eek: oooo i never thought of that
The gluon gun made me feel like a ghostbuster.

ah, good ol' fire hose of death. that was a nice gun. but the sound was annoying. maybe a mounted one on a vehicle like the tau cannon. or whatever of the 5 names it has. remember, they are operating on far fewer resources, so maybe those types of weapons aren't practical or available to gordon in hl2.
LeXo5 said:
:eek: oooo i never thought of that

Err no. The weapon the striders use streches out matter then shoots it back onto itself, pulverising anything that gets in the way. Like an elastic band being streches back then let loose for it to smash into things.

Very different to the Gluon Gun imo, the Gluon Gun had "beamage" and the noise, oh the noise, brought me straight back to my days as a Ghostbuster Caddet. . .

I didn't see any stretching... looked to me like the people hit by the Striders' guns just start to float and then disintegrate...
Brian Damage said:
I didn't see any stretching... looked to me like the people hit by the Striders' guns just start to float and then disintegrate...
The stretching right before it shoots? I saw it...
You mean that space warp effect before it fires? That's not neccessarily matter stretching, it could just be some sort of heat buildup or light-bending forcefield used in the production of the beam.

It looked to me like ItchyFish was saying that anyone hit with the beam stretches out and then squishes up, a bit like one of those roller blinds people have.
Well I hope they do bring it back just for nostalgia reasons, I loved that thing. Yes it was loud, prototypes probably won't be quiet, yes it looked weird, prototypes look weird. So what? It wasn't that cheap in MP I didn't think, the beam wasn't infinite range like the gauss gun was, it was actually pretty short.
The good old vacuum cleaner. Don't remember using it much due to lack of ammo and lameage.

ps. Can you say lameage?
Atomi said:
The good old vacuum cleaner. Don't remember using it much due to lack of ammo and lameage.

ps. Can you say lameage?

(kyllä joo :naughty: )
hl1's gluon was just another prototype - its possible it has been perfected in hl2 and does what it was originally supposed to do: "glue on" things. when i first saw the manipulator gun used in the e3 demo's, i thought the beam looked very similar to the gluon gun's, and i thought for some reason, they had given the gun better funtionality, so it could be used more to interact with physics. it would be great if they added an alternate fire that would be similar to the "welding" function that was discussed a while ago: maybe you could pick up objects and then alt-fire to "glue" them in place... imo would be alot cooler than just vaporizing everything in your path...

just speculation, but it would still be cool...we'll know soon enough...
madFive said:
hl1's gluon was just another prototype - its possible it has been perfected in hl2 and does what it was originally supposed to do: "glue on" things. when i first saw the manipulator gun used in the e3 demo's, i thought the beam looked very similar to the gluon gun's, and i thought for some reason, they had given the gun better funtionality, so it could be used more to interact with physics. it would be great if they added an alternate fire that would be similar to the "welding" function that was discussed a while ago: maybe you could pick up objects and then alt-fire to "glue" them in place... imo would be alot cooler than just vaporizing everything in your path...

just speculation, but it would still be cool...we'll know soon enough...

I like your thinking. I don't know what it was about the original gun, it wasn't even that it was the most powerful, it was just a cool looking and sounding gun to me.
KagePrototype said:
That was the teleporter gun, not the gluon gun, and it was in Opposing Force, not Blue Shift. :) It's primary fire was to teleport enemies elsewhere.

No... It's primarey was to Telefrag enemies... and secondary was to teleport ;P
figge said:
No... It's primarey was to Telefrag enemies... and secondary was to teleport ;P

Well yeah, I always figured it just teleported them off somewhere. I don't remember seeing any gibs, y'see, though that could just be my failing memory. :)
madFive said:
hl1's gluon was just another prototype - its possible it has been perfected in hl2 and does what it was originally supposed to do: "glue on" things. when i first saw the manipulator gun used in the e3 demo's, i thought the beam looked very similar to the gluon gun's, and i thought for some reason, they had given the gun better funtionality, so it could be used more to interact with physics. it would be great if they added an alternate fire that would be similar to the "welding" function that was discussed a while ago: maybe you could pick up objects and then alt-fire to "glue" them in place... imo would be alot cooler than just vaporizing everything in your path...

just speculation, but it would still be cool...we'll know soon enough...

I thought of the similarity to the gluon gun when I saw the e3 2003 video as well. Also....has anyone here played the Rocket Crowbar mod for half life? That had a gluon gun that could move people and certain items (i think) around by firing a beam at them and then throwing them around with the mouse. Perhaps this is where Valve got their inspiration for the Physgun...
Y'know, they didn't make up the word "gluon". madFive, the gluon gun was never intended to "glue" things, it was intended to do exactly what it does - annihilate matter.

Gluons are the messenger particles for the strong force which is what is responsible for holding atomic nuclei together. Otherwise, all those positive protons would repel each other and matter would disintigrate.
KagePrototype said:
Well yeah, I always figured it just teleported them off somewhere. I don't remember seeing any gibs, y'see, though that could just be my failing memory. :)

It telefrags in multiplayer atleast... don't remember in sp though :p
I agree totally. The gluon gun kicked ass. I hope it makes it back into Half Life 2.
It is in HL2, I have talked to a person who has played it through, as well as the original HL, and he says all the weapons from the old one are back, with more of course. Like the Zero-G gun, but as some of YOU call it, the "Manipulator Gun." Get it right! It's called the Zero-G!!!
Yeah I liked it, but nobody knows if it will be...

My guess is the manipulator replaced the gluon....
Driftlight said:
Y'know, they didn't make up the word "gluon". madFive, the gluon gun was never intended to "glue" things, it was intended to do exactly what it does - annihilate matter.

Gluons are the messenger particles for the strong force which is what is responsible for holding atomic nuclei together. Otherwise, all those positive protons would repel each other and matter would disintigrate.

hmm...thats news to me...makes more sense tho...i always thought the scientist guy was calling it a "glue-on" gun, and always wondered why it did the exact opposite...still the opposite would be a cool function...oh well...
madFive said:
hmm...thats news to me...makes more sense tho...i always thought the scientist guy was calling it a "glue-on" gun, and always wondered why it did the exact opposite...still the opposite would be a cool function...oh well...

haha a "glue-on" gun..

Yeah, throw it at an enemy and it sticks to their forehead, and you drive them crazy, and they run off a cliff...

in the beta ( my friend played it and i watched him play an E3 demo level) he welded like 5 things together and that was kinda the advanced "glue on" gun and im not sure if it will be in the final cut
muka3d said:
It is in HL2, I have talked to a person who has played it through, as well as the original HL, and he says all the weapons from the old one are back, with more of course. Like the Zero-G gun, but as some of YOU call it, the "Manipulator Gun." Get it right! It's called the Zero-G!!!

That's odd, the magazines say it's called the Zero-Point gun or the Gravity Gun.

Are you sure this "Person who played it through" wasn't just pulling your leg? I assume you're talking about someone who went to VALVe?
Driftlight said:
Y'know, they didn't make up the word "gluon". madFive, the gluon gun was never intended to "glue" things, it was intended to do exactly what it does - annihilate matter.

Gluons are the messenger particles for the strong force which is what is responsible for holding atomic nuclei together. Otherwise, all those positive protons would repel each other and matter would disintigrate.

Since i knew what guons were, I never understood why a "gluon" gun would teleport things. Since teleportation has nothing to do with gluons. I like your description of the disintigration of matter. but if you think about it, breaking the strong nuclear force of all the matter in a zombies body would do a hell of alot more than the dissintigrate him. I'm not completely up to snuff on my atomic physics but i think that the resulting energy output of rearanging the nucleonic particles would blow up ummm... "really big" no? since most atoms could reach a lower energy state if they were freed from thier strong nuclear forces and refused at random. alas I may be very wrong since i only have a high school knowledge of physics.
Wow. I didn't think it was any more than gibberish.

Know why it's called the Tau cannon?
Tau is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet.


1. Tau is Torque, the rotational force in mechanics.

2. In optics, spontaneous emission is the process by which matter may lose energy, resulting in the creation of a photon. Tau is the lifetime of a spontaneous emission process.

3. The tauon (or tau lepton) is a negatively charged elementary particle with a high mass of 1777 MeV (compared to approx 939.23MeV for protons , 940.52MeV for neutrons and 0.511MeV for electrons). It is associated with an antiparticle and a neutrino. It is a 3rd generation of matter particle, and quickly decays to a stable 1st generation (normal matter) particle. Due to approximate tauon number conservation (neutrino oscillations violate this "conservation" law) (lepton number conservation), a tau neutrino is created when a tauon decays to a lighter lepton (muon or electron). Except for its high mass and its instability, a tauon otherwise resembles an electron.

from wikipedia. probably has more to do with the last one.