No HL2 For College Students?

§amW said:
if your port 80 is blocked you wouldn't be looking at this
port 80 is the standard port to deliver html.

So I don't need HTTP tunnel if it's already open? (and by your statement, it is due to me being able to read this)
Murray_H said:
So I don't need HTTP tunnel if it's already open? (and by your statement, it is due to me being able to read this)

u still do need HTTP Tunnel program to use Steam because Steam normally does not use port 80 (port 80 is for html.. as someone pointed out) but this program will allow Steam to use port 80 so the activation can be done..

at least thats my understanding of whats been said in the thread so far.
Dr. Freeman said:
u still do need HTTP Tunnel program to use Steam because Steam normally does not use port 80 (port 80 is for html.. as someone pointed out) but this program will allow Steam to use port 80 so the activation can be done..

at least thats my understanding of whats been said in the thread so far.

Ball hocks, I think the url for http tunnel is blocked for a reason by my uni :(
Murray_H said:
Ball hocks, I think the url for http tunnel is blocked for a reason by my uni :(

well if thats what u think then theres nothing u can do besides wait til u get home or hope that Valve can do something about the situation.

good luck.
I`m on a college network like that and I felt the pain of many hours suffereing trying to get around it. I did eventually figure out a way in getting one of those crappy AOL free discs installing, activating, and then playing HL2 in offline mode. That is what I would recommend anyone else with this problem to do.
Hmm i downloaded it from another site, i am going to try it :o

Just use the auto-detect for config settings?

It's funny, a bit torrent site thingy (is starred out by this site) isn't banned but http tunnel is :/
The whole Steam-shit sucks totaly.

Is it realy that hard to set up a phone-activation like it is possible with Windows XP for example?
burzum said:
The whole Steam-shit sucks totaly.

Is it realy that hard to set up a phone-activation like it is possible with Windows XP for example?

That would make Steam pointless...
Even software pirates would be pissed... it would make it soooo easy to crack, that it wouldn't even be funny...
Tried it, it's not letting it auto detect settings/config using proxy only, no firewall.

The little web page thing in the bottom of it shows the same message (of the http tunnel site being blocked) whenever I try to config it :(
It may be worth while trying to get to that tunnel site using its ip address, if one of the words in the url is being filtered out by the firewall its won't get through.

Try typing in this ip address in the address bar of IE

No idea if it will connect but its worth a go.
da5park said:
It may be worth while trying to get to that tunnel site using its ip address, if one of the words in the url is being filtered out by the firewall its won't get through.

Try typing in this ip address in the address bar of IE

No idea if it will connect but its worth a go.

Cheers for that, but still no go :(

Thanks for all the help, but I think I'm just going to have to sit it out
If the Uni. is set-up behind a Cisco Pix, and they have Full State Packet Inspection turned on for port 80, then the tunnel might not work. The way FS packet inspection is supposed to work is it will allow only http traffic, if it sees other types of traffic on port 80, like, say a steam authentication, it will block it. Most Uni. lans though probably don't have a setup like this though ... as it would mean a staff actually knowing how to work it ... which sad to say, most Uni. lans do not have.

That was a great idea though ... nothing like a little redirection to get around all the security :E
I'm at college right now at santa clara university and I authenticated with no problem. I can't play any games online though.
I can activate and play HL2 and Im at college. All I cant do is play any steam multiplayer games so no cs source cs dod etc
Yeah I am also in an uni lan and i cannot play css either( it freezes in the proces of connecting to a server ;( ;( ). I have allready tried tunneling but it didnot work for me :angry: .

I will phone the LAN administration tomorrow and tell them to open these ****ing ports :)
weird... I dont seem to have any problems here... (KU :bounce: :bounce: ) Just goes to show everyones network is different.
Murray_H said:
Cheers for that, but still no go :(

Thanks for all the help, but I think I'm just going to have to sit it out

Murray I know you found a mirror but when you desperately need to get around college internet blocks use the magic tool of translate go to click translate and if the site is in English for instance make it translate say to Japanese back to English, its doesn't pick it up.
way to go valve, i guess students will have doom3 lan parties instead! OWNED!

Unless you don't have a phone line in your dorm/whatever all you need to do is get the netzero free dial-up. they only give you 10 hours a month but that is plenty to activate the game and then when you are done then you can just cancel the account. problem solved.
chimpmunk said:
way to go valve, i guess students will have doom3 lan parties instead! OWNED!

Yeah... owned because HL2 kicks ass and Doom3 merely licks ass.

Anyway... I'm confused eith this bunch of overreaction about steam. Let's see. Steam has been around for quite a while... The internet access isssue not only for any who wants to play HL2 but for any who wants to play online CS:S, CS, DoD... and so on. ¿Why this kind of protests now?
kill9cowboy said:
If the Uni. is set-up behind a Cisco Pix, and they have Full State Packet Inspection turned on for port 80, then the tunnel might not work. The way FS packet inspection is supposed to work is it will allow only http traffic, if it sees other types of traffic on port 80, like, say a steam authentication, it will block it. Most Uni. lans though probably don't have a setup like this though ... as it would mean a staff actually knowing how to work it ... which sad to say, most Uni. lans do not have.

That was a great idea though ... nothing like a little redirection to get around all the security :E

You must not understand how either http tunneling works, or a university lan works. First of all you do understand what a university network is. Its millions of dollars worth of equipment and cables running to thousands of machines. Its not just a big router and a bunch of cables. It takes many people to keep it running, and people that will know far most than Cisco Pix. From the knowledge you gave to all of us in the rest of your post, you do not qualify to be using this software either.

If http tunneling just threw packets from one port to another you would be going through an assload of work to do it, because this can be acomplished with some simple socks work. HTTP tunneling takes packet and puts in into an HTTP packet so it can legally transfer past a packet shaper, to a proxy server that will the transmit the packet as normal.

And for anybody else posting here I have a couple things to say. I would assume that not many universities are specifically blocking Steam. Rather than blacklisting a few things they whitelist what they do want through, which is why many people can't get to Steam. Games falls very low on a priority list for a university networks. Second of all, registering a dialup account is hardely the solution I would look for if I couldn't connect to Steam. I'm not registering a dialup account I will forget to cancel and get charged for (not to mention buying a modem that most nobody I know has), or using my cell phone with some crazy ass cord I have to buy, or even figuring out how the nazi phone system works to dial out of university. If I knew I couldn't connect I would say **** Valve and pirate their game. If they want to block me from playing the game legally, they aren't getting my money.
What's the deal with Valve? I would understand them if it was before the game was cracked but my loyel intel told me yesturday that the game is finaly cracked =/
MrFlump said:
There is a workaround, i posted on the steam forums months ago which uses HTTP Tunnel and SocksCAP to enable activating via port 80. Since thats not blocked at universities, it will allow those able to access it. I can't get onto the steam forums at the moment to actually link to it but its relatively simple.

Download HTTP-Tunnel from install that and connect. Download Socks-CAP from and then configure sockscap to use as your proxy server. You then add Steam in as a program and launch Steam from within Sockscap. This tunnels all the traffic through port 80 (open by HTTP-Tunnel)

Simple. Get connected that way. It was tested ages ago on the Steam forums and people were connecting to Steam and downloading updates as well with it. Once they decide to take the forums back to life, i'll properly link to it.

YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! Thank you sooooo much! Now I can finally play HL2
:cheers: :thumbs:
Please explain how to configure sockscap! i have this CC Proxy thing but don't know what to do with it
Murray_H said:
Tried it, it's not letting it auto detect settings/config using proxy only, no firewall.

The little web page thing in the bottom of it shows the same message (of the http tunnel site being blocked) whenever I try to config it :(
I do know that some universities have got wind that people are using HTTP-Tunnel to forward traffic through port 80 and have blocked access to the Tunnel IP addresses so that you can't even connect to the tunnel even if you have the software installed.

In those situations, you could ask your network administrator to temporarily open the ports to enable Steam. You'd be surprised what can be achieved if you ask them for it. If its only for 5 minutes to authenticate and its direct to your computer, i don't see the problem. I can understand if they wanted to block playing online games and P2P applications, but blocking you from authenticating a game is just shitty especially if you ask them nicely.
Rupertvdb said:
Please explain how to configure sockscap! i have this CC Proxy thing but don't know what to do with it
When you first start SocksCAP it should pop up the Settings window.

Change the SOCKS Server to and keep the port as 1080

This should start the application. From there, click on New and add in a link to the Steam.exe file.

Once you've done that, double click on the Steam entry in the window and there you go!

Make sure you've connected to the HTTP-Tunnel first :)

Also, make sure that you've downloaded SocksCAP32 from the site I linked to (and the right version). I don't know how to configure CC Proxy but if you have a proxy server running already, you will most likely need to disable it first before running SocksCAP.
portforwarding, porttunneling is what u need to do...this has been solved on the steampowered forums. but unfortunately until the forums come back on I cant post the link :(
My school is nice enough that they don't use their packet shaper....usually. They turn it on from time to time when their is a network shortage and need to make more room for academic uses. At those time I lose all gaming and people up and down the halls are screaming about thier lost downloads (p2p). Their are many ways aroud this for college students...I mean come on, you have to know someone that lives off campus.
Oh yah I already knew this... I don't blame Valve for it. It's the retarted Admins who think that the game ports will bring in viruses. I'm sure. I know on my campus they just don't approve of spending time playing video games, I think most of it's just bs cause they don't want to deal with it. So now I'm not able to play because I'm spending $16,000 a year on my education. I really am beginning to dislike university policies.
Yeah, Universities should not block gaming ports, ever. Some people actually do have some hobbies at uni besides drinking :stare:
I'm at the University of York, and I found that, although HTTP-Tunnel (or most other proxies) didnt work through the network, proxy software that uses its own servers (eg. Hopster and Your-Freedom) did work. I figured all this out a few days before the release of HL² so everything would go smoothly on the day ;)

I'd recommend your-freedom over Hopster at the moment since your-freedom is still free as it is in the beta stages. You can use Hopster for free, but you only have a 2kbps connection and it is full of adverts and crap.

Hope this helps some people who've been unsuccessful with other proxies.

Please note, that for most universities, this will be breaking the terms and conditions of your connection to the network. You use the above suggestions at your own risk.
drschiebel said:
You must not understand how either http tunneling works, or a university lan works.

I've never used http tunneling, so yup, you are right about that. If it encapsulates the data in HTTP packets, then fine, it will get past a full state packet inspection. I was just saying that simple redirecting will not get through a pix if it has packet inspection turned on (which is true). And I do know how alot of Uni. lans run, I have worked on many of them (when did I say a UNI. Lan was just a few routers and a bunch of cables?). All I said was a simple re-direct would'nt work. I said that tunneling 'might not' work. (re-read my post, it was very short and simple) I like how you made your first post a flame against me, when I was just trying to help out, and give some input. I'm not going to get into an arguement on what software I am 'qualified to run' or not, I know what I can do, I probably do things at work all day that is way over your head. Anyways, point taken about the http tunneling ... I just don't see how you could get angry about a simple comment. You must have some serious emotional issues.
noone is thinking of the poor people who bought the game, and have no internet access. this is really the suck, im glad its cracked, so that way people can play regardless of steams screw ups if they bought the game
The sockscap programme doesn't work! I download it but it says something about msdos before making me close it.
polyguns said:
noone is thinking of the poor people who bought the game, and have no internet access. this is really the suck, im glad its cracked, so that way people can play regardless of steams screw ups if they bought the game
Steam isn't screwing things up, it's just the way activasion gies. I'm glad they did so, as a anti-piracy regulation!
Once you register your copy online or download it from steam, you do not need to be online to play.

I have my copy through steam. There is an option to load Steam offline.

You can then load up HL2 and play.

Obviously you cannot play CS:Source offline though.
i just talked to the official support on the phone, and they have told me that there is a patch coming out in a few days to enable single-player offline :D
btw. you can also get someone else to register your key for you (someone you trust), get them to log in, and then send you their clientregistry.blob file. Then you can play in offline mode.
At saint joe's we can acess it np... not that anyone cares. I just wanted to feel included
I'm here at Pitt State in KS. MY college lan sux ass w/ multiplayer, but steam works great now w/ service pack 2. I had no trouble unlocking on tuesday morning. Took about 10 minutes. I guess they dont care that much about us gamers here. We had a dedicated server hooked up for the entire school, the big tech guys came down like a week l8r and asked how we were hogging so much bandwidth. Made us shut it down. But we lan now so it probably takes the same amout.