No HL2 For College Students?


Ok college students should be studying.... true. The ones that posted this are either in High School or out of college and hopefully have jobs. So high schoolers F U you will be here one day, so enjoy your time at home with mommy and daddy. And for the people out of college, you should probably be working :P . So stick up for college students you jerks.
malcs said:
i just talked to the official support on the phone, and they have told me that there is a patch coming out in a few days to enable single-player offline :D

yea right, I wish.

Mitch, are you sure about that? Otherwise I could install and validate at work and then take the client file home.
It should work no problem yeah. your clientregistry.blob is the file that stores all your login information including games you own etc. As long as you have HL² fully installed then it should work. I've read posts on the Steam forums confirming this too.
But it seems that there are other files that are not installed from the cd, that must be dled from steam during activation of your cd key. I'll try to go find this on the steam forums, but I was sure that something had to be decrypted or dled during activation.

edit: nm, the steam forums are down...
MrFlump said:
When you first start SocksCAP it should pop up the Settings window.

Change the SOCKS Server to and keep the port as 1080

This should start the application. From there, click on New and add in a link to the Steam.exe file.

Once you've done that, double click on the Steam entry in the window and there you go!

Make sure you've connected to the HTTP-Tunnel first :)

Also, make sure that you've downloaded SocksCAP32 from the site I linked to (and the right version). I don't know how to configure CC Proxy but if you have a proxy server running already, you will most likely need to disable it first before running SocksCAP.

I did what you said and it worked great. I can log into Steam and I was able to update and everything. But now the problem is that I can't see any servers. It keeps giving me the "cannot connect to master server list" error. Do you think this is related to the change in ports?
No, you can't play online games using the HTTP tunnel. It doesn't support UDP tunneling. Besides, this solution was only to activate HL2 :)
Blocking because you dont want users to play online games is one thing, but this is prohibiting the students from playing the single player game on their own computers
hmmm.. for some reason, when i try to start steam using sockscap, all it does is go up to 27% then stop, then restart...