No GMan sightings?


Jul 31, 2005
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I didn't see him at all during the game, but that could be because I missed him. Anyone else see him at all? Maybe not because he's lost control of Gordon.
He was only in the opening scene.

There are however two or three Advisor sightings that I counted. Not including the obvious ones.
The Monkey said:
Just his voice, though.

Uh... no. He was certainly there. Don't you remember the look of terror when he saw the blue-vorts?
Notice he hasn't got his Breifcase...

Looks like G-man gone Rogue from the "Business" man act :P
Sufferin-rebel said:
Notice he hasn't got his Breifcase...

Looks like G-man gone Rogue from the "Business" man act :P

OH! The dudes stole the g-mans bussiness!!!! and thats why he is so pissed off! it all makes sense now! they stole his briefcase! WE HAVE TO KILL THEM ALL!

Ps notice you dont see them throught the rest of the game...
Reginald said:
Uh... no. He was certainly there. Don't you remember the look of terror when he saw the blue-vorts?
:O wtf? To me, it was just audio, no video. Sounds of Vortiguans and then G-man saying "We'll see about that!" The first thing I saw was dog digging me out!
The Monkey said:
:O wtf? To me, it was just audio, no video. Sounds of Vortiguans and then G-man saying "We'll see about that!" The first thing I saw was dog digging me out!

O rly?
No you can see him, and the vorts... and loads of cool effects
Your missing out :o
Yah you're supposed to see all those screen shots, other than that he isn't anywhere...that I've been so far...damn game won't stop hard locking my machine...
Good spot! Didn't notice his not holding it... So, where is it?

Screen shot 2 shows that he cannot get passed to you to pass the new orders - or whatever he was going to do. We know hes 'lost control'... so what could this mean?

Well, hows this: Hes not in the game as he is not able to get through the blue vagons...

the briefcase - its going to mean something I reckon - hows 'he is no longer of interest to us' therefor no folder is required? Vagons knew this - and acted?

Its a long shot - but what do people think?

Several times during the game I saw what I thought was the G-Man's case. Probably wasn't the same one, but I kept looking at them twice because they looked so familiar. It/they certainly didn't look like the standard luggage props to me.

I'll try to get some screenies when I re-play.
tmmccree said:
Several times during the game I saw what I thought was the G-Man's case. Probably wasn't the same one, but I kept looking at them twice because they looked so familiar. It/they certainly didn't look like the standard luggage props to me.

I'll try to get some screenies when I re-play.
come to think of it .. I remember seeing alot of breifcases. Something I don't remember seeing very much in HL2.
found one!

Ok so i think this is a first sigthing, i'm sure there are more i was shocked when i saw this, it's him allright, in the hospital just after the water puzzle whilst alyx is fighting zombies.

What, the guy on the left? Eh...sorta, but they ALWAYS made G-man more visible than that in HL2--there was never any doubt...but's sorta vague...good find though, if it is him!
Guy on the right looks like he's wearing a white t-shirt and khaki breeches....
It don't make the list as far as i'm concerned. I'm interested to obtain a screenshot though, and put it under "speculation".
Megalomaniac said:
I don't think it counts as one since he isn't watch you, but nice find!
Hmm yes, I think that's a pretty good criteria. This picture is no different from the stencil you occasionally find in HL2 with G-Man under the umbrella.
Why does everyone obsess over his briefcase? I was under the assumption he has the image of a basic businessman because that's how he figured most humans look so he could fit in. The briefcase is also part of the disguise, and since the only things in his briefcase were just pencils, papers, and a laptop; it just proves the briefcase has no meaning other than to further have the "hay guys im businessman" disguise.
They removed G-man sightings because he's no longer subtely guiding you. He's lost control - and the lack of G-man sightings helps establish that.
It was kind of wierd seeing all those briefcases in the game, though they
didn't have the sign on it that g'mans briefcase does, but i kind of thought
they had some ammo in them and gravity gunned them to me, but nope.
shuin4 said:
Why does everyone obsess over his briefcase? I was under the assumption he has the image of a basic businessman because that's how he figured most humans look so he could fit in. The briefcase is also part of the disguise, and since the only things in his briefcase were just pencils, papers, and a laptop; it just proves the briefcase has no meaning other than to further have the "hay guys im businessman" disguise.

You're wrong, in fact the real gman IS IN the briefcase, all the rest is only a puppet for the disguise!:rolling:

For a very small ET, it's very usefull to be able to be transported with his whole planet and sometimes whole galaxy in a briefcase. In fact the complete universe of the Gman lives in his briefcase.
The Monkey said:
:O wtf? To me, it was just audio, no video. Sounds of Vortiguans and then G-man saying "We'll see about that!" The first thing I saw was dog digging me out!

I had the same problem with Half Life 2.

I fixed the problem by upgrading my video card drivers.
Reginald said:
He was only in the opening scene.

There are however two or three Advisor sightings that I counted. Not including the obvious ones.

No Gman, but I too saw the advisors.

I wonder if Gman is a form of the advisors, meaning Gman is up to no good.
The first thing that came to mind when I saw the blue Vortigaunts surrounding Gman is that both the Vorts and the resistance needed Gordon to defeat the Combine and wouldn't let Gman possibly send him somewhere else.
Samon said:
They removed G-man sightings because he's no longer subtely guiding you. He's lost control - and the lack of G-man sightings helps establish that.

well,so did the G-man loose all interest in Gordon as well?
One example, when you enter the room right before the train station, kleiner is on the small tv, which flashes to an advisor for a sec or two, an alarm sounds, then the screen goes to a "screensaver" type combine image.
Lemonking said:
well,so did the G-man loose all interest in Gordon as well?

He's hardly lost interest. He knows of Gordons abilties and seeks to utilize them.
Mayby not a gman sigthning but.. Spawn him on the train in the end, when you have ride a bit, it flashes, and he disappears! : O
gusIII said:
Mayby not a gman sigthning but.. Spawn him on the train in the end, when you have ride a bit, it flashes, and he disappears! : O
That'll be because the flash blinds you to the fact that you are instantaneously transported to another train in another area of the map, probably in order to allow for some background or surroundings change..

edit: Valve may explain it in the commentary mode. They certainly talk about the earlier (combine) train scene being made of 3 seperate trains.
When the Citadel was exploding, I turned around and thought I saw the G-Man in the window of the train for a split second. That scared the hell out of me. Then I turned around and discovered that it was my dad standing behind my chair. I must have saw his reflection in the monitor briefly. Kind of spooky actually. He looks nothing like the G-Man.

Anyways, I haven't seen the G-Man at any point in the game outside of the intro. As for the Advisors, I think you can see one in every level.